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Operating systems sinav (linux komutlari falan filan)

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
1- Count how many users are logged in currently. One user counts only once.
2- Count how many users are not using bash as a login shell
3- List all of the users whose login names contain “all” in them.
4- List all the symbolic links’ names in the current directory.
5- Count how many users are celebrating his name day at 6th of December (Santa Claus in Hungarian is Miklos)
6- Remove all files named “Core” and “core” from your home directory.
7- Start the archiving process of your home directory. Suspend the process and put it into the background. How can you get it back to the foreground?
8- Remove the comment from the .bash_rc file and create a new version as .bash_rc.new
9- How can you create a symbolic link?
10- List the content of the actual directory using ctime as sorting key and show only the first four entries.

bunlarla ilgili herhangi bi yardimi dokunana benden sanal durum :D
Mesaj tarihi:
mmm. cok eglenceli.

1- who | cut -d " " -f1 | sort -u | wc -l
who | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u | wc -l
2- cat /etc/passwd | grep -v /bin/bash | wc -l
3- cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f1 | grep all
4- find . -xtype l
5- cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f1 | grep Miklos ( sanirim bunu demeye calismis )
6- find ~ -type f | grep -e "[C|c]ore"
7- tar cfRz archive.tar.gz ~
Suspend icin Ctrl+Z
Foreground a geri getirmek icin fg
8- vi da demeye calismis herhalde ? da sacma bir soru olmus, bunu da yap artik anlatmayayim.
9- ln -s [sourceFile] [symbolicLink]
ln [sourceFile] [hardLink]
ayni zamanda -f parametresi de force icin kullanilabilir.
man ln
10-ls -alt | head n5
Mesaj tarihi:
son hali. ben yatiyim artik 6.5 saat sonra C sinavi sonra Discrete Math 2 sinavi sonrada bu var :P

1) users | wc -l
2) cat /etc/passwd | grep -v /bin/bash | wc -l
3) cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f1 | grep all
4) ls --file-type | grep @ VEYA find . -xtype l
5) cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f1 | grep Miklos
6) cd ~ && rm [cC]ore VEYA find ~ -type f | grep -e "[C|c]ore"
7) cd
cd ..
tar -cf homearchive.tar home
8) sed '/^#/d' .bash_rc > .bash_rc.new
9) 9) ln -s [src_file] [link_name]
10) ls -al --sort=time | head -n5 | tail -n4
Mesaj tarihi:
6) cd ~ && rm [cC]ore VEYA find ~ -type f | grep -e "[C|c]ore"

aaa remove demis ya. Ben bul olarak okumusum, o zaman rm de eklemek lazim ona.

yani ;

find ~ -type f | grep -e "[C|c]ore" | xargs rm -f
Mesaj tarihi:
ya ayni dersin bi lecture bi seminari var lectureda normal OS falan seminarda da bunlari goruyosun. bu sorularin icinden 4 tane falan cikti yaptim hepsini :D digerlerini de biliyodum zaten 100 bekliyorum sdffsd :D
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