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Servers are busy

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Error 37
We're aware that many players are receiving "Error 37" when logging into the game. This error indicates that the authentication service (the step that verifies your username and password, and checks to see that you've agreed to the Terms of Use) for Diablo III is experiencing is a high volume of traffic and cannot immediately process your login attempt. We're working to reduce the frequency at which players are prompted with this error message and ensure that everyone can log in and play as quickly as possible.

Auction Items
We're also continuing to investigate latency affecting search results, active auction lists, posting auctions, and successful sales and purchases on the gold auction house, and hope to have all transactions running smoothly as soon as possible. Please note that while these issues may cause a temporary delay in having purchased items appear in your Completed tab, your items have not been lost. If you do not see your purchased items immediately, please wait and try again later. This also applies if you are experiencing difficulty transferring gold from your Completed tab to your character’s stash. Though your sales and purchases may not appear in your auction log, those transactions have still been recorded and should process within 24 hours.
Mesaj tarihi:
sunthewhich said:

LANNNNN tam rare item'i yerden alırken server patladı PFF

Aynısı oldu, abv Blizzard, combat bitince attı. Gerçi ortasında hc karakteri atsaydı, girdiğimde ölmüş falan XD.
Mesaj tarihi:
tam ahden item aldım stashe yolladım outage olduk dedi şutladı
zaten bi acaipti whispler gitmiyor leave game/resume ederken 1dk freeze yiyosun falan düzeltsinlerde adam gibi girelim
Mesaj tarihi:
Pascha said:

8 den beri deniyorum password hatalı dedi megerse yanlıs passwordu yapıstırıp duruyormjusum gg

oyun ekranında c/p yapınca yanlış algılıyo. mozillada chrome da felan ordan kopyala öle yapıştır.
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