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Avrupa Erişim süreleri


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bildiğiniz gibi kablo kullanıcıları avrupa erişimde sorun yaşıyor ve yüksek ping sürelerine maruz kalıyor. aşağıdaki mail adresine mail atarsanız problem giderilecektir, lütfen azcık vakit ayırıp bir mail atın.ADSL kullanıcıları bu sorunu yaşamıyor, ancak yeterli miktarda mail giderse problemle ilgilenecekler.

[email protected]
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bu sorun bu sabahmi ba$ladi yoksa benmi yanli$ du$unuyorum,sabahtan beri daocda rezalet ping aliyorum,butun sorun da $urda(nedense yine TT yazisi geliyor tabi,$a$mamali):
ping birden 700 e firliyor burada[signature][hline]Ranger : Hero : Druid (Excalibur)
Hunter - you share a special connection with animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms, you consider your weapons and pets to be your only true friends.

Hunter - you share a special connection with
animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms,
you consider your weapons and pets to be your
only true friends.

What WoW Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
">What Kind of WoW Character Are You?
Leathas.com,Her turlu Yemek Servisi Yapilir

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ben adsl uyesiyim bu arada,sirf kabloya ozel degil[signature][hline]Ranger : Hero : Druid (Excalibur)
Hunter - you share a special connection with animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms, you consider your weapons and pets to be your only true friends.

Hunter - you share a special connection with
animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms,
you consider your weapons and pets to be your
only true friends.

What WoW Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
">What Kind of WoW Character Are You?
Leathas.com,Her turlu Yemek Servisi Yapilir

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mail attim,umarim bi caresini bulurlar KI sanmiyorum

birde,mr.media,hayir dinlemedim :)[signature][hline]Ranger : Hero : Druid (Excalibur)
Hunter - you share a special connection with animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms, you consider your weapons and pets to be your only true friends.

Hunter - you share a special connection with
animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms,
you consider your weapons and pets to be your
only true friends.

What WoW Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
">What Kind of WoW Character Are You?
Leathas.com,Her turlu Yemek Servisi Yapilir

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Bu mesaj asagidaki nedenden dolayi ilgili adrese gonderilememistir:

Kullanici yada kullanicilarin hesaplari kota asimina ugramistir.

Bu mesajin hatali oldugunu dusunuyorsaniz,
lutfen [email protected] adresine cevap gonderin.

hmmm..[signature][hline]Ranger : Hero : Druid (Excalibur)
Hunter - you share a special connection with animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms, you consider your weapons and pets to be your only true friends.

Hunter - you share a special connection with
animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms,
you consider your weapons and pets to be your
only true friends.

What WoW Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
">What Kind of WoW Character Are You?
Leathas.com,Her turlu Yemek Servisi Yapilir

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olsun,sonucta sacmalik,onlar hatti duzeltene kadar bizde serbest email atma ozgurlugumuzu kullaniriz.
bi nevi rahatlama yolu denilebilir[signature][hline]Ranger : Hero : Druid (Excalibur)
Hunter - you share a special connection with animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms, you consider your weapons and pets to be your only true friends.

Hunter - you share a special connection with
animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms,
you consider your weapons and pets to be your
only true friends.

What WoW Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
">What Kind of WoW Character Are You?
Leathas.com,Her turlu Yemek Servisi Yapilir

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12.07.2004 saat 09:00 itibari ile upstream baglantisi yaptigimiz Telia firmasinin Londra’da bulunan omurga router ında meydana gelen bir problemden dolayı dun gun icerisinde bir problem yasanmistir fakat bu problem ilgili firma tarafindan giderilmiş bulunmaktadır. Ingiltere-Fransa arasindaki F/O kablo problemi giderildigi gunden bu yana yurt disi cikislarinda herhangi bir problem olusmamistir. Kablonet kullanicilari , Turk Telekom AS’nin broadband grubuna dahil musterilerimizdendir. Yurt disi cikislarinda genel bir problem olmadigi durumlarda broadband kullanicilari kesinlikle uydu linklerini kullanmazlar. Broadband grubuna dahil IP bloklari F/O kablo uzerinden hem Avrupa hemde Amerika upstream baglantilarina dogru anons edilmektedirler.

Probleminizin devam etmesi durumunda lutfen mail yolu ile bizimle direkt temas kurunuz.

Iyi calismalar..[signature][hline]Ranger : Hero : Druid (Excalibur)
Hunter - you share a special connection with animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms, you consider your weapons and pets to be your only true friends.

Hunter - you share a special connection with
animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms,
you consider your weapons and pets to be your
only true friends.

What WoW Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
">What Kind of WoW Character Are You?
Leathas.com,Her turlu Yemek Servisi Yapilir

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