Fistan Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2009 blizz'in şu kullanıcı dikkatsizliği ya da kendi hatası mı artık neyse ceptocep ettiği paralarla bi afrika ülkesi rahat kalkınır heralde
toggie Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2009 off allahım hastalıklı mısınız nesiniz. anlatıyoruz isin dogrusunu hala kkthxbye diyosun. iyi devam et sen her ay kendin odedigini zannet.
scorch Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2009 toggie said: sen her ay kendin odedigini zannet. nihaha thanks :) (tu) Is there a monthly fee to play the game? Yes. After the end of the free month included with the game, you need a subscription in order to continue playing the game. There are three subscription options: a month-to-month package at $14.99 per month, a three-month plan at $13.99 per month, and a six-month plan at $12.99 per month. The subscription fees for the three-month plan and the six-month plan must be paid in full. Wow-Europe said: 1. Subscription plan opportunities: During your account creation, you will be able to choose a subscription period for one month, three months or six months which will give you an access to World of Warcraft during the subscription period that you choose. If you are a minor, you should ask your guardian or parent to read and accept those Payment terms and proceed to the payment. 2. Duration: The duration of your subscription plan will depend on the subscription period you have chosen. The minimum subscription plan is a one month automatically recurring plan. Please note that such subscription period will be effective at the end of the free month of play following the creation of your account, based on a calendar month from the day of the creation of your Account. In order to avoid any interruption of service, your subscription plan is set to renew automatically, for the same subscription period that you have chosen while creating your Account. 3. Cancellation: 1. You may cancel your subscription plan at anytime by clicking on the “cancel account” button on the first page of your account management page before your game time expires. However, you will be able to use your Account to play until the current subscription period ends. Note that there are no refunds if you decide to terminate your Account early as the service will be available for your use until the subscription period ends. 2. You may be entitled to cancel your Account with immediate effect under the following legitimate reasons, such as: Imprisonment for a period exceeding your subscription period; Hospitalization for a period exceeding your subscription period; Personal insolvency or personal bankruptcy; Or any other legitimate reason as may be specified by applicable law or relevant court decision. In order to exercise this cancellation, you should send to Blizzard Entertainment a registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt with all documents justifying your request. The cancellation of your subscription will be effective seven (7) days after the receipt of your mail. If you do not follow this procedure or if you fail to justify the reasons of your cancellation, your cancellation will remain effective, but under the conditions set forth in Article 3.1. 3. In case of cancellation and/or termination of your Account, Blizzard does not warrant that your Account, player characters, user profiles, weapons, armour, etc… (“Game Data”) will be kept in case of new subscription. 4. Blizzard Entertainment, reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend or terminate your access to World of Warcraft if you fail to comply with those Payment terms. In such case, Blizzard Entertainment will not provide you any monetary reimbursement. 4. Price – Price modifications: The different subscription plans give you an unlimited access to World of Warcraft during the subscription period you have chosen. Your subscription period does not include the price of the box containing the CD-ROM, nor any internet connection fees necessary to access World of Warcraft. The applicable fees will be available upon connexion to your account management page. During your subscription period, Blizzard Entertainment may, at its sole option, make additional content available to all subscribers through patches. However, your subscription does not give you any right to “expansions” of World of Warcraft that Blizzard Entertainment distributes and/or sells separately from the original version of World of Warcraft that you have purchased. Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify the amount of the subscription fees. In such an event, Blizzard Entertainment will post such modification on the World of Warcraft website, at least fifteen days before the price modifications are made. However, this new price will only be applicable at the date of your automatic subscription renewal. If you disagree with those price modifications, you may cancel your Account by clicking on the “cancel account” button on the first page of your account management. Please note that your cancellation has to be made before the coming into force of the price changes, otherwise you will be deemed to have accepted those modifications. 5. Payment of your subscription: The billing of your subscription plan is made on secured web pages during your account creation. All payments and bills are made in euros, except for United Kingdom where all payments and bills can be made either in pounds or euros, depending on the currency you choose. The different payment methods are available upon connexion to your account management page. You are required to provide Blizzard Entertainment with accurate, complete and updated billing information, including a valid credit card number and its expiration date, or other “direct billing” information depending on the method of payment you choose, as described in the different steps of your account creation in order to subscribe to the World of Warcraft service. The billing of your subscription plan is made on a pre payment basis. Once you have chosen a subscription plan and your payment has been accepted, your credit card will automatically be charged the amount of your selected subscription plan within seven days of the beginning of your subscription period, and then at every renewed period of subscription. You may of course cancel your Account under the conditions set forth above. Each subscription period started will be due and will not be reimbursed. As indicated previously, the fact that you don’t play during your subscription period does not entitle you to request a refund or reimbursement of the value of your subscription.
hozceri Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2009 olayı tam anlamadımda benim arkın ödeme benim kk den oluyor. 1 aylık ödemeyi giriyorum kartdan alıyor sonra direk account cancel yapıyorum. Sonraki ayı süresi geldiginde alamıyor tekrar yatırıyorum kendim istedigimde. benim kendi accountumda aylık isaretli her ay otomatik cekiyor.
0nur Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2009 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2009 İstedikleri bilgileri yolladıktan sonra tekrar cevap geldi Blizzard'dan. "Following verification of your account information we removed the restriction on the account to allow you to attempt the online upgrade of your account once again. You can do this via the account management page at, and from there, select the option to buy the expansion you desire." account managementa giremiyorum çünkü locked diyo yani "removed restriction" doğru olmuyo bu durumda sanırım. kendileri de ne yaptıklarını bilmiyolar banka parayı aşagı yukarı 10 gün gibi bi sürede geri veriyo bana ve ben bu sürede aylık parayı yatırdığım halde oynayamıyorum. 3.sü benden o kadar bilgi istediler "hadi sen bi daha dene bakalım olcak mı" demek için mi istediler kendileri bi el atıp da halledemezler mi ?
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