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Yararli grind rehberi

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
- Profession: Arquitect
Total xp: 352k * 4 = 1408k
Xp for each: Wall module = 6k xp
235 Wall modules to master
Shop list:
2200 Low Grade Ore * 235= 517k
800 Metal * 235= 188k
2585 combines = 430 minutes = 7 hours 10 minutes

- Profession: Artisan
Total xp: 4500
Xp for each: Wind Current Surveying Tool = 32
141 Wind Current Surveying Tool to Engineering III: Advanced Concepts
16 Metal * 141= 2256
Total xp: (10.5k * 2) + 6000 = 27000

Xp for each: Deed for Wind Power Generator = 425
64 Deed for Wind Power Generator to master
Shop list:
145 Metal * 64 = 9280
45 Steel * 64 = 2880
40 Low Grade Ore * 64 = 2560
20 Non-Ferrous Metal * 64 = 1280
10 Aluminum * 64 = 640
205 combines = 34 minutes

- Profession: ArmorSmith.
Total xp: 117600
Xp for each: Armorweave Segment = 36
3267 Armorweave Segment to Personal Armor III: Ubese
Shop list:
17 Metal * 3267 = 56k
Total xp: ( 179200 * 3 ) + 61600 = 599200

Xp for each: Ubese Armor Shirt = 126
4756 Ubese Armor Shirt to master
Shop list:
30 Steel * 4756 = 143k
20 Iron * 4756 = 95k
10 Fiberplast * 4756 = 48k
8023 combines = 1337 minutes = 22 hours 17 mins

- Profession: Bio enginer.
Total Xp: 170k * 3 = 510k crafting xp
Xp for each: Micronutrient Supplement = 105xp
4858 Micronutrient Supplement to master.
Shop list:
35 Flora Food * 4858 = 170k
15 Creature Food(meat) * 4858 = 73k
4858 combines = 809 minutes = 13 hours 29 minutes

- Profession: Chef
Total xp: 76800
Xp for each: Wastril Bread = 70
1098 Wastril Bread to Mixology II: Fruity Drinks
Shop list:
35 Cereal * 1098 = 39k
10 Fruit * 1098 = 11k

Total xp: 742400
Xp for each: Ithorian Mist 170
4368 Ithorian Mist to master
Shop list:
40 Wheat * 4368 = 175k
20 Corn * 4368 = 88k
20 Water * 4368 = 88k
5466 combines = 911 minutes = 15 hours 11 minutes

- Profession: Droid Engineer
Total xp: 115200
Xp for each: Deed for MSE Droid = 140
823 Deed for MSE Droid to Advanced Droid Blueprints
Shop list:
53 Metal * 823 = 44k
15 Chemical * 823 = 13k

Total xp: 1,115,000
Xp for each: Advanced Droid Frame Unit = 460
2424 Advanced Droid Frame Unit to master
Shop list:
150 Steel * 2424 = 364k
70 Fiberplast * 2424 = 170k
3247 combines = 541 minutes = 9 hours 1 minute

- Profession: Tailor
Total xp: 204800
Xp for each: Ribbed Shirt = 147
1394 Ribbed Shirt = to Field Wear IV: Paramilitary Gear
Shop list:
30 Fiberplast * 1394 = 42k
30 Metal * 1394 = 42k

Total xp: 614400
Xp for each: Cartridge Belt = 300
2050 Cartridge Belt to master
Shop list:
50 Inert Petrochemical * 2050 = 103k
35 Steel * 2050 = 72k
25 Metal * 2050 = 52k
3444 combines = 574 minutes = 9 hours 34 minutes

- Profession: Weaponsmith
Total xp: 35000
Xp for each: Projectile Pistol Barrel = 52
674 Projectile Pistol Barrel to Intermediate Firearms Crafting
Shop list:
16 Steel * 674 = 11k
10 Metal * 674 = 7k

Total xp: 861000
Xp for each: Projectile Rifle Barrels = 94
9160 Projectile Rifle Barrels to Intermediate Firearms Crafting
Shop list:
31 Steel * 9160 = 284k
15 Metal * 9160 = 140k
9834 combines = 1639 minutes = 27 hours 19 minutes


Ordered by Time it takes to master:
Artisan: 205 combines = 34 minutes
Arquitect: 2585 combines = 430 minutes = 7 hours 10 minutes
Droid Enginner: 3247 combines = 541 minutes = 9 hours 1 minute
Tailor : 3444 combines = 574 minutes = 9 hours 34 minutes
Bio enginner: 4858 combines = 809 minutes = 13 hours 29 minutes
Chef: 5466 combines = 911 minutes = 15 hours 11 minutes
ArmorSmith: 8023 combines = 1337 minutes = 22 hours 17 mins
Weaponsmith: 9834 combines = 1639 minutes = 27 hours 19 minutes

Ordered by Resources it takes to master assuming 3cpu:
Artisan = 19k resources = 57,000 credits
Bio enginer = 243k resources = 729,000 credits
Tailor = 311k resources = 933,000 credits
ArmorSmith = 342k resources = 1,026,000 credits
chef = 401k resources = 1,003,000 credits
Weaponsmith = 442k resources = 1,326,000 credits
Droid Engineer = 591k resources = 1,773,000 credits
Arquitect = 705k resources = 2,115,000 credits


To master all artisan skills + bio enginering. You need:

6241 minutes = 104 hours 1 minute = 4 days and 8 hours of non stop clicking.
3,054,000 resources that u can buy for 9,162,000 credits.
Have fun!!!!

(soe forumlarindan alinip hizmetinize sunulmustur)[signature][hline]Sne v'knox of Eclipse
Jedi initiate

Mesaj tarihi:
kasar:)[signature][hline]Bathory, 07 December 2003 21:43 tarihinde demiş ki:
butun kız arklarım cok sevmisti cok rahat alıolar ellerine
Emaleth, 24 December 2003 12:33 tarihinde demiş ki:
"bok sıçtım"
Mesaj tarihi:
çok eski herhalde bu, architect i 1.5 saatte , weaponsmith i ise 5-6 saatte gm liyebiliyorsun...[signature][hline]''Most of us walk in the light and the shadow but there are the chosen few who walk this world , carrying their own light to brighten both day and night.''
Mesaj tarihi:
zaten adam personal 3'e kadar armorweave segment ile kasıyor:) sonra da ubese ile bitiriyor :)[signature][hline]Jimena D'ynsst (Rip)-(Eclipse)
Master Combat Medic
Master Medic
ex-master Swordsman

Mesaj tarihi:
Darksun, 08 February 2004 02:20 tarihinde demiş ki:
gm liyebiliyorsun...

ehe nasıl gmleniyo reno bi anlatsana özelden :P[signature][hline]dark-dr, 14 May 2001 05:10 tarihinde demiş ki:
osi de rp=soytarılık diyorum.

Pre UO:R Shard
Mesaj tarihi:
aslinda bunu komple buraya yazmamin sebebi arasindan tailor u usenip copy paste yapip bi arkadasa öms ile gonderemmemden kaynakalniyor hehe

yani bu rehberi postlamamin tek sebebi bi arkadasa tailor grind i yollamakti :)[signature][hline]Sne v'knox of Eclipse
Jedi initiate

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