Antimodes52 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 1 saat sonra kayda gideceğim Bilgi Üniversitesi'ne, artık resmen Bilgi Üniversite'li oluyorum. 1 saat daha dayanmalıyım :)
Voys Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 oba 2 gun sonrada ben gelıyorum anti cim. hazırlıkta kaynaşırız artık. muhabbet bakımından.
Farinal Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 off okullar açılıyor ya şu liseden kusucam bide şerefsizler bi sene daha ekledi bonus. ne güzel bu sene her zaman ki gibi bol devamsızlık yapardım, öss çalışmak için bol bol raporla test mest çözerdim öyle geçerdi pffff
Antimodes52 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Ben atlıyorum abi hazırlığı =) ama sen hazırlığı dolapderede okursun, ben hep dolapderede olacağım zaten, her şekil kaynaşırız. Muhabbet olarak :)
Penthesilea Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Aga yarin Radcliffe dekani ve bi profa sunum yapicam ve oturdum mal gibi dota oynadim (aka Azmo'nun eline verdim) Ama sukur bu kod da bitti, cok sik oldu. Hatta yapistiricam lan buraya benden paticik camiasina bir hediye olsun, path finder window haydin. [spo]package ctgui.original; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.alglib.ShortestPaths; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.Scoring; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.types.ChipSet; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.types.PlayerStatus; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.types.RowCol; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.client.ClientGameStatus; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.client.ui.ColoredTrailsBoardPanel; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.types.Path; /** * Graphical Path Finder, for helping the player while making proposals. * @author ilke * */ public class PathFinderWindow extends JFrame { private JPathFinderPanel pathFinderPanel; private JPathFinderFrame pathFinderFrame; private ArrayList shortestpaths; public PathFinderWindow() { super("Colored Trails: Path Finder"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); pathFinderFrame = new JPathFinderFrame(); pathFinderFrame.setBackground(Color.white); pathFinderPanel = new JPathFinderPanel(pathFinderFrame); JPanel pfp = new JPanel(); pfp.setBackground(Color.WHITE); pfp.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(BorderFactory .createLineBorder(, "Path Finder Controls")); pfp.add(pathFinderPanel); JPanel pff = new JPanel(); pff.setBackground(Color.WHITE); pff.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(BorderFactory .createLineBorder(, "Path Finder Results")); pff.add(pathFinderFrame); Box pathFinderContainer = Box.createVerticalBox(); pathFinderContainer.add(pfp, BorderLayout.CENTER); pathFinderContainer.add(pff, BorderLayout.CENTER); pathFinderContainer.setVisible(true); getContentPane().add(pathFinderContainer); pack(); } class JPathFinderPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener { private GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); private GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); private JComboBox playerComboBox; private PlayerModel playerModel; private ChipSetInputPanel chipChooser; private JButton pathFinder; private JButton reset; private JPathFinderFrame pathFinderFrame; /** * When an action performed on the panel, takes the necessary action */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if( event.getSource() == playerComboBox ) { System.out.println( "playerComboBox changed" ); ClientGameStatus cgs = Taskbar.getInstance().getAgent().getGameStatus(); PlayerStatus ps = cgs.getPlayerByPerGameId(playerComboBox.getSelectedIndex()); ChipSet cs = ps.getChips(); cs = cs.getNegation(cs); int[] mins = new int[cgs.getGamePalette().size()]; for(int i=0; i mins[i] = 0; } for(String color:cgs.getGamePalette().getColorListArray()) { mins[cgs.getGamePalette().getNumByColor(color)-1] = cs.getNumByColor(color); } chipChooser.setChipsMinsMaxs(mins, null); chipChooser.reset(); } else { pathFinderFrame.erase(); if (event.getSource() == pathFinder) { int id = playerModel.getPlayerIndex(playerComboBox.getSelectedIndex()); pathFinderFrame.displayPaths(chipChooser.getChipSet(), id); } else if (event.getSource() == reset) { chipChooser.reset(); } } } /** * Get a box with a player label and a player selector. * @return a box with a player label and a player selector * @author ilke */ private JComponent getPlayerChooser() { ClientGameStatus cgs = Taskbar.getInstance().getAgent().getGameStatus(); // pull down menu of the players' icons: playerModel = new PlayerModel(cgs, true); // withMe = true playerComboBox = new JComboBox(playerModel); playerComboBox.setRenderer(new PlayerRenderer()); playerComboBox.setSelectedIndex(cgs.getMyPlayer().getPerGameId()); playerComboBox.setEnabled(true); playerComboBox.addActionListener(this); JPanel playersp = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 1)); JLabel playersl = new JLabel("Player", JLabel.CENTER); playersl.setOpaque(false); playersp.setBackground(Color.WHITE); playersp.add(playersl); playersp.add(playerComboBox); return playersp; } /** * Get a box with a chip label and a chip selector * @return a box with a chip label and a chip selector * @author ilke */ private JComponent getChipChooser() { ClientGameStatus cgs = Taskbar.getInstance().getAgent().getGameStatus(); ChipSet negcs = cgs.getMyPlayer().getChips(); negcs = negcs.getNegation(negcs); int[] negchips = new int[cgs.getGamePalette().getColorListArray().size()]; for(int i=0; i negchips[i] = 0; } for(String color:cgs.getGamePalette().getColorListArray()) { negchips[cgs.getGamePalette().getNumByColor(color)-1] = negcs.getNumByColor(color); } chipChooser = new ChipSetInputPanel(negchips, null); //chipChooser.setBackground(Color.white); Box chipsp = Box.createVerticalBox(); JPanel b = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JLabel chipsl = new JLabel("Chips Changes", JLabel.CENTER); b.add(chipsl); b.setOpaque(false); chipsl.setOpaque(false); chipsp.setBackground(Color.WHITE); chipsp.add(b); chipsp.add(chipChooser); return chipsp; } /** * Get relevant buttons * @author ilke */ private JComponent getButtons() { Box buttons = Box.createVerticalBox(); pathFinder = new JButton("Find Path"); pathFinder.addActionListener(this); buttons.add(pathFinder); reset = new JButton(" Reset "); reset.addActionListener(this); gridbag.setConstraints(buttons, constraints); buttons.add(reset); return buttons; } public JPathFinderPanel(JPathFinderFrame pathFinderFrame) { this.pathFinderFrame = pathFinderFrame; this.pathFinderFrame.erase(); setBackground(Color.white); add(getPlayerChooser()); add(getChipChooser()); add(getButtons()); updateUI(); } } /** * The panel contains three tables showing summary information (read * # of moves, total required chips, total missing chips) of all paths and path-specific * information (read chip color and direction). */ class JPathFinderFrame extends JPanel implements ItemListener { int currentlySelectedPathNum; int currentlyDisplayedID; PathOverviewTable pathOverviewTable; JTable pathOverviewJtableContainer; JScrollPane pathOverviewScrollPane; JCheckBox displaypaths = new JCheckBox("Display Path On Board"); ClientGameStatus cgs = Taskbar.getInstance().getAgent().getGameStatus(); final int paletteSize = cgs.getAllColorsGamePalette().size(); ListSelectionModel rowSelectionModel; ListSelectionModel lsm; /** * listens for the check box for displaying paths on the board. */ public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent arg0) { ColoredTrailsBoardPanel boardPanel = Taskbar.getInstance().getBoardWindow().getBoardPanel(); boardPanel.setPathDrawn(displaypaths.isSelected()); boardPanel.repaint(); } /** * listens for a row selection in overview table and loads * appropriate data in detail table */ private class overviewListSelectionListener implements ListSelectionListener { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getValueIsAdjusting()) { return; } lsm = (ListSelectionModel) e.getSource(); if (!lsm.isSelectionEmpty()) { currentlySelectedPathNum = lsm.getMinSelectionIndex(); Taskbar taskbar = Taskbar.getInstance(); taskbar.getBoardWindow().getBoardPanel().setDrawnPath((Path) shortestpaths.get(currentlySelectedPathNum)); taskbar.getBoardWindow().getBoardPanel().repaint(); } } } public JPathFinderFrame() { setBackground(Color.white); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 220)); setMaximumSize(new Dimension(300, 220)); setMinimumSize(new Dimension(300, 220)); // init path overview table pathOverviewTable = new PathOverviewTable(); pathOverviewJtableContainer = new JTable(pathOverviewTable); pathOverviewJtableContainer.setDefaultRenderer(ChipSet.class, new ChipSetRenderer()); pathOverviewJtableContainer.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); rowSelectionModel = pathOverviewJtableContainer.getSelectionModel(); rowSelectionModel.addListSelectionListener(new overviewListSelectionListener()); //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it. pathOverviewJtableContainer.getColumnModel().getColumn(1) .setPreferredWidth(125); pathOverviewScrollPane = getScrollPaneOfTable( pathOverviewJtableContainer, new Dimension(250, 200)); pathOverviewScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 180)); displaypaths.setOpaque(false); displaypaths.setBackground(Color.WHITE); displaypaths.addItemListener(this); } private JScrollPane getScrollPaneOfTable(JTable table, Dimension dm) { table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(dm); JScrollPane js = new JScrollPane(table); js.setViewportView(table); js.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); return js; } public void erase() { removeAll(); pathOverviewJtableContainer.clearSelection(); repaint(); setBackground(Color.white); } /** * Display the paths for the hypotatical ChipSet chipset and * the player with ID id. * @param chipSet Hypotatical chipset generated by the player via the * ChipChooserPanel * @param id Id of the player selected */ public void displayPaths(ChipSet chipSet, int id) { Box b = Box.createVerticalBox(); currentlyDisplayedID = id; pathOverviewJtableContainer.clearSelection(); removeAll(); pathOverviewTable.setTableData(chipSet, id); b.add(pathOverviewScrollPane); b.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(5)); b.add(displaypaths); add(b); updateUI(); } } /** * The list table in the PathFinderWindow, which lists the paths according to their * ranks, and shows their number of movements, required and missing chips * @author ilke */ class PathOverviewTable extends ListTable { final int maxNumRows = 100; final int MOVES = 0; final int MISSING_CHIPS = 1; public PathOverviewTable() { final String[] pathOverviewTitle = { "Moves", "Required Chips", "Missing Chips" }; setColumnNames(pathOverviewTitle); } /** * Sets the table data with the hypotatical chips added, and the id of the client * @param hypotaticalAddedChips Hypotatical chips added after the proposal * @param id Id of the Client */ public void setTableData(ChipSet hypotaticalAddedChips, int id) { ClientGameStatus cgs = Taskbar.getInstance().getAgent().getGameStatus(); PlayerStatus ps = cgs.getPlayerByPerGameId(id); RowCol playerloc = ps.getPosition(); RowCol goalloc = cgs.getBoard().getGoalLocations().get(0); // get the first goal //THIS IS TEMPORARY!!! AT THE MOMENT THERE IS NO SCORING OF THE GAME //Weights of the colors are same for now etc. HashMap hm = new HashMap(); hm.put("RGBRed", "1"); hm.put("RGBGreen", "1"); hm.put("orange1", "1"); hm.put("purple1", "1"); Scoring scoring = new Scoring(50, -10, 15, hm); shortestpaths = ShortestPaths.getShortestPaths(playerloc, goalloc, cgs.getBoard(), scoring, 10); int size = Math.min(maxNumRows, shortestpaths.size()); Vector dataVector = new Vector(); // This part is for sorting the shortest paths according to the weights of missing // chips among the ones that have the same pathWeight // Path[] paths = (Path[]) shortestpaths.toArray(); // throws a ClassCasting Exception Path[] paths = new Path[shortestpaths.size()]; for(int i = 0; i paths[i] = shortestpaths.get(i); } int n; for(int m=1; m Path path = paths[m]; n = m-1; ChipSet missingm = ps.getChips().addChipSets(ps.getChips(), hypotaticalAddedChips).getMissingChips(paths[m].getRequiredChips(cgs.getBoard())); ChipSet missingn = ps.getChips().addChipSets(ps.getChips(), hypotaticalAddedChips).getMissingChips(paths[n].getRequiredChips(cgs.getBoard())); while((n>=0) && (paths[m].getWeight() == paths[n].getWeight()) && (scoring.getChipSetWeight(missingm) < scoring.getChipSetWeight(missingn))) { paths[n+1] = paths[n]; n--; if(n>=0) { missingn = ps.getChips().addChipSets(ps.getChips(), hypotaticalAddedChips).getMissingChips(paths[n].getRequiredChips(cgs.getBoard())); } } paths[n+1] = path; } shortestpaths = new ArrayList(); for(Path path:paths) { shortestpaths.add(path); } // for(int i=0; i Path p = shortestpaths.get(i); Object moves = new Integer(p.getNumSteps()); Object missingChips = ps.getChips().addChipSets(ps.getChips(), hypotaticalAddedChips).getMissingChips(p.getRequiredChips(cgs.getBoard())); Object[] dataelement = {moves, p.getRequiredChips(cgs.getBoard()), missingChips}; dataVector.add(dataelement); } data = dataVector; } } }[/spo]
Cons Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 said: mport edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.alglib.ShortestPaths; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.Scoring; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.types.ChipSet; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.types.PlayerStatus; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.types.RowCol; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.client.ClientGameStatus; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.client.ui.ColoredTrailsBoardPanel; import edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.types.Path; OK HARVARD
Penthesilea Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 HARVARD A--------R R--------A V--------V A--------R R--------A DRAVRAH H - - - - - - - - - - - H - A - - - - - - - - - A - - - R - - - - - - - R - - - - - V - - - - - V - - - - - - - A - - - A - - - - - - - - - R - R - - - - - - - - - - - D - - - - - - [ Mesaj 05 Eylül 2007, Çarşamba - 08:06 tarihinde, Penthesilea tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Cons Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 ilke sana laflar hazırladım hamam tasi gumusten simdi geldik sevisten bunu bana ogreten senin escinsel enisten tavsan gider ekine kulaklari dikine bal mi surdun gozune tatli geldi ağzıma o laflar boy boy seni yiyen orçun kovboy bos konusma yalak ne konusdugunu bilmiyorsun salak cok cirkinsin kepce kulak istanbulda kalkti tren ankarada yapti firen bu lafima cevap veren ya fetullahtır ya gülen
aquila Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 abi harvardla ilgili bi video var ama bulamadim, bulursam sokucam buraya. 100 kisiye soruyolar, harvardli inekler bilemiyo, ama basit bilim sorulari.
Cons Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 harvard 4. albümden sonra bozdu, pop oldu boyband oldu
Farinal Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 uyumamaya karar verdim yaw. ama national daki hitler belgeselinden sonra gaz oldum ww2 ile ilgili bişiler yapmam lazım. indirme uzun sürer, cdci daha açılmamıştır company of heroes alamayacağız. bare empire earth 2 de o dönem oynayalım biraz oyalasın dimi gençler?
senko Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 5, 2007 harvırdta iş yok zaten artık ya nerde eski harvırdlar bizimde var havardlı hoca bilgisayarın b'sinden çaktığı yok hıyarın
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