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Sphere 55r Serisi

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Aşağıdaki açıklamadan anladığım kadarıyla sphere 55iR revision serisi üzerinde anlaşma sağlanmış, önümüzdeki hafta ortasında tüm detaylar halledilip çalışmaya başlanacakmış.
Bekleyenlerine duyurulur :)
Ah bir de linki tabii :P
Hello all,

On behalf of the 55R Development Team, I'd like to inform everyone who has been following the progress of the Agreement, that an initial agreement
has been made in principle. Damian will now put together the final agreement
for us to authorise.

Speaking for all of the 55R Team, we are very happy with the outcome of
this Agreement, and got a lot more than we were expecting to.

Damian has been very professional over the previous weeks and we have
worked well together in creating this 'co-existence' between ourselves.

We'd like also to thank the Community for staying with us during this dubious time
and would like you to reassure you that once the agreement has been finilised, you can expect many more updates from us.

Damian hopes to have to final agreement done by mid-next week.
and then it will be posted for all to see.

Again, thankyou for your support!


SphereEvo Team

[Bu mesaj SimSeK tarafından 10 Eylül 2004 11:13 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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