DeamoN Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 5, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 5, 2003 bunla ilgili bi topic wardı ama tam texti weriorum mailla gelen: Today is our last day before EVE's release to the world. We have been beta testing EVE since August 31, 2002. This has been a learning experience and the game has gone through extensive redesigns, fixes, trials, and tribulations. We thank you all for your contribution during this period. Today in EVE we are experiencing "Armageddon Day" - where anything is possible. All character skills have been set to level 5, your wallet is swollen with 500.000.000 ISK. Battleships, cruisers, and all the modules you could ever want are for sale on the markets - feel free to join the crowd on Tranquility tonight for the ultimate beta experience! In less than 24 hours, the new Tranquility universe will be online, wiped and clean from any player infestation. Yet shortly after 09:00 GMT tomorrow, a wave of hungry galactic seekers will pour forth into the new universe, spreading their capitalist dreams and dominating the weak. There will be horrible wars and bloodshed, as massive military equipment is churned out of every available piece of heavy industry. Large corporations will enforce their own, twisted "laws" -- taking advantage of any poor souls who happen to venture unknowingly into their domain. Destruction and reckless abandon. And you all helped to create it! WAY TO GO! The EVE Online Team[hline]POPÇULAR DIŞARI !!
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