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Mesaj tarihi:

·Covers all species, careers, and attributes for character creation
·In-depth combat information, including special attacks, group tactics, and healing
·All the basics for a healthy economy, from crafting to buying
·Details for each planet
·Complete weapons, armor, and creature lists
·Beginners chapter for MMORPG novices
·Detailed maps for major cities on every starting planet
·Tips on gaming etiquette
·Information on interaction with the game world and players
·Tips from testers on the Elite and Hybrid professions

June 30, 2006 demis amazon yani yaklasik nge geldikten 6 ay sonra lol zaten nge de cu dan 6 ay sonra gelmisti simdi TH forumda bunun yanlislik oldugunu soyluyor aynen tiggs'in started kit guide'e yanlislik var dedigi gibi =))
Mesaj tarihi:
aga bu kitap reklamına benziyor ?..

Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Prima Games; Limited edition (June 30, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN: 0761542213
Shipping Information: View shipping rates and policies
Average Customer Review: based on 4 reviews. (Write a review.)
Amazon.com Sales Rank: #215,687 in Books (See Top Sellers in Books)
Yesterday: #202,963 in Books
(Publishers and authors: improve your sales)

ingilizcem iyi değil ama ?!
Mesaj tarihi:
Höh?O basliga da baktim ama bir alaka kuramadim burada demek istedigim 2. nge'nin buyuk ihtimalle 30 haziranda gelecegi yani her 6 ayda bir bu adamlar sistem degistiriyor tam komedi

[ Mesaj 30 Mart 2006, Perşembe - 17:22 tarihinde, Sylian tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Mesaj tarihi:
Hmm ilk olarak nge gelmeden yaklasik 2-3 hafta onceki donemi hatirlamaniz lazim.

Amazonda ve bazi sitelerde starter kit guide gibi bir sey+started kit pre-order'i cikmisti bu sirada playerlar tiggs'e sordular bu ne boyle diye,tiggs'in verdigi cevap ise amazon ve buna benzer sitelerin veritabaninda bazi hatalar oldugu aslinda yanlis reklam yaptiklari ve bunun en kisa zamanda duzelecegiydi.ha sonucta ne oldu o started kit cikti...

Simdi bu siralar yeni bir guide gozukuyor ve bu guide'de denildigine gore tester'lar tarafindan sozde elite ve hybrid profession konusunda tavsiyeler var ve cok komik bir sekilde thunderheart bu guide'nin yanlis oldugunu sitelerin veritabaninda bir sorun ciktigini(Tam olarak boyle degil ama buna benzer bir sey demisti) soyluyor.

bildiginiz gibi nge'de hybrid prof. yok ve yanlis hatirlamiyorsam eski sistemde elite profession diye bir sey yoktu yani bu demek oluyor ki cok buyuk ihtimalle haziran 30da elite(?) ve hybrid professionlar gelecek yani tekrar pre-nge benzeri bir sistem yapacaklar(En azindan professionlar konusunda)ayrica expansion'u durduk yere iptal ettiler demek ki bir seyler yapmayi planliyorlar
Mesaj tarihi:


zaten giremiyorum artık işlerden soeye mi kızsam işyerine mi kızsam kime kızsam bilemiyorum...

ayrıca bu adamlar ipe ipe getirecekler eskileri..bunun dönüşü yok..biraz zaman alıcak belki ama gelecek..çünkü abd de ne kadar sw fanı varsa bu oyunu oynuyordu..şimdi herkes lucasa küfür ediyor..lucas bunu düzeltmek için kesin bişiler yapacaktır..bioware falanda zaten soeye biraz olsun ders olmuştur..sonuçta bu oyunu oynayan biziz bizim istediklerimiz olucaktır..ama soede öle ufak her denileni zart die yapacak bi firma deil..yavaş yavaş olucak ama işallah sağlam olur..ama herkesi jedi yapmaları büyük kayıp oldu bence onlara..şimdi herkes jedinin tadını aldı..öle bi jedi sistemi gelmeliki millet tekrar jedi olabilmek için bitarafını yırtmalı..ve nerdeyse bence imkansız olmalı..olduğunda da müthiş olmalı..bhlar 3-4 kişi anca öldürebilmeli..stormtrooperlar asiler oyunun içinde daha çok olmalı..işim gücüm bs ve dwb oldu..bumu sw ya :(

bu arada bl veya plc için hala yardımlarınızı beklemekte hatta yalvarmaktayım...1 adet blye ise çok acil ihtiyacım var..ltf yardım..

herkese sevgiler...oyuna giremiyorum gerçek hayat çok kötü yoğun bari sanalını düzelt soe !!!!
Mesaj tarihi:
Eski sistemde de elite proffesion vardı, ornegin marksmanin uzerine rifleman falan filan yani ba$ka bir base proffesiondan kolon istemeyenler... bence heyecan yapmaya degecek bi$i yok ortada, gerci publish ba$ina 2 class olarak bu sistemin geri gelecegi soyleniyor ama sanmiyorum cok, sonucta tek bir classa gelse yine kombinasyon yapamazsın, nge sisteminden tek farkı gorunu$u olur
Mesaj tarihi:
kazuhaaaa :D rofl

So we removed the professions we knew people liked, to force them to try the other professions they might not want to play.

[ Mesaj 01 Nisan 2006, Cumartesi - 12:46 tarihinde, GwindonSurion tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Mesaj tarihi:
Important Information For Publish 28

Posts: 7
Registered: 12-04-
Reply 1 of 187
Viewed 10406 times

Since December 2005 you have all been playing the New Game Enhancement that several of you thought was put live with very little warning. The reason we took this measure is because we felt that the veteran gamers that usually frequent the test centre would instantly say “No” to the New Game Enhancement as they did when we launched the Combat Upgrade. You all have to understand that this game is actually under constant development and that we strive to make the best of our product. Lucas Arts has been working very closely with SOE since the launch of the NGE to gage the general feelings of the community and although several posts made by some veterans were negative in the beginning, we feel that the general population of Star Wars Galaxies now feels comfortable with the game in its current state.
What you didn’t realise and what we couldn’t tell you because of certain legal obligations is that you are only playing a fraction of what the true game will be like in it’s finished state. We had planned several months before NGE to upgrade the combat system to make it faster and more iconic, we had several ideas of how to do this but we needed a long-term test of each system. The CU was the first system and the NGE style combat that you now play was our second system.

Having now tested both systems we can see that people prefer the quick response of the NGE, but also like the targeting system of the CU. In addition there were certain professions that worked well such as creature handler and Doctors and others that people didn’t seem to like, Such as Rangers. These professions however worked well in the bringing together of a community that we had intended for. But we had to work on the professions and some new ideas to see how they would work if they were upgraded or scrapped, So we removed the professions we knew people liked, to force them to try the other professions they might not want to play. We have now gotten all the data that we need from our testing and are now planning to complete our experiment of the game.

On the 23rd of April we will be releasing the NHP (New Hope Patch), which will be included in publish 28. This will combine both the CU and NGE to make our finished combat system as well as bringing back creature handlers and all the other professions that were removed. Also we will be bringing back the skill trainers and the ability to customise your own characters for all professions. Group XP will also be coming back into the game as well as several other things that we removed while we tested the NGE engine. The legacy type quests that exist in the game will also be staying, giving people the option to do the quests for XP or to go out in hunting parties with missions from the terminals, Both how ever will now be paying experience points that relate to your level so that no one system is any quicker then the other. Over the next few months we will be releasing several more updates to add more quests that will get you to combat level ninety and specialised quests for non specialised professions, such as entertainers and crafters, who will have their own set of Legacy style quests that will pay new rewards including new schematics, dances and songs.

We are also aware that many veteran players disliked the change that made the Jedi profession so easily obtained. This was always going to be just a temporary change; we needed to extensively test the new set of skills that Jedi possess. The ‘Force Village’ will once again exist, allowing those who want to, the ability to become Jedi’s. Current Jedis over combat level 80 will be able to keep their Jedi profession, whilst all lower level Jedis will be given the re-spec option upon login.

We realise that several of you might think that our testing on you has been unfair and we apologise in advance, In addition to giving everyone 2 months free subscription we will also be giving out thank you gifts that will only be obtainable to current players and will never be passed out again.

Thank you for your time and patience and understanding. As ever, we are looking forward to hearing your points of view on this change through the reply feature provided by these forums.

Julio Torres, Producer - LucasArts

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