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Update Issue 2: A Shadow Of The Past Preview - BUGÜN!!!

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
A Shadow of the Past

2 New Zones:

The Hollows A subterranean realm beneath the city holds dangers beyond imagining and a gateway of almost limitless power.

The Shadow Shard This deadly dimension is a mystery badly in need of solving, but at what cost?

New Villain Groups:

Rularuu Battle massive Brutes and fearsome Sentries in your efforts to learn about the Shadow Shard.
Igneous Face deadly Pumicites and molten Magmites in the Hollows.


Terra Volta In the devastation following the Rikti War, the Terra Volta reactor is Paragon City sole source of power. Unfortunately, the villains know this all too well.
Eden - Battle the Devouring Earth and free captured heroes before they become the Devoured.
Cavern of Transcendence Discover what lies at the core of The Hollows.

Mission Enhancements:

New custom mission artwork See the marks the many strange villain groups have left upon their surroundings.
New mission gameplay features Smash stolen weapons to smithereens. Use teamwork to bypass Crey security protocols. Seek the key to the Outcasts inner sanctum but watch out for the wandering patrols!


Power Re-specification The Terra Volta reactor has been running beyond full capacity for quite some time. Heroes who venture within it may experience untold side-effects.
Capes at level 20 Only those heroes who prove themselves worthy may wear this symbol of heroic might.
Effects at level 30 New visual effects add a whole new dimension to your character.
Badges Explore Paragon City and achieve badges to proudly display your accomplishments to other heroes.

Many Quality of Life issues, including:

Sidekick system Sidekicking is now easier and more convenient than ever.
Enhancement Inventory View, remove and trade enhancements more easily.
Give Trade Inspirations or Enhancements quickly and easily even during combat!
Looking For Groups across zones Put together a crack team on the fly.
TeleportationResurrection confirmation Confirmation windows put the power in your hands.
Email Notification In game alert when you receive email.
Change Team Leader Change your leader after team formation.


[Bu mesaj CorteZ tarafından 27 Temmuz 2004 04:39 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:

Hayırlı uğurlu olsun, herkesin merakla beklediği pelerinler L20'de alınabilecek. :-)

Ben en çok visual effects'i merak ediyorum.

Release: September/October 2004 gözüküyor.

Ama şu çok hoş olmuş:

[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Mesaj tarihi:
abi sitesine baktım bu pelerine e hayran kaldım hernekadar arkada başka bir ülkenin bayrağı olsada citten harika ya o cape höbürüst kal geldi çakıldım böle[signature][hline]_o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_
./ ./ ../ ./ ./
Soldan Sağa:Paskal,Koraks,Tora Llama ve Erutan,Paticiğin Resmi,Tescilli Halaycıları
Koc asker yolla bana pls
  • 1 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Test serverdayım, yapılan değişiklikler inanılmaz.

Fırsat bulunca buraya yazacağım. Gerçekten istenilen bir çok şey değiştirilmiş, düzeltilmiş.

Hele şu pelerini aliim, SS koyucam buraya. :D[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose
Mesaj tarihi:
Nihayi update listesi:

[i]· 6 New City Zones:

o The Hollows: The Trolls have expanded their territory at the expense of the
citizens of Eastgate. A once peaceful district has been turned into a battleground, and the Paragon City Police Task Force is in need of help.

o Tunnels of the Trolls: In an ancient realm beneath the city, creatures from the depths of the Earth guard a gateway of almost limitless power.

o Four new zones in an alternate dimension known as the Shadow Shard:

§ Firebase Zulu: This military base provides a safe place for heroes to begin their sojourn into the dangerous Shadow Shard.

§ The Cascades: Strange vegetation and stern guardians fill this mind bending area.

§ The Chantry: This fortress under siege is home to a mysterious being who could be a fearsome foe or a powerful ally.

§ Storm Palace: An area of chaotic power, this zone holds many hazards for determined heroes.

· New Villain Groups:

o Rularuu: Battle massive Brutes and fearsome Sentries in your efforts to learn about the Shadow Shard.

o Igneous: Face deadly Pumicites and molten Magmites in the Hollows.

· Trials:

o Terror Volta: In the devastation following the Rikti War, the Terra Volta reactor is Paragon City's sole source of power. Unfortunately, the villains know this all too well.

o Prisoners of Eden: Battle the Devouring Earth and free captured heroes before they become the Devoured.

o Transcendent Gateway: Discover what lies at the core of The Hollows.

· Mission Enhancements:

o Many missions across all levels have been revamped with the latest features of the game. See the marks many strange villain groups have left upon their surroundings. Smash stolen weapons to smithereens. Use teamwork to bypass Crey's security protocols. Seek the key to the Outcasts' inner sanctum: but watch out for the wandering patrols!

· Badges:

o Earn badges by visiting locations, learning Paragon City's history, reaching
certain milestones, or completing certain missions. Accolades can be earned by
getting all the badges pertaining to a particular "set." There are over 150
different badges in all.

· Costume Rewards:

o Capes: Starting at level 20, characters can earn the right to wear a cape. Visit the City Representative in City Hall once you get to level 20 to start your quest.

o Effects: Starting at level 30, characters can earn the right to add constant
special effects to their character's costumes.

· Power Re-specification:

o The Terra Volta reactor has been running beyond full capacity for quite some
time. Heroes who venture within it may experience untold side-effects.

· Exemplar/Aspirants:

o Higher level characters can now help out their lower-level friends easier than ever with this "reverse Sidekicking" feature. Exemplars artificially lower their level to that of the Aspirant. Exemplars will lose access to powers gained after the level they have been lowered to, and their Enhancements will have an appropriate reduction in effectiveness as well. Exemplars do not receive Influence, but 100% of XP received while acting as an Exemplar will go towards debt reduction. If there is no more debt to get rid of then XP will be earned as Influence instead.

· Stores:

o Made it possible for you to buy level 40 Magic Enhancements from Ghost Falcon.

· Many "Quality of Life" Features:

o The Tutorial is now optional for all players.

o Kiosks are now functional, and track the Victors, Punishers, Healers, and Nemeses on a daily and monthly basis.

o The current team leader can switch the lead to another player with the /makeleader command.

o Sidekicking now requires both the Sidekick and Mentor to be on the same team.

o Sidekicking is no longer persistent (ends when one player logs off).

o Enhancements have a new window where they can be easily traded or deleted.

o Using the "Search" feature, you can now look for prospective team members across zones, sorted by Archetypes and Levels.

o Quick Trade. You can now quickly give an Inspiration or Enhancement to a team-mate or other player. Right click on the item you wish to trade and select Give.

o Teleportation Confirmation. You can optionally set up a prompt to appear when
someone wants to teleport you.

o Resurrection Confirmation. Whenever you are rezzed you will be prompted to accept or decline the Resurrection.

o When you have email in your inbox, the email button will turn red.

o The keybinding page has loads more options for things to bind.

o Stay off people's Friends lists (and Supergroup rosters) with the /hide and
/unhide commands.

o The Supergroup Message of the Day (MotD) will now display to all members of the Supergroup upon login.

o You can now look at your own Name and Titles by changing the option in the Options screen under General->Reticle->OwnerName

o Many continuing sound effects now fade.

o The Chat UI and windows
Mesaj tarihi:

Sonunda!!! :

Yeni arama ekranı:

Daha bir çok yeni şey var, fırsat buldukça buraya aktaracağım.[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose

Mesaj tarihi:
[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose
Mesaj tarihi:

Süpermen hesabı: :-P

[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose

Mesaj tarihi:
pelerin süper olmuş bu arada, bide o süpermen resminde bir sonraki kare köprü ile bütünleşmiş olacak herhalde, paragon times ta haber yeni pelerinini denemek için çılgınca uçan bir hero kendini köprü ile bütünleşmiş şekilde buldu olaydan sonra köprü tamamen tahrip oldu, hero ise büyük hızla uzaklaştı lol
ben peker parkegiyer falan

şaka maka yeni update bence çok güzel şeyler getiriyor, özellikle ben katana süper refleks olduğum için katanaya yeni animasyonlar gelmiş arti s.r. in en sonuncusu olan elude da artık attack edebilecekmişiz süper bir lay bence

bu arada noyan artık benim defe yardım edebilmen için little santa ile girmene de gerek olmıyacak çünkü sk yanında artık lvl 30 bir adam lvl 15 olabilecek sadece influence alacak ama olsun yinede bence çok iyi olmuş

sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz patchi,
bu arada devvo yada teşekkür ederim bizi bilgilendirdği için[signature][hline]try not.
or do not.
there is no try.

[Bu mesaj Jo_jixu tarafından 03 Eylül 2004 14:57 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
test serverina girmeyi denedim de beceremedimm ..
ya da hic kasmiyim en isiiii gelince gormek :) hem vakit harcamiyim ..
patchler gelene kadar lvl 30 olmak lazm :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Ben en çok hero search'ü beğendim. Çok saçmaydı şimdiki yöntem - kent kent gezip arıyorduk mission içinde arama yapamıyorduk. Bu gerekliydi - çok daha süratli team oluşturulabilecek artık.

Teşekkürler bilgiler için...
Mesaj tarihi:
Evet hero aramak için bölgeden bölgeye geçmek gerekiyodu. Dediğin gibi Sostizm, artık gruplar daha hızlı kurulacak.

Hoş bizim grubumuz artık fix oldu ama neyse. :-P[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose
Mesaj tarihi:
sirplaya-, 03 Eylül 2004 16:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
Benim tur char'larim cuce pelerini giyersem yerlerde surunur euhe Devvo turucaksan bende alayim bi tane :)

Pelerinler iki cins, bir uzun, bir kısa. Boy konusunda problem olmaz.

Jo_jixu, 03 Eylül 2004 16:55 tarihinde demiş ki:
grubumuz fix oldu buna yabancılarda dahil mi, çünkü en kısa zamanda 1 def ve 1 tanker daha lazım

Defender diil de healer ımız var, İsetra Ve Silezya. Tanker da Sirplaya ve Gülay'ın tanker charları. Grup ok yani.[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose
Mesaj tarihi:
razean ve noyan bir tane baloncuyu rehin aldılar zaten, bakarsınız bir kaç gün içinde adamı türk yaparlar :P[signature][hline]try not.
or do not.
there is no try.
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