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Server Transferleri.

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Mesaj tarihi:
Usta 30 avro yatırıp sevisi satın alıyorsun.
Sonra tarnsfer etmek istediğin char için gideceğin serverda aynı irk ve classta bir char açıyorsun 1 lvl.ama girip oynamıyorsun.
SonraÖdemeyi yaptığın account hizmetlerinden girip işlemi tamamlıyorsun..


General Information

A character must be Level 40 or higher and completed their second transfer quest(s) in order to transfer to a different server.
Only one character may be transferred per week.
Transferred characters may transfer again after a six-month waiting period.
Other account services (Character Name Change, Character Gender Change, etc.) cannot be used during the same week as a server transfer.
You must create a Level 1 character with the desired name on the desired destination server. This character must stay at Level 1 or the server transfer will fail.
The Level 1 character that is reserving your place and name on your desired server, and everything associated with it (items, Adena, etc.) will be deleted once the server transfer process is complete.
You must remove the character who will be transferring from his or her clan/alliances before you request a server transfer and until the transfer is complete.
Characters that have Hero status cannot transfer to another server until that character loses his or her Hero status.
What is Transferrable?

A character’s equipped items, level, skill information, and quest information will be transferred.
Pets will be transferred with their names reset. You may transfer one pet.
Symbols and Dwarven/Common Recipe Book information will be transferred.
The amount of Adena that will be transferred is based on level. Any Adena that exceeds these amounts will be deleted.
Lv40~51: 50,000,000 Adena
Lv52~60: 100,000,000 Adena
Lv61~70: 200,000,000 Adena
Lv71~75: 300,000,000 Adena
Lv76~77: 400,000,000 Adena
Lv78~79: 500,000,000 Adena
Lv80: 700,000,000 Adena
If a character has a sub class (or sub classes), the character must be set to his or her highest-level class, be it the main class or sub class, so the highest amount of Adena can be transferred.
What is Non-Transferrable?
The following items will not be transferred.

All items in your inventory that are not equipped.
Items in your warehouses and freight.
Zariche, Akamanah, and Hero Weapons.
Friends list, mail, and Macro information.
Clan information.
Olympiad points, Noblesse Gate Passes, Hero status, and SSQ information. (Deposited seal stones must be withdrawn or they will be deleted.)
Quest items/rewards that are in your regular inventory and can be traded or sold, such as Red Gem, Spirit Bead, Blueprint: Tower of Insolence, etc.

Below are the prices for the Lineage® II Server Transfer.

Euros: €29.99
Pounds: £19.99
US Dollars: $49.99*
  • 2 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Bütün kızlar "teon"da toplandık.
Bi sen kaldın "kain"de!
İşin kötüsü teon ve franza şimdilik transferi durdurdular.
Yani ilk dalgada teon ve franza transfer olan oldu.
Wallaa ben warcryer açtım A grade oldu propheti çektim kainden.Bide 3. bir account açıp orada daggerci kasıyorum.O da a grade oldu.
Haberler sende.Ne zaman geliyorsun?Arayı çok açtın.
Mesaj tarihi:
Hocam bende haberler hep kotuye gidiyor bosverin beni,nasıl peki teon da hayat lag felan varmı?insallah hep konustugmuz gibi olmusttur? :P

siz ortamı hazırlayin ben hazıra konayim :D dimi yani :D
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