Bonjo Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 17, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 17, 2009 Shadowlord Manifestosu başladı 7 temmuzda ,Takuno'da 3 yerde spawn oluyor 2 saatte bir.. Rewards: Treasures of Tokuno, Minor Artifacts Major Doom Artifacts Cloak of Life * HP Bonus: 3 * HP Regen: 1 Cloak of Death * HCI: 3 * DCI: 3 * SDI: 3 Cloak of Power * Str Bonus: 2 * Dex Bonus:2 * Int Bonus: 2 Cloak of Silence * Stealth: +10 Rewardsları sağlam baya :) "The Waste" (59o 56'N 55o 3'W) "Mt. Sho" (85o 41'N 13o 0'W) "Winter Spur" (133o 9'N 27o 50'W)
Bonjo Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 17, 2009 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 17, 2009 Cloak of Corruption comes from Shadowlords. The Seer at Serpent's Hold gives the quest for Cloak of Death. You need one Cloak of Corruption and 10 Threads of Fate. The Seer at Empath Abbey (North of Yew, West of Yew moongate) gives the quest for the Cloak of Life. You need one Cloak of Corruption and 10 Threads of Life. The Seer at Lycaeum gives the quest for Cloak of Power. You need one Cloak of Corruption and 10 Threads of Thought. Threads of Fate are automatically given when killing corrupted souls in Magincia, but not a rate of 100%. Threads of Life are given by restless souls at Magincia when you use Spiritspeak near them. Threads of Thought are given by forgiven souls at Magincia when you use the Exorcism spell on them. The northern part of Magincia doesn't allow to use the Exorcism spell, stay in the southern and center area.
Dddbb Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 8, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 8, 2010 Güzel eventmiş bende bu hci veren robelerde nerden geldi diyodum :)
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