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New Game Announced: Reclamation!


Öne çıkan mesajlar


Alpha imiş..

Los Angeles, CA, May 25, 2004 - Lyra Studios announced today that they are in the pre-alpha stages of a new MMORPG they have titled Reclamation. This game promises many things that previously were rare or unheard of in the genre. Reclamation is first and foremost a role-playing game, where you are encouraged and rewarded for playing your character.

"Our goal is to create, promote and foster a dynamic role-playing environment, where characters are someone and where their actions truly matter. We are aiming to create small tight knit communities, where role-playing is enforced and where players are given frequent and meaningful role-playing opportunities not found in other games." ~Jason Kramer, Producer of Reclamation

Reclamation takes place in the Dream City of Underlight, a place accessable only to those who have a rare ability to be Awakened. Here Dreamers roam in a world shared only with Nightmares. A world apart from the body, where strength of mind takes precedence over strength of body. Here you are what you wish. Teach, rule, learn, fight, but above all... Dream.

Details have been released at the official Reclamation website: ( http://www.reclamationgame.com ), and more will follow each week. To keep up to date with all new information about the world of Reclamation, sign up for the Reclamation Newsletter ( http://www.reclamationgame.com/195.0.html ).
[signature][hline]Semi-Dr. Quinthalus @ primum non nocere
ICQ UIN: 1957744 MSN Messenger: [email protected]
ek$i | DevianArt | Lineage 2 | K.O.C.
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işte nası yapıcaklar merak ediyorum..
heralde şey falan yaparlar.. mesela bi mage var, elinde sadece ranger'ların işine yaricak çok değerli bi item var, ranger'a diyo, sen şu questi yap, bana şu itemı getir ben sana bu özel yayı veriim, sonra da ranger gidiyo questini yapıyo ve böylece ikisi de karlı çıkıyo.
yanlız bunu yapabilmek için karşılığında verilcek olan itemların parayla falan bulunmaması gerek..
ha bi de mesela ranger'ın quest yaparken bulacağı itemı bulmak için questten başka bi yöntem olmamalı ki ranger direk dükkandan alıp getirmesin..

gibi[signature][hline]The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison, and destroy my brothers! And you will know My name is the Lord, when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

[Bu mesaj mayfer tarafından 25 Mayıs 2004 22:47 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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