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Mining ..

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Mesaj tarihi:
Ilk oncelikle neden arama yapmadin diyecek olan ukala arkada$larimiz cikar ise onlar arama yaptigimi bilsin..

Sorunuma gelince, pickaxe'i elime alip maden cikartmaya cali$tigimda $u message ile kar$ila$iyorum.. " Message string 'mining_1' missing." Bir $ekilde butun madenlerin cikmasini istiyorum fakat olayi cozemedim acikcasi...

Bana bu konuda bilgisi olan ve anlayabilecegim $ekilde yardim olabilecek biri varsa $imdiden yardimi icin te$ekkur ederim...
Mesaj tarihi:
Sphere_msg.scp dosyasından değiştirmeniz gerekiyor diye biliyorum Yanlışda olabilir.![signature][hline]//İki İnsanın İyi Geçinmesi Hiç Kusursuz Olmalarıyla Değil, Birbirlerinin Kusurlarını Hoş Görmeleriyle Sağlanır
//İnsanın tüm evrende kesin olarak düzeltebileceği tek bir şey vardır KENDİSİ
Mesaj tarihi:
sirplaya-, 02 Ağustos 2004 15:13 tarihinde demiş ki:
Aslinda yalandan msg atip konuyu saptirmayalim bendeki sorunla ayni idi Dmx halletmisti.Bide seyi denermisin Balik tutmayi ?

yalandan mesaj ?[signature][hline]
Mesaj tarihi:
sphere_msj filan deistirmicen yapcagini anlatayim
region.scp ore.scp deisiktir orda hatalar var onlari kisaca anlatcam
region.scp i ac orda sole bisi var
SKILL_HI=30.0 simdi bunu silip deistircen ama yaparken skill_lo one gelcen skill_hi arkaya gelcem sole yani
SKILL=1.0,30.0 gordugun gibi yapacan bide amount var
AMOUNT_HI=2 oda bole bunuda ayni sekilde yapacan
AMOUNT=1,2 yani bole olcak bunlari ore.scp bide region.scp de var onlari ayarla oke duzelir
Mesaj tarihi:
cant_make "You can't make that."
cant_make_res "You can't make anything with what you have."
mining_los "You have no line of sight to that location"
mining_reach "That is too far away."
mining_tool "You must use a shovel or pick."
mining_1 "Try mining elsewhere."
mining_2 "There is nothing here to mine for."
mining_3 "There is no ore here to mine."
mining_4 "Try mining in rock!"
fishing_reach "That is too far away."
fishing_success "You pull out a %s!"
fishing_promt "Where would you like to fish?"
fishing_1 "Try fishing elsewhere"
fishing_2 "There are no fish here."
fishing_3 "You can't fish from where you are standing."
lumberjacking_los "You have no line of sight to that location"
lumberjacking_reach "That is too far away."
lumberjacking_1 "Try chopping elsewhere."
lumberjacking_2 "There is nothing here to chop."
lumberjacking_3 "This is not a tree."
lumberjacking_4 "There is no wood left to harvest."
lumberjacking_5 "You hack at the tree and produce some kindling."
lumberjacking_6 "Try chopping a tree."
magery_1 "You cannot target an item with this spell."
magery_2 "You cannot target a character with this spell."
magery_3 "You cannot target yourself with this spell."
magery_4 "You must target the ground with this spell."
makesuccess_1 "Due to your poor skill, the item is of shoddy quality"
makesuccess_2 "You were barely able to make this item. It is of poor quality"
makesuccess_3 "You make the item, but it is of below average quality"
makesuccess_4 "The item is of above average quality"
makesuccess_5 "The item is of excellent quality"
makesuccess_6 "Due to your exceptional skill, the item is of superior quality"
grandmaster_mark "%s crafted by %s"
provoke_unable "You can only provoke living creatures."
provoke_select "Who do you want to provoke them against?"
cartography_wmap "You can't seem to figure out your surroundings."
cartography_nomap "You have no blank parchment to draw on"
cartography_cant "You can't use the %s where it is."
provocation_upset "You are really upset about this"
provocation_player "You can not provoke players!"
provocation_emote_1 "looks peaceful"
provocation_emote_2 "looks furious"
poisoning_select_1 "What poison do you want to use?"
poisoning_witem "You can only poison food or piercing weapons."
poisoning_success "You apply the poison."
cooking_success "Mmm, smells good"
taming_ymaster "You are your own master."
taming_cant "You can't tame them."
taming_reach "You are too far away."
taming_los "You can not see the creature."
taming_tame "%s is already tame."
taming_tamed "%s cannot be tamed."
taming_1 "I won't hurt you."
taming_2 "I always wanted a %s like you"
taming_3 "Good %s"
taming_4 "Here %s"
taming_remember "The %s remembers you and accepts you once more as it's master."
taming_success "It seems to accept you as master"
hiding_success "You have hidden yourself well"
hiding_toolit "You are too well lit to hide"
herding_ltarg "You lost your target!"
herding_nocrook "You lost your crook!"
herding_annoyed "They look somewhat annoyed"
herding_success "The animal goes where it is instructed"
spiritspeak_success "You establish a connection to the netherworld."
meditation_peace_1 "You are at peace." // already have full mana
meditation_peace_2 "You are at peace." // reached full mana
meditation_try "You attempt a meditative trance."
healing_noaids "Where are your bandages?"
healing_witem "Use a bandage"
healing_reach "You must be able to reach the target"
healing_nonchar "Try healing a creature."
healing_beyond "This creature is beyond help."
healing_toofar "You are too far away to apply bandages on %s"
healing_attempt "%s is attempting to apply bandages to %s"
healing_who "you"
healing_corpseg "Put the corpse on the ground"
healing_am "Your resurrection attempt is blocked by antimagic."
healing_ghost "You can't heal a ghost! Try healing their corpse."
healing_healthy "You are healthy"
healing_noneed "%s does not require you to heal or cure them!"
healing_attemptf "%s is attempting to apply bandages to %s, but has failed"
healing_to "apply bandages to %s"
healing_self "apply bandages to self"
healing_res "Resurrect %s"
healing_cure_1 "You cure %s of poisons!"
healing_cure_2 "%s has cured you of poisons!"
removetraps_witem "You should use this skill to disable traps"
removetraps_reach "You can't reach it."
begging_start "You grovel at %s's feet"
skill_noskill "Skill not implemented!"
lockpicking_nopick "You need a lock pick."
lockpicking_witem "Use the lock pick on a lockable item."
lockpicking_preach "Your pick must be on your person."
lockpicking_reach "You can't reach that."
detecthidden_succ "You find %s"
tasteid_result "It tastes like %s."
tasteid_unable "You can't use this."
tasteid_self "Yummy!"
tasteid_char "Try tasting some item."
itemid_result "Th
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