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DDO oynamışlığım varda tanımıyorum. Kınayt falanda oynamadım hayatımda 2003te swg oynuyordum wowa başladığımda daha EU serverları yoktu. Ne anlatıosun sen anlamadım yani nası bi triplerdesin neyse takıl >:D<
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Mesaj tarihi:
forumlarda aylardır varda şuraya da koyayım yeni üyeler geliyor buradan da okusunlar. hem de bump olur ;)

iç tüzük taslağı

The Corellian Security Force, CorSec, is the primary law enforcement agency on Corellia. Our priority is PVP but we will also be very active in the end game content and we will organise Roleplaying events within our guild. Our region is Europe.

Administration of the CorSec:

As a truly Corellian guild we are democratic and we hate despotism. Therefore in CorSec, the voice of the guild's leader carries not much weight. There will be a council with representives of all the classes. We will decide the fate and future of the CorSec together. Member applications, raid destinations and time, our goals and missions will all be decided by CorSec Council and every members' opinion will be heard.

So the ranks will be as followed:
-The Council Members (Representives of each class and the guild founder)
-The Chiefs (Experienced members of each class)
-The Members (Proud members of the CorSec)
-The Newbies (Newbies in training at the CorSec Academy)

Council of the CorSec:

The council will consist of 5 person. Representive of the Jedi Knights, Representive of the Jedi Consulars, Representive of the Smugglers, Representive of the Troopers and the guild founder. The representives will be elected by the votes of their represented class members. This elections will take place once every month so a council member must work and help his or her class mates in order to get elected once more.

Focus and Goals of the CorSec:

Our focus is on PVP. We will chase glory and victory in the warzones. Imperials will fear us and the CorSec will be their nightmare. We will protect Corellia against corruption, invasion, dark side, enemy and the evil. Roleplaying wouldn't be the main aspect of the CorSec but there will be roleplaying events, gatherings and moments. Our goal is to become a powerfull and respected PVP guild with a democratic administration. And to have fun of course.

The CorSec Academy:

The Corellian Security Force Academy, often called just CorSec Academy, is the training facility for new recruits to the Corellian Security Force. In the academy the newbies will be trained into seasoned pvpers. There will be one Chief for every class. The Chiefs are experienced players selected to help the new comers and guide them. The Chiefs will be selected by polls anc by the CorSec Council. There will be some quests the Chiefs will give the new members to complete and to prove themselves worthy of joining the CorSec.

Warzone and Raids and Raid Times of the CorSec:

Mostly we will be active in evenings but all the scheduled raids will be decided by polls and by the council. Warzones are going to be our area of expertise since we are PVP guild. But we will also PVE and gather the best gear to be better at PVP. We will use Ventrilo once the game launched.

Rules of the CorSec:

~ Be respectfull and fair to your guildmates.
~ Be active as much as you could and speak your mind on guild matters.
~ Be responsible.

If you want to be a part of Corellia's finest, democratic and powerfull elit force then join us.

Join us and we will save the galaxy together as brothers and sisters in arms.

For the Republic, For Corellia and For Freedom!

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