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Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh lots of laugh[hline]Silphatos Iceheart
Synthetic Intelligent Lifeform Programmed for Harm/Android Trained for Observation and Sabotage
>Silphatos Iceheart - Locus@NBL
>Grynn Iceheart - Ethernass
>Grynn Uth Xare - Quaxis
>Botanika - SNN,MedicGS,@net CS 6.2 - SNN
HLDM ver.

Pascal Nouma-21 kalbimizde yaşıyacaksın...
Mesaj tarihi:
eheue okadar çok saçma sapan msg atmışınki madalya takmışlar sana ;p[hline]''Most of us walk in the light and the shadow but there are the chosen few who walk this world , carrying their own light to brighten both day and night.''
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