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Players Threaten Lawsuit

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Mesaj tarihi:
A group of online gamers is threatening to sue NCSoft over issues surrounding its massively multiplayer game, Lineage, JoongAng Daily is reporting. A group called the Online Consumers League claims that game fees are too high and that NCSoft has been unresponsive to game issues.
The league claims that the game is too expensive. It noted that the monthly fee of 30,000 won ($25.40) was almost double the rate in some other countries. Monthly rates are $15 in the United States, 2,000 yen ($17.60) in Japan, and $480 NT ($14) in Taiwan. "Korean game players are being discriminated against," they said. The league also said that the game's server crashed too often, and that there was significant fraud or hacking of the game, yet the company has not taken action to improve conditions.

Another problem that users pointed out was the cash trading of game items offline. Within the game, there are many different "items" such as weapons, clothing or potions, that have different levels of power. Acquiring more powerful items can take hours of playing time. The ability to acquire more powerful items also depends on the level of skill of the player. Therefore, for players unable or unwilling to devote the necessary time, buying and selling items for cash has become a widespread trend.

Also included is this eye-popping statistic:

Since the game was launched in 1999, 520 million accounts have been opened in Korea alone. That figure can include multiple accounts for an individual subscriber.

According to the Korea National Statistical Office, the population of South Korea was estimated at 47.6 million people in July, 2002. Someone's obviously playing a lot of Lineage in the Pacific Rim.

Kaynak1 Kaynak2

son paragrafa çok güldüm :)[signature][hline]karakedi, 30 Mayıs 2004 14:28 tarihinde demiş ki:
hayatınızı paylaşmak, sohbet etmek istiyorsanız her akıllı insan gibi forumları kullanın. bir kaç yıl sonra geçmişe bakıp vay be geçmişte bunları yaşamıştık deme şansınız olur.

[Bu mesaj BlackRose tarafından 02 Haziran 2004 11:32 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
oha 520 mil account ve 1999 dan beri diyo, biz neden duymadik bu oyunu yaw.[signature][hline]
Sage nicht immer, was du weißt, aber wisse immer, was du sagst.
Mesaj tarihi:
520 milyon bana fazlasıyla yazış geldi ohannes, nası para kırılır.zaten çok kırılıyor da 520 milyon nedir ya.yarısı aktif olsa 15 dolarla çarp yuhannes.dünya nüfusunun 12 de 1 i kadar account eder çok yazış geldi bana.
NCSoft EA i satın alırmış ne gülerim hahah.
Mesaj tarihi:
Lineage 99'dan beri asya'nın en çok oynanan oyunudur. Ncsoft bütçe olarak tüm usa firmalarına kafa tutmakta. Gerçi bana kalsa daha 10 fırın ekmek yemesi lazım.
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