Penthesilea Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 7, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 7, 2007 Old Republic zamaninda gecen bir MMO yaparsa Lucas Arts, dunyanin akisi falan degisir biz kafayi yeriz heralde, mesela ben haberi okuyunca camdan atlarim falan. Nintendo Wii bekleyen Cartman'a doneriz. Harika olur ya dusunemiyorum bile. Jedi varligi sacma olmaz bi kere o zamanki coklugu dusunulurse. Guzel bi jedi sistemi, tamamen oyuncularin elinde bi konsey falan. Master rankleri vs vs ohohoh. Sithler de vardi o zaman hem. Abiiiiiiii
nuwanda Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 9, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 9, 2007 emu dan baska normal serverlarda neler oluo die mrk edenler de vardır snrm =) adamlar gecen cuma cat die geo cave i update ettiler. eskiden icerdekiler normal cl80-85 arasında moblardı simdi cl85 elite en dusuk, cogu mob cl90-91 elite olmus acklay de 93 boss olmus. ayrıca loot tableları da duzeltmisler. power cube, sword core fln filan dusmeye baslamıs yine, weapon smithler icin byaa guzel haberler bunlar. darısı nightsisterların da basına.. ---- edit: dev. team bu sne tamamen degisti gibi bisi. gecen sne helios die bi dallama vardı. dallama derken cidden dallamaydı ama adam. su player campler icin konusulurken adam "you just sat there, and it was fun, huh?" gibisinden bi cumle yazarak olayı bitirmis, gidisini hazırlamıs, roleplay-pve contentlerine ne kdr az onem verdigini gostermistir. su an developer team basında pre cu zamanından beri orda bulunmus olan biri var. bu adam teamin basına gectikten snra 1-2 ay icinde cat die hmn themeparkların yenilencegi haberi, beast mastery, geo cave gbi yerlerin planda yokken bile update edilmesi, eski lootların gelmesi fln iiye isaret sanki? [ Mesaj 09 Nisan 2007, Pazartesi - 13:13 tarihinde, nuwanda tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Natanyal Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 9, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 9, 2007 en kötü ihtimalle cu'yu bile getirmedikleri sürece iyiye işaret diye bir şey söz konusu olamaz.
MrBomb Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 12, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 12, 2007 penthesilea: said: Old Republic zamaninda gecen bir MMO yaparsa Lucas Arts, dunyanin akisi falan degisir biz kafayi yeriz heralde, mesela ben haberi okuyunca camdan atlarim falan. Nintendo Wii bekleyen Cartman'a doneriz. Harika olur ya dusunemiyorum bile. Jedi varligi sacma olmaz bi kere o zamanki coklugu dusunulurse. Guzel bi jedi sistemi, tamamen oyuncularin elinde bi konsey falan. Master rankleri vs vs ohohoh. Sithler de vardi o zaman hem. Abiiiiiiiihelal beh! çok güzel bi fikir. her ne kadar oyunda jedi görmek istemesek de en azından döneme (old republic era) uymasından dolayı bizi hiç rahatsız etmezdi bu jedi fazlalığı. dediğin gibi oyun dünyasının akışı değişirdi bu fikir gerçek olsa :)
GwindonSurion Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2007 arkadaşlar sanırım şunu söylemenin zamanı geldi... SWG DÜZELMİYOR asdasdasdasd
Netcafe Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2007 ya sabredin emu geliyor emu soe kafalari alcak :) ( cok inancliyim insallah tot olmam :D )
Theghosthand Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2007 Emuya yasalar izin veriyor mu?Bunu merak ediyorum.Geçen site fbi tarafından kapalıdır yazıyordu.
Netcafe Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2007 para talet edilmedikce yasal.. ama para talep edilirse yasal degil... para talep edilmiyor sadece bagis kabul ediliyor...yani yasal...ztn gercek swgcilerde sanki parali gibi para veriyorlar..bende verdim serverlar acilsin gene aylik öder gibi vermeyide dusunuyorum..ha SOE'ye ha EMU'ya... pre-cu swgyede veriyoduk para seviyoduk..verdigim paraya degiyodu..emudada fark olmiycak sevdigimiz seyin ayakta kalmasi icin bagis yapicaz... Not : Adi ustunde bagis zorunlu degil..( türkiyedeki gibi degil yani :) )
GrandFather Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 24, 2007 emu fln yalan yeni swg yapsinlar ya su swgde muzik dinleyerek buff aldigim gunleri ozledim ya dansci twileklere hayran hayran bakardik :)
maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 24, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 24, 2007 Date/Time: 5/23/07 - Chapter 6: Masters of the Wild Neler var bunda ?
rambokazim Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 24, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 24, 2007 said: Date/Time: 5/23/07 - Chapter 6: Masters of the Wild Neler var bunda ? said: Storyteller Enhance your player-driven stories and adventures with a new series of props, effects, and attackable NPCs. You may place these objects in player cities or in the wild on non-adventure planets. You will have to invite other players to your story before they will be allowed to attack NPCs or open containers you have placed. To begin telling your story, purchase storyteller tokens from Storyteller Vendors located in NPC theaters across the galaxy. To find a theater near you, open your planetary map (the V key by default) then from the right-hand menu choose Guild Halls and then Theater. Right-click the theater nearest you and make a new waypoint to guide you to your destination. Use the storyteller button in your command browser, or type /storyteller, to list all the Storyteller commands! Beast Master Beast Master Expertise is an exciting new feature in Chapter 6. These are new creature-centric abilities available to all players, regardless of profession or level, through a third expertise tree. Harvest DNA from the wild, obtain and craft enzymes, and incubate your fully customizable creature! Adventure in the wilds to learn abilities and level up your pet. See the Friday Feature posted on April 20th for detailed instructions on Incubation. Beast Incubation Players are limited to one active incubator unit per character. Incubators must be placed in a player structure to activate. Picking up the Incubator unit will cleanse any active experiments. The length of time between experimentation sessions is based on Incubator Functionality rating and purchased expertise boxes. Beast Loyalty and Happiness
nuwanda Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2007 Species Traits In order to further differentiate species a number of new special abilities, skill bonuses and base statistic modifiers have been added. -All species have received a combat oriented special ability. The reuse time these abilities are currently ten minutes. -All species have received a trader specialization, if they lacked one previously. -All species have received a non-trader bonus or specialization, if they lacked one previously. -All species have received an additional 200 points worth of stat mods. This is in addition to class specific base stat mods, which have also changed from the standard across the board +90's at level 90. These are discussed below the upcoming section. --Human Species Traits Human Authority: You take charge of the situation granting your group mates and you a damage bonus. +10 Group Buff Duration +15 Artisan Experimentation Stat Bonuses at Level 90 +50 Precision +50 Strength +50 Stamina +50 Agility --Wookiee Species Traits Wookiee Roar: You let loose with a ferocious roar that is absolutely terrifying. The attack bypasses all opponent defenses, inflicts harm, partially paralyzes and reduces the combat effectiveness of all enemies around you. + 3 Creature Knowledge +10 Chef Assembly +5 Chef Experimentation Stat Bonuses at Level 90 +10 Precision +85 Strength +85 Constitution +40 Stamina --Rodian Species Traits Hunter's Tenacity: You focus your determination reducing all action costs for a period of time. +3 Droid Tracks (Bounty Hunter) +10 Weapon Assembly +5 Weapons Experimentation Stat Bonuses at Level 90 +80 Precision +20 Stamina +80 Agility +20 Luck --Bothan Species Traits Blend-In: You blend in with your immediate surroundings, becoming almost undetectable. Though you can creep about slowly any posture changes, such as sitting or kneeling, will reveal your presence. +15 Camouflage +10 Clothing Assembly +5 Clothing Experimentation Stat Bonuses at Level 90 +65 Precision +25 Constitution +50 Agility +60 Luck --Mon Calamari Species Traits It's a Trap!: Through analysis of your opponent's strengths and weakness you determine a counter-strategy to increase your odds of defeating them. You unleash a cunning area attack that bypasses all opponent defenses, increasing their chance to be critically hit and decreasing the effectiveness of their attack. +10 Pilot Special Tactics +10 Weapon Assembly +10 Structure Assembly +5 Structure Experimentation Stat Bonuses at Level 90 +60 Precision +40 Constitution +60 Stamina +40 Luck --Trandoshan Species Traits Regeneration: You activate your astonishing powers of regeneration to heal 20 Health per level every second for several seconds. +3% Unarmed (Knuckler type) Weapon Damage +10 (+35 total) Creature Harvesting +10 Armor Assembly +5 Armor Experimentation Stat Bonuses at Level 90 +50 Strength +65 Constitution +65 Stamina +20 Agility --Twilek Species Traits Footwork: By focusing your efforts and recalling memories of past combats, you greatly increase your ability to anticipate and dodge enemy attacks +3 Minutes per Tick Inspiration Duration Increase +500 Vendor Item Limit Stat Bonuses at Level 90 +40 Precision +60 Stamina +60 Agility +40 Luck --Zabrak Species Traits Equilibrium: You perform an astonishing feat of sheer will, drawing upon your inner reserves to push yourself to the limits of endurance and restore balance to your body in the face of exhaustion. When used you will heal 40 points of health and action per level. Reduced incapacitation and weakness timers. +10 Droid Assembly +5 Droid Experimentation Stat Bonuses at Level 90 +50 Precision +50 Strength +50 Constitution +50 Agility --Ithorian Species Traits Balance: You focus your efforts and take up an extremely stable combat stance greatly increasing your ability to block attacks. The amount of damage you prevent while blocking is also increased by 11 to 12 points per level. +3% Ship Weapon Damage +10 Chassis, Power Systems, Shields and Advanced Ship Assembly +5 Chassis, Power Systems, Shields and Advanced Ship Experimentation Stat Bonuses at Level 90 +40 Precision +60 Strength +70 Stamina +30 Luck --Sullustan Species Traits Tech Knowledge: You focus your keen powers of observation to determine the optimum spot to attack an opponent, greatly increasing your chance for a critical hit. Reduced Hyperspace Navigation times. +10 Engine, Booster, Ship Weapons Assembly +5 Engine, Booster, Ship Weapons Experimentation Stat Bonuses at Level 90 +40 Strength +60 Constitution +60 Agility +40 Luck Class Base Statistics In order to offer further class differentiation we've made several improvements to the rate of gain and the final values of a character's base statistics (Strength, Precision, Agility, Stamina, Constitution and Luck). This replaces the across the board final +90 to Strength, Precision, Agility and Luck that all players currently receive. In addition when your character levels up, you will receive a detailed update on your total stat gains. The following are the base statistics for each class. Note these values are added to the character's species statistic bonuses which are covered above. Also note that the total number of base stat points has not changed and all classes continue to get 360 points spread between the stats. Smuggler Base Statistics +120 Luck +20 Precision +20 Strength +70 Constitution +30 Stamina +100 Agility Officer Base Statistics +20 Luck +70 Precision +50 Strength +80 Constitution +80 Stamina +60 Agility Commando Base Statistics +60 Luck +120 Precision +120 Strength +60 Constitution +0 Stamina +0 Agility Jedi Base Statistics +30 Luck +30 Precision +100 Strength +40 Constitution +40 Stamina +120 Agility Spy Base Statistics +40 Luck +50 Precision +50 Strength +80 Constitution +40 Stamina +100 Agility Medic Base Statistics +80 Luck +50 Precision +50 Strength +60 Constitution +120 Stamina +0 Agility Entertainer Base Statistics +80 Luck +0 Precision +0 Strength +40 Constitution +120 Stamina +120 Agility Bounty Hunter Base Statistics +20 Luck +60 Precision +40 Strength +80 Constitution +80 Stamina +80 Agility Trader Base Statistics +90 Luck +90 Precision +90 Strength +90 Agility +0 Constitution +0 Stamina
Arkansis Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 21, 2007 2 sene uğraşmışlar abi bu balansı tutturmak için helal olsun tam bir matematik dehası ...
nuwanda Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 3, 2007 bu linke bakmanız lazm. chpt7 fln diil bu arada boyle fixler ve updateler yapmıs adamlar azım acık kaldı.
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