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3dmax bilen karakter modelist plx

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Mesaj tarihi:
ya bizim aslında kullandığımz free art var şuan. fakat 8 yöne bakıyor karakter. bize 16'lısı lazım. yapan adama mail attım onu halledebilirsiniz blender'da dedi. yani onu editleyebilicek biri de olur.

It is possible to generate 16 directions from the Blender files. The character .blend files have a Python script embedded that rotates the scene 45 degrees and repeats 8 times. Changing the parameters there to 22.5 degrees and 16 times would give the result you want.

Note that the old script uses Blender 2.49. I have an updated script (see the Wyvern model) for 2.5+, but for those old models it's probably easy to use Blender 2.49 to create the images.

It's a lot of work. I don't plan to do this myself because I do not have the time to devote. If you are interested in trying it, feel free to contact me if you get stuck on some detail.

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