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map flagları


Öne çıkan mesajlar

region_antimagic_all 00001 // All magic banned here.
region_antimagic_recall_in 00002 // Teleport,recall in to this, and mark
region_antimagic_recall_out 00004 // can't recall out of here.
region_antimagic_gate 00008
region_antimagic_teleport 00010 // Can't teleport into here.
region_antimagic_damage 00020 // just no bad magic here

region_flag_ship 00040 // This is a ship region. ship commands
region_flag_nobuilding 00080 // No building in this area
region_flag_globalname 00100 // Make sure the name is avail globally.
region_flag_announce 00200 // Announce to all who enter.
region_flag_insta_logout 00400 // Instant Log out is allowed here. (hotel)
region_flag_underground 00800 // dungeon type area. (no weather)
region_flag_nodecay 01000 // Things on the ground don't decay here.

region_flag_safe 02000 // This region is safe from all harm.
region_flag_guarded 04000 // try TAG.GUARDOWNER
region_flag_no_pvp 08000 // Players cannot directly harm each other here.[signature][hline]how much longer?
zgrw demiş ki: syntax hatalrı benim hızlı yazmmdan kaynaklanıyor , bide bazen klavyenin tışları basmıyor .
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