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vejeteryan pizza ne lan


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Fistan said:

@idilik; mantıklı bir açıklaman var mı peki et yiyenlerle dalga geçmek konusunda ki önermenin?

illaki dlga geçilecekse dedim. burada vejeteryanlarla dalga geçildiği için böyle bir önermede bulundum. yoksa tabii ki yiyecek seçimleri nedeniyle insanların alay konusu olması, küçük düşürülmeye çalışılması doğru değil. ama benim düşünceme göre vejeteryanlık; güçlü bir irade, doğa bilinci, duyarlılık, vicdan, empati gibi edinilmesi gerçekten zor nitelikleri gerektirdiği için saygıyı hak ediyor bence, ve benim de ulaşmayı gerçekten istediğim bir kişisel ve insani aşama...
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During the biennial study the boys and girls (aged on average seven years of age) were divided into four groups. The children of each group received (on top of their normal daily intake of food) either 60 grams meat, a cup of milk, vegetable oil or no complement.

After the two years, those children, who received extra food, gained 400 grams more than the children without supplement. Boys and girls who got extra milk had upper arm muscles that were enlarged by 40 per cent, those who got extra meat had an enlargement of even 80 per cent.

Those children who had been supplied with meat showed a better performance in intelligence and mathematics tests. “The meat group was on the playground more active, more eloquent and friskier and showed more qualities” reports Allen.

Meat and animal products such as milk contain nutrients, which cannot be supplied via vegan food. The nutrition of Kenyan children consists mainly of corn and beans, which leads to a lack of iron, zinc, calcium and the vitamins A, E, B12.

The result of the study might not please parents who refuse to feed their children meat or animal products, says Allen. “It’s quite evident, that it is not arguable to raise children strictly vegan.


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ya o zaten bas bas bağırılan bir şey. hani küçük yaştaki çocuğunu vegan diyetiyle büyüten anne baba varsa GERİZEKALIDIR. bu kadar basit. atıcan çukura yukardan günde iki fıstıkla besliycen onu.

şimdi akademik makale falan bulmaya kasmayacağım ama lütfen çocuklarınız olursa et, yumurta, peynir yedirmemezlik süt içirmemezlik yapmayın.
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Is a vegan diet healthy for an active, growing child? Absolutely. Children raised on a vegan diet eat more fruits and vegetables than their meat-eating counterparts. They are sick less often, and don't have as many food allergies. Even vegan junk food is healthier than regular junk food, containing fruit juice instead of sugar, and whole wheat flour instead of white flour. Family and friends may worry that your child will be ostracized at school if he brings tofu and sprouts. So send your child to school with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, apple, carrots, and fruit-sweetened cookies and no one will know your child is eating a "special" diet. At birthday parties, find out what the host is serving and drop your child off with the vegan equivalent of those items.

Feeding Vegan Babies

The breast milk of vegan women is refreshingly void of many toxins and pesticides that are found in the breast milk of meat-eating women. This affords a vegan baby an even better chance for short and long term health.

Feeding Vegan Infants

The first foods any child eats are usually mashed fruits, soft veggies, and iron fortified rice cereals. All of these items are vegan so nothing special needs to be said for starting solids. Avoiding cow's milk and eggs are probably good advice for the first year of any child's life anyway. After that, simply give your vegan child samples of food from your own plate and see what she likes.

Feeding Vegan Children

As your child gets older you can incorporate the things most kids enjoy eating. Below are some suggestions for things most vegan children will enjoy and will ensure that he has a well balanced and varied diet:
Spaghetti with tomato sauce
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Chicken-Free nuggets (soy protein nuggets that taste just like breaded chicken)
Baked french fries with ketchup
Burgers, hot dogs and sandwich slices made of tofu and other meat substitutes
Whole wheat bread (3-4 slices each day)
Grilled soy cheese sandwiches
Mashed potatoes
Veggie pizzas with soy cheese
Oatmeal with apples and cinnamon
Pancakes with pure maple syrup
Waffles with fruit
Barley and vegetable soup
Romaine lettuce salad
Vegetables, including green leafy and deep yellow vegetables
Baked potato with broccoli and tofu sour cream (non dairy)
Rice and beans
Vegetable stew
Spinach lasagna
Calcium-fortified orange juice
Calcium-fortified soy milk (3 cups each day).
Iron-fortified cereal with calcium-fortified soy milk
supplements: a vegan multivitamin to provide Vitamin B12 and zinc, and extra iron and calcium

Fruits, cut up into bite sized pieces for children under 4 (4-5 1/2 cup servings with at least 2 servings of citrus fruit or juice each day)
Trail mix
Fresh berries and sorbet (all fruit without sugar)
Fruit smoothies
Vegans can't eat white sugar, and most candy is made with it. But there are some vegan chocolate companies that make some good stuff, and a gummy bear substitute that isn't bad made with fruit juice. Vegan cakes, donuts, cookies, and pies are abundant though.

Is a Vegan Diet During Pregnancy Safe?

During pregnancy it is vital to maintain a healthy diet for the safety of the developing fetus. Pregnant vegans have a tremendous advantage since their diet is naturally high in the vitamins and minerals the baby needs. As long as her diet is varied and incorporates a reliable source of B12, a vegan woman can be reasonably sure she is meeting her daily requirements. A visit to a registered dietician who specializes in vegan diets can help ease her mind if she is unsure of her particular diet. Also read Pregnancy, Children, and the Vegan Diet by Dr. Michael Klaper, the bible for pregnant vegans.
Suggested foods
It is important to eat a varied diet during pregnancy to ensure an adequate supply of many vitamins and minerals. Below is a list of some food choices that are healthy and rich in the nutrients a woman needs during pregnancy. These items are good choices even for non-vegan women.

Whole grain cereal with soy milk
Whole grain pancakes with pure maple syrup
Fruit smoothies
Oatmeal with dried fruit or apples and cinnamon
Whole wheat toast with all fruit preserves
Romaine lettuce salad with chopped vegetables and low fat dressing
Veggie sandwich on whole grain bread with avocado, lettuce, tomato, and onions.
Baked potato with broccoli and tofu sour cream (non dairy)
Falafel sandwich with humus or tahini
Split-pea soup
Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce
Sweet potatoes
Vegetarian pizza with no cheese
Vegetable stir fry with brown rice
Potato-lentil stew
Vegetable stew
Spinach lasagna
popcorn with nutritional yeast
dried fruits
fruit juice with sweetened cookies
trail mix
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bu ne ki şimdi vegancı sitesinden diyetleri kopyala yapıştır yapmışsın direk. hayır uğraşmayacağım yani yapılan deneyler karşılaşılan rahatsızlıklar vs ile ilgili tıbbi yazıları bulmak için.

çocukken yapılan yetersiz beslenmenin en kötü sonuçları uzun zaman sonra ortaya çıkıyor.
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DoruK said:

bu ne ki şimdi vegancı sitesinden diyetleri kopyala yapıştır yapmışsın direk. hayır uğraşmayacağım yani yapılan deneyler karşılaşılan rahatsızlıklar vs ile ilgili tıbbi yazıları bulmak için.

çocukken yapılan yetersiz beslenmenin en kötü sonuçları uzun zaman sonra ortaya çıkıyor.
Tat kebaptan lahmacun menüsü mü copy paste edicektim.Et yemiyerek gerek çocuk gerek yetişkin kimse sağlıksız yetişmez.Her besin değeri ve doğada nerde bulunucağı tek tek belli.Sağlıklı bir vegan diet hazırlamak mümkün ; ama kapitalist hayvan sanayisi o kadar inandırmış ki sizi hayvan eti yemeden sağlıklı olunamıyacağına
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