Blackice Mesaj tarihi: Mart 7, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 7, 2003 MESSAGE - 7.3.2003 17:44:12 We are starting to setup and move over to the new and final EVE cluster, the servers will be down until 24:00 GMT. Stay tuned for more info here. Thanks for you patience. EVE DevTeam ------------------------------------------------------ Posted - 07/03/2003 : 15:54:13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new servers have arrived in London. At approximately 4 pm GMT, the existing Eve servers will be taken down so that installation of the new servers can begin. It is estimated that the system will be down until around Midnight GMT. During this time you will not be able to log into the game. Please do not contact customer support about this. The impending player wipe will likely not occur as the servers are brought back up, though there is a slight possibility of a partial wipe. It may be several days (or longer) before a complete wipe happens. Options are being discussed at this very moment. More information will be given as it's available. Pann Eve Online Community Manager Crowd Control Productions Yeni Serverlar Londraya gelmiş ve şu anda kuruluyolarmış, Pwipe serverlar açıldığında hemen uygulanmıycakmış belki kısmi bi wipe olucakmış. (açıkcası ne yapıcaklarına daha karar verememişler) Daha fazla açıklama ilerde yapılcakmış...[hline] I'm not a man of too many faces... The mask I wear is one...
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