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Undead Mage Names

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Or1on said:


Ben de en son pretbc mage oynamıştım. Dayanamadım yine. Yok mage gibisi. :p

oha magelover
sevdirdin kendini (tu)
birazdan üsüsürler buraya
mage soyle mage boyle diye bidibidi
Mesaj tarihi:
dory said:


nil senin yanina geliim ben
shaman aciyim bi de
kopup gidelim sonra
server ismimizlen yankilansin

ben de mage mi acsam pala mi.
orgimmarda elele tutusup epic bootlarimizi dötümüze vura vura kosalim... sen ve ben .....
kücük kücük ogrelerimiz olsun.
Mesaj tarihi:
Aahah bu da 3 yıl önce çektiğim iğrenç kalitede video.

Müzik zevkim de ne zevksiz imiş of. :p

Mesaj tarihi:
-Neiloth- said:

mage açın yeni patchde heal reduce geliyomuş frostmage için.
zaten op,artık retri paladini healerıyla birlikte keser heralde mage.

ciddi misin şaka mı?
ciddiysen mage kasmaya baslıyorum ben de
oha bokunu çıkartsalarmış
Mesaj tarihi:
valla bi shaman söyledi durotarda,yeni sezonda warlock mage shaman takımı icin imba mage arıyolarmıs://///// cok reklam oldu da.ben de ne alaka dedim öle setup mu olur dedim.mage e heal reduce gelio dedi.inanmak istemiyorm ben hala.
Mesaj tarihi:
3.2 notes


The newest season of Arena .....


Arcane Blast: Mana cost reduced by 12%.
Invisibility: Can no longer be interrupted by a hostile action or damage done during the 3 second fade time, however an invisible mage can still be stunned or silenced.
Empowered Fire: In addition to its existing effects, this talent now also grants a 33/67/100% chance to regain 1% of base mana each time the Ignite talent deals damage.
Mesaj tarihi:


* Arcane Blast: Mana cost reduced by 12%.
* Frost Bolt, Cone of Cold, Frost Ward, Ice Armor, Frost Armor, Frost Nova, Ice Lance, and Ice Barrier: The mana cost on these spells has been reduced by approximately 15%.
* Invisibility: Can no longer be interrupted by a hostile action or damage done during the 3-second Fade time, however an invisible mage can still be stunned or silenced.
* Mirror Image: Images will no longer trigger the death sound when their time expires.
* Talents
o Fire
+ Empowered Fire: In addition to its existing effects, this talent now also grants a 33/67/100% chance to regain 2% of base mana each time the Ignite talent deals damage.
o Frost
+ Empowered Frostbolt: Instead of increasing critical strike chance by 2/4%, this talent now reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 0.1/0.2 seconds.
+ Permafrost: In addition to its existing effects, this talent now also causes the mage's Chill effects to reduce healing received by the victim by 7/13/20%.
Mesaj tarihi:
+ Empowered Frostbolt: Instead of increasing critical strike chance by 2/4%, this talent now reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 0.1/0.2 seconds.
oha bu da süper, en az heal reduce kadar.walla efsane olcak ha.
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