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Novice Marksmanlara yonelik ranged silah turlerini tanitan bir rehber

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Bir düzeltme:

"Armor Piercing : bu cok onemli bir alandir. silahin armor piercing ozelligini ifade eder. 3 seviye olur. none light ve medium."

Armorlar 4 seviye, 3 değil, none,light, medium ve heavy. Bildiğim kadarıyla bir tek T21'in heavy armor pearcingi var.[hline]Devvo Ki'yyst
Master Sharpshooter
Teras Kasi Novice
Ex-Master Creature Handler
Ex-Master Ranger
(R.I.P.), Eclipse
Mesaj tarihi:
Carbine da medium piercing var oda laser da[hline]''Most of us walk in the light and the shadow but there are the chosen few who walk this world , carrying their own light to brighten both day and night.''
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