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WotLK Bilgileri


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Nerdeyse tüm skillerin manası, %x base mana olarak değiştirilmiş. Artık düşük rank spamlamak yok. Örnek chain heal rank 5 %15 base mana, chain heal rank 4 %18 mana. Yani level 80 olunca en yüksek rank daha düşük mana kullanacak. Paso son rank atılacak tüm büyüler, daha düşük atmanın anlamı kalmayacak

Şu mana potun bir combatta 1 kere kullanılması olayına bir değişiklik gelmesse çok ilginç bir ek paket yaşayacaz galiba. Healerlar için tüm olay mana koruma, mananı ayarlama üzerine olacak galiba. Özellikle düşük gearlarda allah shadow priestlare, water elementallara, hunterlara ve paladinlere zeval vermesin, çok mana lazım çook :)
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Tanking in Wrath of the Lich King (Ghostcrawler) - Blue Post

* Our goal in Lich King is for all 4 tanking classes to be viable.
* We would like for tanking to be a little more fun. I'm going to leave this vague on purpose, but it is definitely a concern.
* In 5-player instances, most warriors, druids, paladins and death knights should be effective tanks. The healing specs may have a harder time than the dps specs. Arms wariors, Fury warriors, Ret paladins, Ferals and most DKs should do fine.
* In 5-player heroics, the expectation is that the tank has a heavy investment in tanking talents and appropriate gear. Arms warriors might have trouble tanking a heroic unless they overgear the instance.
* For raids, we want all 4 tank classes to be viable. If your group has e.g. a Prot paladin and Feral druid as main tanks with appropriate gear and reasonable skill, you should be good to go.
* This is a shift in philosophy for us. Previously, we sometimes tried to steer Ferals as being better off tanks than main tanks. We also expected specific classes to appear in the raid. Our new assumption is that you might have any of the 4 tanking classes as a tank. We are trying to achieve as much parity as we can among the 4 tanks without making them too similar. If nearly all guilds want the same class as their MT, we've failed.
* This is a big one: the game isn't finished. We aren't spending too much effort yet to make sure mitigation, threat and tools are similar across the 4 classes at level 80 in blue or purple gear. Likewise, your talent trees and core abilities aren't finished. Tanking (and PvP) need to have a lot of other pieces of the game in place before we can really get the numbers right. It's fine (useful even) to point out when you feel a particular ability, talent, class or build is too good or not good enough. But please don't infer the work in progress as a reflection of our intent. If we end up changing our minds or if things don't work out, it will be posted here.
* There are a lot of changes in Lich King that change tanking and raiding in general. I won't list them all out here, but keep in mind things like itemization changes, widespread raid buffs, consumables, UI changes, etc. Just keep them in mind. We're not in Tempest Keep anymore.

If druids had gigantic health pools but lower mitigation and avoidance than a warrior, that would be tanking flavor. It would mean you heal the bears a little different -- they might drain more mana, but the damage would be more predictable. In really long fights, the warrior might have an advantage. In a fight where a boss hit quickly for less damage per hit, the warrior might have an advantage. In fights with periods of really big damage, the druid might have an advantage. In magic fights where armor was less of a factor, the druid might have an advantage. This is just an example. Our overriding concern is making sure the tanks have the tools, threat and mitigation they need to tank. A secondary concern is making sure they don't feel too similar.
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Professions Inferface
The expansion will add the ability to shift-click and link your Professions from the general tab of your Spellbook into Trade/Guild/Etc chat panels.

When someone clicks on your link, a panel similar to the Crafting panel will open, showing all of the recipes that the linking player is able to craft, as well as the materials they require.

This will allow other players to browse a crafter's available patterns much more easily.

See the screenshot at right for a look at a linked crafting window

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level 75 questi.

Bunlarda aynı questin diğer ödülleri


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