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WotLK Bilgileri


Öne çıkan mesajlar

evet o yazdıkları umarım level 60taki ranki falandır, yoksa ciddi bi şekilde oynamaları lazım o rakamlarla. bir de chain healın HoT'ı kaldırması saçmalık. tam tersi healladığı targetlara aktarsın, HoT olan targetlar 25% fazla heallensin chain healla, süper bişey olur o zmana.
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Phlox said:
evet o yazdıkları umarım level 60taki ranki falandır, yoksa ciddi bi şekilde oynamaları lazım o rakamlarla. bir de chain healın HoT'ı kaldırması saçmalık. tam tersi healladığı targetlara aktarsın, HoT olan targetlar 25% fazla heallensin chain healla, süper bişey olur o zmana.

direk chain heal a %25 bonus verio ama yinede cok dusuk. sonucta 51 talent vercez ve gereksiz bi skill alcaz yazık walla. sprit link icin resto olmayı dusunuodum arenada simdi yine elemente donus...
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Bu arada warriorun arms ağacı şu an çok güzel gözüküyor, zaten tg+furios attackla pvp işi biraz zor olacağı için bu yeni düzenlemelerle deep arms spec tek başına baya iş yapar gözüküyor

Blood Frenzy - Now also increases your attack speed by 6%.
Improved Mortal Strike - Now increases the damage caused by your Mortal Strike ability by 3/6/10% and reduces the cooldown by .33/.67/1 sec.
Bladestorm - Changed from "you can move but cannot perform any other attacks or abilities" to "you can move but cannot perform any other abilities".
Taste for Blood - Now has one charge.
Rend - Base damaged increased from 300 to 450 for max rank.
Titan's Grip - Chance to hit reduced by 1% (Could be our error)
Battle Shout - Now increases attack power instead of melee attack power.
Devastate - Reduced to 50% of weapon damage from 80%.
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Phlox said:
hayır sadece 2 dakikalıklar 5 oldu. sırada battle/commanding shout var sanki.bir de şu commanding presence bufflansa güzel olur.. talentlı blessing of might 5/5 comm. presencelı battleshouttan fazla AP veriyor, hem de 30 dk.

Yoo aynı AP'yi veriyorlar onlar, 2-3 hafta önceki son patch ile düzenlenmişti o, kaçırmışsın gözden galiba.

Blessing of Might 550 AP ve Improved Blessing of Might %25 bonus veriyor

Battle Shout 550 AP ve Commanding Presence %25 bonus veriyor
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WOTLK Updates:
Shaman ask for:
Earthquake – knockback and stun

Shaman gets:
Thunderstorm – knockback

Shaman ask for:
Ability to remove snares while on the run

Shaman gets:
Totem that removes snares. And is stationary. With a long cooldown. (lol!)

Shaman ask for:
An actual use for Rockbiter and Windwall

Shaman gets:
Rockbiter and Windwall removed from the game

Shaman ask for:
Increased ability to "close the gap" as Enhance

Shaman gets:
Toughness snare time reduction changed from 50% down to 30%

Shaman ask for:
Instant cast HOT to heal while on the run

Shaman gets:
Instant cast HOT that relies on stopping to cast Chain Heal to be effective (R.I.P.-tide)

Shaman ask for:
Elemental burst ability revival

Shaman gets:
Increase to spell damage from improved Flametongue Weapon moved from Elemental to Enhance

Shaman ask for:
Curse of Elements to affect LB

Shaman gets:
Curse of Elements affects LB, but LB coefficient nerfed to offset

Shaman ask for:
Totems to have more than 5hp for pvp

Shaman gets:
Totems get extra hp, but only if you don’t drop the 2 most important pvp totems

Shaman ask for:
LB/CL pushback resist through talents

Shaman gets:
LB/CL pushback resist through talents, but lose Healing pushback resist in the process

Shaman ask for:
Spirit Wolves

Shaman gets:
Spirit Wolves as a weak 51 pt talent

Shaman ask for:
Insta Cast Ghost Wolf that removes snares

Shaman gets:
Insta cast Ghost Wolf, but only 50% reduction in snare time and 3 less points somewhere else

Shaman ask for:
Totem-killing pet macros to be stopped

Shaman get:
Big huge totem names hovering over totems (LOL 2.4!)

Shaman asks for:
Sham Rage to be undispellable

Shaman get:
Sham Rage undispellable, but duration cut in half

Shaman ask for:
Removal of GCD on totems

Shaman get:
0.5 seconds removed from GCD on totems

Shaman ask for:
Slightly less burst as Elemental with greater survivability

Shaman get:
Slightly less burst

Shaman ask for:
Earth Shield undispellable for pvp

Shaman get:
Earth Shield mana cost and charges reduced, and points in a pve talent to add 30% resistance to dispels

Shaman ask for:
CC or Anti-CC

Shaman get:
Er, well, nothing here actually

Shaman ask for:
Use for Flametongue totem (among many others)

Shaman get:
Mortal Strike totem (WTF?)

Shaman ask for:
Enhance viability in pvp

Shaman get:
Mortal Strike on OH, but give up Windfury (WTF?)

Shaman ask for:
2 seconds off Tremor pulse

Shamam get:
1 second off Tremor pulse

Shaman ask for:
Built in totem manager

Shaman get:
Totem timers and clickability (after 3+ years btw)

Shaman ask for:
Stormstrike CD decrease

Shaman get:
New Stormstrike icon!

And a few from the past:

Shaman ask for:
Lightning Overload to be worth something

Shaman get:
LO buffed, but LB and CL nerfed completely offsetting dps

Shaman ask for:
Sentry totem usefullnes

Shaman get:
1.10 * Shaman will no longer stop falling when they use a Sentry Totem.

Shaman ask for:
Dual Wield

Shaman get:
Dual Wield but WF AP bonus nerfed huge and a little thing called the stealth 3 sec cd

Shaman ask for:
2 Handers trainable

Shaman get:
2 Handers trainable just in time for them to be useless

Shaman ask for:
EB totem increased range

Shaman get:
EB totem no longer breaks stealth and a 15 sec cd

Shaman ask for:
Flametongue Weapon to do more damage

Shaman get:
Flametongue Weapon: Damage lowered slightly on rank 6 so that it is never better than rank 7

Shaman ask for:
Oh god all kinds of things between 1.6 and 1.11 ( 1 full year)

Shaman got:
Lightning Shield - Tooltip updated to reflect actual functionality.
Ghost Wolf - Will now correctly have its cast time reduced by Nature's Swiftness.
Yes, my friends, there were the only changes between 08/05 and 07/06 - every other class received many, many changes in this time. Welcome to the start of it all!
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apple said:
WOTLK Updates:
Shaman asks for:
An actual use for Rockbiter and Windwall

Shaman gets:
Rockbiter and Windwall removed from the game

Shaman ask for:
Curse of Elements to affect LB

Shaman gets:
Curse of Elements affects LB, but LB coefficient nerfed to offset

lol'd. hala en kötü scale olan caster elemental shaman oyundaki. kötü gearla dps iyi fakat gear geliştikçe warlocklar fark atmaya başlıyo açık ara. şunu halledemediler bi türlü. boltun coef yükselip base damage düşse keşke :/
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Shaman ask for:
Stormstrike CD decrease

Shaman get:
New Stormstrike icon!

gerçekten hem küfrediyorum, hem gülüyorum oynamıycam bak shamanı lock oynıycam yeminle yıllar süren hybird aşkımı kenara atıcam yemişim druidi de shamanı da diyip basıcam rerollu şerrofsozlör!
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nasıl pvp vbakmayyaım benim olayım pve olmadı ki hiç.. zaten pve ci olsaydım zaten hiç derdim olamzdı. bu oyunda pvp kadar güzel bir şey yok bence ama onunda keyfini körküyorlar

.. neyse zaten druid kasıyorum rerolledim sayılır

ama bunu da ayzdım blizz.. zaten işe başlarsam muhtemelen kapatacağım hesabı
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Shamanla ciddi ciddi pvp yapçam diosan trainer a gitçeksin resto olcaksın 2vs2 den uzak durcaksın. Ama dersenki benim imba druid im var...eh ozaman sen olmasanda o zaten gladiator olur tek başına:D spec in farketmez.

Edit: Bu arada beta da enhancement denedim pve tabi.

Acayip zevkli olmuş. Shaman oynamayı zaten çok seviorm pve side bayık gelmezdi bana ama bu lava lash+msw olayı tamamen deiştirmiş gerçekten. Artık offhand inizde wf kullanmak zorunda deilsiniz. lava lash 1600 falan crit lio optimum koşullarda:D Biraz hesapladım kitapladım offhand de ft le dps çok daha iyi olcak gibi.Betada tam deneyemedim çünkü şu an saçma bi bug yüzünden %49 miss chance ım var...

Tabi pve dediin sayılara bağlıdır şimdi bizim bufflarımızı dier classlar verebilio olcak yani dps in yüksek tutulması lazm onuda releaseden önce göremeys.Bunu balance etmek çok kolay ama developerlar shaman ı nerde görmek istio onu bilmiors.
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