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Counter Strike Hileleri... Hepsi işe yarıyo :)

Öne çıkan mesajlar

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The New OGC Hooker - New!
This cheat came up after all the Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) modules were released for Half-Life and mods like Counter-Strike. I am sure you have heard of the cheat, the OGC (Ouch Got Cooters) Hooker. This one is undetectable and will result in numerous kills. There is nothing to download, just a small editing procedure to your autoexec.cfg file. If you don't have one, check out our tutorials section for instructions. OK, now open the file using your notepad, add these lines to the file (Note, do not worry about what the text says, it is encoded C++ variables that are hidden in the executable files):

echo XVFG exec OGC Hooker 9.08 HjdLD:s
echo O(8jdl'++ml]
echo fff I am not cheating f ][ff
echo kg_&nl7-0
echo q27 disregard anything you are reading 'W#98
echo hgww9Nhyd
echo 55 Valve cannot stop me ""{0^B
echo |+_ggq`
echo 5h9,> please do not record my WON ID "bKs
say "hi I am cheating ban me now"
echo hhbs; valve=gay
echo k7765%^%
kill you all
echo bye bye

I know it looks complicated, but just cut and paste and go play! What are you waiting for? This is undetectable! Good luck!

The Performace Enhancing Cheat
Ever wonder how some people get all those mad kills? Well, chances are they are using this Performance Enhancing Cheat. This cheat uses programs and settings to make the server and your isp believe you have a faster connection and computer. It simulates a T1 connection to the server using the inputted setting. Then using the programs running in the background it gives your computer a performance boost simulating a Pentium4 1.7 Ghz with 1GB of RAM!
This is what you do:
Open your config.cfg file and change your rate to (rate "124.0937").
This exact number makes your ISP believe you have a T1 connection. Then run your Disk Defrag and VirusScan in the background. Also, run a 3D benchmark like 3DMArk2001 on the highest resolution possible. Now join a server and go play. Expect Mad Killz!

The Optical Mouse Cheat
First, you have to have an Optical mouse of some kind. You will need to have it plugged into your PS2 port. This works as a teleporter! When you are in sight of an enemy player, all you do is unplug your mouse and you will be teleported around the map and then to your spawn. If it doesn't work for you, try removing the optical laser and replacing it with a small Christmas tree spare bulb! Red Only! You are the Master of your Domain! ;-)

Flashbang Cheat
Have you ever been blinded by a flashbang and ever wonder why you can throw one right at a guy and he still can see you. Well, unless he turned around quickly, he is probably using this cheat. I once again didn't believe it until I tried it. It is really simple too! All you do is this: 1. You hear the sound of a Flashbang bouncing on the ground. 2. You quickly shut your monitor off for 5 seconds. 3. You should hear the audible flashbang noise, then you simply turn your monitor back on. Your done, see you weren't blinded this time were you? We have a Winner! :-)

Invisibility Cheat
The infamous Invisibility Cheat, everyone has heard of it. You will need a monitor that has the Degauss option. You must turn your gamma and contrast to max. Once you have selected your team, don't choose a skin. Open the console and type: exec invis 0.97521. Then open your monitor controls and degauss your monitor continuously for one minute. Now choose a skin and immediately run at the enemy. DO not stop deagussing. You should see the monitor change colors several times and then you will be invisible. WooHoo!

Monitor Cheat
Ok, this one is easy and has quick results, although they may vary. When in a multiplayer game, drop to console and type gamma 1.2038794warp, then quickly turn off your monitor. Now while keeping the ESC key, the TAB key the Space bar and the mouse1 depressed, type gamma 9.0210maxzbuffer. Turn your monitor back on and someone should be dead. Even though it might be you. If you didn't keep all those keys depressed as you type you will get different results. This is definitely an advanced cheat and should only be done by expert hackers like yourself. Go get 'em you CounterStrike Champion of the World!

New Bot Cheat (advanced)
This one is hot! It is complicated, but worth it. You need to download at least 2 different CS bots (ie: Android and Swat). Once installed properly, you will need to create a cfg file called linkbot.cfg and place it in your cstrike directory. Once there add the lines:

alias linkbot2000 "exec bot; developer 1; echo LINKBOT; developer 0; exec link; unbindall; kill; name Botkill; addbot 100; buyequip; menuselect 5; +attack; wait; wait; -attack; weapon_lightsaber; +slash; kill darth; -slash; serveradmin; say I am Superfly; +crouch; exec linkcomplete"

Then bind a key to linkbot2000, like bind "x" "linkbot2000"

If you are not familiar with advanced bot scripting, don't even bother to read into the alias. When you hit y
Mesaj tarihi:
Sly-One, 09 Mart 2003 18:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
silin bunu ya bune.[hline][i]Güçlü ve şanslı olanlar genellikle yalnız olanlardır... -Xar

Nassı yani silin?
Mesaj tarihi:
okumadım dorudur.
yani hileyle ilgili bişi örenirim die bakmadım.
aşırı gıcıım kılım war çünkü... :P[hline][i]Güçlü ve şanslı olanlar genellikle yalnız olanlardır... -Xar
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