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Database yardım


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Bu gece 12 ye kadar yapmam gereken kısa bir database ödevim var. bazı noktalarda emin olamadım. yardım edebilecek var mı?

ER diagram çizmem gerekli.

Design a hospital database based on the following requirements. Do not forget to specify the constraints (i.e., key, participation and cardinality constraints).

1- Doctors are identified through their Employee Identification numbers (EID). Each doctor also has a name, a pager number for emergencies and an area of specialty.

2- Each patient has a unique Social Security Number (SSN) along with a name, gender and age.

3- A patient may be treated by several doctors. The treatment records are stored in the database along with the diagnoses. A single doctor may have diagnosed several illnesses of a patient.

4- The hospital is interested in the medications used by a patient. For each medication, its name and the manufacturing pharmaceutical company’s name are stored. You may assume that medication names are unique.

5- Medications are prescribed to patients by doctors. Every prescription contains only one medication and indicates the doctor, patient, and medication’s information along with the date, dosage (e.g., 2 mg.) and duration of usage (e.g., 10 days).

6- If, over time, a doctor is required to prescribe the same medication to the same patient again; the existing prescription will be overwritten. Similarly, if a doctor treats a patient more than once; only the new diagnoses will be kept. Any existing diagnoses will be discarded.

7- Every patient has multiple emergency contact persons. Each contact's name and phone number are recorded. There is no explicit key attribute that uniquely identifies a contact person. Contacts are identified through the patient’s SSN. Distinct contacts of a patient are distinguished by their names.

kafam karıştı biraz. zaman da az kalınca iyice birbirine girdi. burda 4 ve 5. şıktaki medication entity mi yoksa relationship mi?

ayrıca 3. şık da treatment ı ne olarak yazıcam.

baya kolay ödev ama az zaman kaldı. yanlış yapıp yollamak istemiyorum. teşekkürler şimdiden.
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