kermit Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 galiba bu adam erik manyagi bugun 10 kilo erik alindi adama siyah olanindan.
pogodi Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 girişteki ablalar çok güzeldi. tek yorumum bu. değil. beynim ve belim çok acıyor ama feda olsun jay kay'ime. çok eğlendim, çokzeldi.
tunch Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 konser boyunca kendi sesini ayarlatmaya çalıştı , ses ayarı tam olmadan konser bitti. izlediğim video/dvd kayıtlarına göre %10 performans gösterdi. tabii bunda odun seyircinin katkısını da unutmamak lazım yine de kanlı canlı love foolosophy + little l dinlemek hepsine değdi , ama artık türkiyede kimse ben konsere götüremez para verdirerek 500 tlye uçak bileti + festival bileti alabiliyoken turlar ile , 100 tl 1.5 saatlik kötü bi konser için hiç değmiyor.
senko Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 adam daha adini soyleyemiyor, nerde kaldi sesini ayarlamak.,,
Vingthor Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 guzel konserdi bence. Ortalardaydim seste gayet iyiydi. Kurucesmede ole bi problem var malesef ondeysen bisey duyamazsin.
napae Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 Ben eğlendim baya galiba. Benim de belim ağrıyo sfds. Virtual Insanity çalmadı ama üzüldüm.
ZaugnaKhaldun Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 fena değildi bence, ses biraz problem oldu evet; gerisinde kaldı genelde orkestranın. daha önceki setlistlerden gördüğüm kadarıyla virtual insanity çalmıyorlardı; çalmayacaklarını tahmin ediyordum ama üzüldüm yine de.
Sereglin Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2011 those bass lines. yine de iyiydi ya ama cok daha iyi olabilirdi evet.
pogodi Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2011 bu kadar kalabalık olduğunu bilmiyodum sdf.
Ramocan Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2011 Tour manager ve band mükemmeldi, seste biraz sıkıntı yaşandı kulis'i ben yaptığım için herhangi bir sorun yaşanmadı: İşte kulis Riderı... said: All food should be prepared and presented in an appropriate manner, preferably by people who are experienced in the world of “rock & roll” catering. All food should be served “on-site” in a specifically designated dining area that is only accessible toJamiroquai touring personnel. Vegetarian, Fish and wheat free/ GLUTEN FREE options must always be available for 1-2 people for breakfast and lunch and 4-5 people for dinner. Fish and Chicken dishes are always preferred for non-vegetarians. Tea, coffee and mineral water and assorted soft drinks should be available to Jamiroquai crew at all times starting from load in and continuing until after load out. Breakfast For 10 hungry crew persons. To include a varied selection of fruits (washed, un-peeled and uncut) fruit juices, yoghurt, cereals, eggs, bacon, toast, bread, pastries etc. Lunch For 10 hungry crew persons. Menu to be advanced to Jamioroquai production Dinner A hot, three course meal to include a meat option, fish option and a vegetarian option, to be provided at the venue for all members of the Tour Party. This meal should be served at the venue. The exact menu, timing and location for this meal will be discussed and agreed with the Artist tour manager orJamiroquai production. After-show A selection of simple “take-away” hot food and/or cold food should be available to be placed in JK dressing room and Band dressing room immediately after the show and also for the crew after load out. Please advise in advance the available options to Maria who will choose. OFFICES AND DRESSING ROOMS All Dressing Room food and beverages to be presented in a first class professional manner and to include all required cutlery, glasses, plastic “glasses”, plates, napkins, cool boxes, bottle openers, corkscrew, etc. NO PAPER/PLASTIC CUPS IN DRESSING ROOMS PLEASE. All beverages (except where stated) should be served ICE COLD where appropriate meaning each office and dressing room requires either a small fridge or an appropriate sizede drinks box filled with ice. A supply of clean ice must be available during the day, throughout and after the show for drinks. No substitutions are acceptable for named brands if you are unable to obtain any of the below requested items please advise Maria in advance of showdaythe suggested options. TOUR MANAGEMENT / PRODUCTION OFFICE 1 x Tea & Coffee set-up. Including mugs, spoons sugar and fresh milk. 24 x 33cl bottles Evian (or similar) mineral water 2 large bottles sparkling water – Perrier or similiar 6 x Cans Coca-cola 6 x Cans Diet Coca-Cola 12 x Assorted soft drinks 2 x Bottle best quality white wine- Sancerre or Chablis Premier Cru 1 x Case good quality lager beer 4 x Bottles or cans of Guinness 6 small bottles tonic water 1 litre Bottle Absolute Blue Vodka JAY KAY DRESSING ROOM 2 x 75cl bottles of best quality white wine. Sancerre or Chablis Premier Cru 1 x 1 litre Bottle Absolute Blue Vodka (to be placed in Tour Management Office) 6 x Bottles ofKronenburg 1664 Larger or suitable equivalent. 6 x Cans of Red Bull energy drink 6 x 500ml bottles Gatorade (Lemon flavor only, must be ice cold) 4 x Cans Coca Cola (2x regular + 2x diet) 6 x 500ml bottles still mineral water (at room temperature) 1 x 100 g of Best Caviar Beluga / Oscietra orSevruga – Tin Only, no glass 1 x Jar Natural Organic Clear Honey 2 x Lemons (unpeeled & uncut) plus 1x sharp knife and wooden cutting board 1 x Root Ginger (unpeeled & uncut) 1 x Electric Kettle plus 4 x China Mugs with teaspoons 1 x Tea & Coffee set-up, to include kettle, selection of tea bags (to include green tea, peppermint tea and herbal tea), coffee maker, fresh ground coffee, low-fat milk, sugar, spoons. 1 x Selection of cold meats and cheeses to include a good quality ham, crusty bread, butter, whole tomatoes, 1 x whole cucumber BAND DRESSING ROOM 1 x 1 litre Bottle Absolute Blue Vodka 1 x 1 litre Bottle Jack Daniels 2 x Bottle best quality white wine – Sancerre or Chablis Premier Cru 36 x Bottles of Kronenburg 1664 Larger or suitable equivalent 1 x Litres fresh 100% pure orange juice 1 x Litre fresh 100% pure Apple juice 1 x Litres 100% pure Cranberry juice 12 x Cans of Red Bull energy drink 24 x 500ml bottles still mineral water (at room temperature) 4 x Litre bottles carbonated mineral water 12 x Cans Coca Cola (6x regular + 6x diet) 12 x Cans of mixed soft drinks (Sprite, Fanta, Tango, Ginger Beer etc) 1 x Large assorted selection of Fresh Fruit (washed, unpeeled & uncut) 1 x large platter of assorted ham, salami, cheese and bread 1 x Tea & Coffee set-up, to include kettle, selection of tea bags (to include green tea, peppermint tea and herbal tea), coffee maker, fresh ground coffee, low-fat milk, sugar, spoons, 11 x coffee cups 2 x Bottle of Veuve Clicquot non vintageChampagne. FEMALE DRESSING ROOM 1 x Bottle of Veuve Clicquot non vintageChampagne. 6 x Champagne glasses or suitable equivalent 6 x Small (half 500ml) bottles mineral water (non-carbonated) at room temperature. 1 x Large assorted selection of Fresh Fruit (washed, unpeeled & uncut) 1 x large platter of assorted ham, salami, cheese and bread 1 x Tea set-up, to include kettle, selection of tea bags (to include green tea, peppermint tea and herbal tea) spoons, 3 x China mugs. 2 x Lemons (unpeeled & uncut) plus 1x sharp knife and wooden cutting board 1 x Root Ginger (unpeeled & uncut) 1 x Jar Natural Organic Clear Honey 1 x Litre fresh 100% pure Apple juice STAGE DRINKS THE BELOW MUST BE PREPARED AND PLACED IN THE PRODUCTION OFFICE 2 HOURS BEFORE SHOWTIME 36 x 500ml bottles mineral water (non-carbonated) at room/air temperature STAGE LEFT 1 x Small cool box filled with ice 12 x Small (half pint) bottles mineral water (non-carbonated). 10 x 500ml bottles Gatorade (Assorted Flavours) 2 x Sparkling Water (500ml) 4 x Bottles of Kronenburg 1664 Larger or suitable equivalent FOH POSITION 1 x Small cool box for FOH position containing: 6 x Bottles of Kronenburg 1664 Larger or suitable equivalent, 3 x cans of coca-cola 3 x cans diet coca-cola As soon as possible prior to show please advise the following 1.Lunch menu for 10 persons 2.Dinnermenu 3.Any items you are not able to obtain and suggested alternatives
Deathblade Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2011 Annem demişti zamanında mühendis olup ne yapıcaksın diye. Yukarıya baktımda haklıymış kadın. Edit : Yukarıya derken pati banner'ına yada gökyüzüne bakmıyoruz, hemen bir arka sayfa.
Fistan Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2011 Ramocan said: İşte kulis Riderı... ... ?
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