Darksun Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Test center a gelen yeni episode abartı zevkli olacağa benziyor. SPICE taşıdığınız zaman ceza alıyorsunuz lol Rebeller tef alıyor ve eğer kaçarsanız Stormtrooperlar sizi kovalıyor ve bir yandanda takviye çağırıyorlar.Rasgele cantinaları,ve benzeri binaları dolaşıp milletin üstünü arıyorlar. Imperiallar yakalandıklarında -500 fp vede rütbe cezası alıyorlar lol[signature][hline]''Most of us walk in the light and the shadow but there are the chosen few who walk this world , carrying their own light to brighten both day and night.''
Popeye Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 lol supermiş[signature][hline]dark-dr, 14 May 2001 05:10 tarihinde demiş ki: osi de rp=soytarılık diyorum. Pre UO:R Shard
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 tc e geldi mi su an ???[signature][hline]eededo tha Royal Guard -------------------------------------------- Adventure Crew ... www.advcrew.com Knights of The Old Republic ... www.advcrew.com/kotor
Darksun Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Gelmiş , millet ordan anlatıyor zaten =P yazık neutral ın biri yakalanmış adama ceza olarak 57k wheat ini almışlar =Ppp bug herhalde bilemicem...[signature][hline]''Most of us walk in the light and the shadow but there are the chosen few who walk this world , carrying their own light to brighten both day and night.''
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 simdi ben de okudumonu ve hemen tc e atladim, patch kisminda bunlar yaziyor ve zor bekliyorum patch in bitmesini :) Major Publish Features: Imperial Crackdown: Due to the brash arrogance of the Rebel Alliance, the Emperor has decreed that his majesty's Imperial forces hunt down and destroy the Rebel Alliance and insure that all galactic citizens are abiding by the law. The Empire will be searching for members of the Rebel Alliance and anyone with contraband throughout the galaxy. Bestine Redesign: Bestine has a few special modifications based on Star Wars history. Imperials will control it and depending on which aide to the governor is in control, different city events will occur. Sand People might raid it, the Imperial presence might increase and players may be able to seek out historians for quests to learn more about the genuine history of Bestine. There is also a Bestine museum event players can get involved with. Chef Profession Revamped: The entire chef profession has been redesigned from the ground up. Vehicle Customization: New tool allows players to 'paint' their vehicles. Theme Park Loot: Revised Theme Park rewards for Imperial, Rebel, and Jabba theme parks. Players who have previously completed (or are currently in) Theme Parks may visit Record Keeper NPCs to reset their status and gain entry. NPC Quest Loot: Tatooine and Dantooine quests, given by NPC's have all been given better loot as rewards. New Visual Buff system: A new 'buff' system has been put in place to give players a powerful and flexible method for applying and 'debuffing' attribute and skill modifiers with an easy to use graphic interface so they are easy to use. Vehicle Customization Instructions: Master Artisans can customize vehicles; they can craft vehicles and customization kits. Players should find Master Artisans and make the request. Once a player has selected a Master Artisan who will perform the customizations, players must give consent to an artisan to begin and should unconsent when the customization is complete. Type /consent (name) - (name) can now customize your vehicle colors, assuming they have that ability, tools necessary, etc. Type /unconsent (name) - (name) can no longer customize your vehicle colors. Bazaar / Vendor Increase the max bid amount on an auction from 3000 to 6000. Vendors will no longer show most vendor menu options before they are initialized. Using some of these options was causing some vendors to not initialize correctly. An initialized vendor will show all the normal control options. Combat Combat XP grants were removed from combat healing, poisons and diseases. Those actions will still count towards looting permissions. DoT damage is now tracked for loot permissions. XP rewards in combat now correctly reflect amount of damage that was done by dots. DoT stacking has been changed so that each player attacking a target can only have one fire dot, one health bleed, one action bleed and one mind bleed. Weapon DoT effects now only work if you are certified to use the weapon Crafting Added new shellfish harvesting tool to find mollusk and crustacean resources. Schematic for tool can only be obtained after completing a particular NPC granted mission. Fixed a visual bug with transferring objects between containers that are not on your player (e.g. factory hoppers). Fixed not being able to remove a schematic from a manufacturing station unless you have another schematic in your datapad. When a manufactured item is pulled from a crate, the item will have the manufacturer labeled as its creator, not the person who removed the item from the crate. Increased the amount of fish resources received from fishing. Added a warning message if you access a manufacturing station and don't have a schematic that can be used in the station. Increased the amount of eggs that can be found when searching a lair. Some creatures can now be milked! (See the Chef profession notes below for more details). GCW DoT resist changes will make AT-STs more resistant to DoT damage. Dot resistances have been added giving the AT-ST extra protection against flamethrowers and other fire DoT based attacks. Imperials are now more prevalent in Cantinas. Fixed an out of range speed limit on the imperial detonator schematic. Fixed an out-of-range range limit on the acid beam rifle schematic. PvP Death Penalty reduction: PvP deaths will no longer suffer 1% decay if items are insured after the player's death. PvP Death Penalty reduction: PvP deaths will no longer cause items to un-insure after the player's death. Players are no longer able to shut down a faction HQ if they have declared only within the last 5 minutes. Increased the maximum possible range for turrets to 80m. Stormtroopers will now occasionally enter cantinas to harass rebel players Only declared players may participate in GCW base shutdowns. Graphic User Interface Improved UI Examine Window - Fixed a bug whe
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 bi tane heycanlanmaniz icin mesaj paste ediyorum, they dedigi stormtrooper lar : Yes, they do drop from dropships. I saw one land in the middle of nowhere, tatooine and unload a bunch of stormtroopers. I was scared, because I was overt rebel at the time, so I used some of the spiffy TN buffing food and got the heck out of there. I just hope they don't drop in AT-STs or AT-ATs for that matter. I would be fried bothan.[signature][hline]eededo tha Royal Guard -------------------------------------------- Adventure Crew ... www.advcrew.com Knights of The Old Republic ... www.advcrew.com/kotor
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 http://www.miyamotoshrine.com/jedi/swg5.jpg bestine ustunde star destroyer lar !!![signature][hline]eededo tha Royal Guard -------------------------------------------- Adventure Crew ... www.advcrew.com Knights of The Old Republic ... www.advcrew.com/kotor
Darksun Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Abartı zevkli olacak =Pp[signature][hline]''Most of us walk in the light and the shadow but there are the chosen few who walk this world , carrying their own light to brighten both day and night.''
Enginar Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Amaçları rebellerin sayısını azaltmaksa amaçlarına ulaşamayacaklar çünkü bunları okuyunca insanın rebel olası geliyor. :)[signature][hline]Muhendis A'abof Eclipse Muhendis of Atlantean [retired] Even a Jedi could LD.
s1eger Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 said: draedan, 25 January 2004 19:08 tarihinde demiş ki: http://www.miyamotoshrine.com/jedi/swg5.jpg bestine ustunde star destroyer lar !!! bu güzel işte :)
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 aynısı benim aklıma geldi muho, bi cagresine bakacaz :)[signature][hline]eededo tha Royal Guard -------------------------------------------- Adventure Crew ... www.advcrew.com Knights of The Old Republic ... www.advcrew.com/kotor
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 evet, kendi gozlerimle gordum 2 tane star destroyer ! sshotlar gelcek yakinda eheh[signature][hline]eededo tha Royal Guard -------------------------------------------- Adventure Crew ... www.advcrew.com Knights of The Old Republic ... www.advcrew.com/kotor
AssassiN Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2004 said: draedan, 25 January 2004 18:46 tarihinde demiş ki: PvP Death Penalty reduction: PvP deaths will no longer suffer 1% decay if items are insured after the player's death. PvP Death Penalty reduction: PvP deaths will no longer cause items to un-insure after the player's death. Stormtroopers will now occasionally enter cantinas to harass rebel players oba mutis oldu bu[signature][hline]
mono Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 aha simdi yandik iste imp colonel olarak spice tasimaktan kac yil ceza yicez kimbilir..belki smugglerlara guzellik yaparlar istemem yan cebime koy felan :p[signature][hline]*curiosity res-kills* ...mono
Popeye Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 recruiter rüşvet alıyo önce onunla ilgilensinler :)[signature][hline]dark-dr, 14 May 2001 05:10 tarihinde demiş ki: osi de rp=soytarılık diyorum. Pre UO:R Shard
Darksun Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Her yakalandığınızda imperial sanız 500 fp ceza yiyorsunuz yanlız daha tam oturmadı sistem lol 20-30 tane stormtrooper sizi kovalayıp teker teker 500 er ceza kesiyormuş hahhaha[signature][hline]''Most of us walk in the light and the shadow but there are the chosen few who walk this world , carrying their own light to brighten both day and night.''
elesso Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 kellesi kesilsin spice taşıyanların şeriyat isterük eheh[signature][hline]eclipse:eive ikeste ------
sLog Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 geçen dandik char.imla kasmaya gitmişim.. 10 kişilik bi storm trooper grubu vardi onlara rastladım.. anında biri koşarak üstüme geldi ve "sakın kıpırdama şu an üzerinde yasak bir mal varsa gerekli işlemleri yapıcam" dedi.. bende dikildim.. elimde bişi olmadıı için saldı... daha sora bunu şehirdekilere ispiyonladım gittik dağıttık storm trooperları... evet testcenterda rebelim...[signature][hline]:·. -cøLdwínd- .·: (7:40 PM) : jedi sabrı olmasa, atlıcam pencereden. Eatar Pyrea :: Kettemoor
sLog Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 ha ayrıca evet star destroyerlar war bestinede.. ve cantinaya storm trooperlar gelio... hep aynı şeyleri tekrarlasalarda "i smell rebel scum" ve benzeri şeyler söliyerek rahatsız ediolar rebelleri... kadaara'da at-stlerin patrol yaptıınıda duydum...[signature][hline]:·. -cøLdwínd- .·: (7:40 PM) : jedi sabrı olmasa, atlıcam pencereden. Eatar Pyrea :: Kettemoor
unity100 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 star destroyer bestinede nerede duruyor[signature][hline].~:&:* Let the sunshine in *:&:~.
sLog Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 cantinanın yanında gökyüzüne baktın mı görüyosun... hareket ettikleri yok..[signature][hline]:·. -cøLdwínd- .·: (7:40 PM) : jedi sabrı olmasa, atlıcam pencereden. Eatar Pyrea :: Kettemoor
mono Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 *34 dstry 203, seyir halinde devam et pighh pighh*[signature][hline]*curiosity res-kills* ...mono
DA2019 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Valla iyi olmuş ne diim, ara da imperiallere falan da "Good work citizen, keep up what you're doin'..." gibi bişi deseler daha keyifleniriz... :-D[signature][hline]:( "Cehennemi dünyada yaşamak için, aşkınızın reddedilmesi yeter..." :( Devvo Ki'yyst Teras Kasi Master, Novice Weaponsmith, Novice Rifleman Ex-Master Creature Handler, Ranger (R.I.P.), Eclipse
sLog Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 26, 2004 euh demin wayfarda cantinaya girdim.. baktım arkamdan bi kırmızı nokta girdi.. noob olduum icin kactim saklandim hemen. arkamdan baarıo burda kimse yok.. olanlarda zaten korkak diye.. ne güldüm ama.. sora gruptaki dier adam geldi buna saldırınca buda başladı bağırmaya yardım gerek falan die.. arka kapıdan 2 tane daha girdi stormie... superdi ya[signature][hline]:·. -cøLdwínd- .·: (7:40 PM) : jedi sabrı olmasa, atlıcam pencereden. Eatar Pyrea :: Kettemoor
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