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LucasArts Denies SOE Split Plans

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Benim anladığım soe dekiler swg için oyuncularla görüşme yapmayı planlıyorlar. ve Pub 34 den sonra yapılacaklar hakkında !... ing iyi olan iyi bir şekilde açıklasın.
- Bu http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm?loadNews=4855&fp=1024,768,3025392343,20060326033101 .... yazıyor

LucasArts Denies SOE Split Plans
Date: Mar 24, 2006 Author: Dana Massey
Everyone has heard the rumors circulating that Star Wars Galaxies will soon leave Sony Online Entertainment at the request of LucasArts. Not true says LucasArts Community Manager Casey Keefe. Their voice for SWG issued this release to clear things up:

Several websites are passing along spurious internet rumors regarding Star Wars Galaxies. Rest assured, these rumors are completely untrue.
LucasArts and SOE have no plans to “sunset” Star Wars Galaxies. The two companies will continue to work together as partners in making Star Wars Galaxies the ultimate online Star Wars experience. As has been announced several times previously, LucasArts and SOE are 100% committed and determined to continue to support Star Wars Galaxies together, especially with our renewed focus on improving the game for existing players through robust publish and content offerings in 2006. On our forums, we have shared early plans for game updates through Publish 34, which can be found: here.

Additionally, LucasArts and SOE will be hitting the road this April and visiting several cities across the US with a series of Community Summits in an open “town hall” format where players can meet face-to-face with development team members, ask their questions, voice their concerns, as well as meet and hang out with fellow Star Wars Galaxies players.

Thanks to Casey for passing this along.
Mesaj tarihi:
iste iki firma gyt guzl gecinipi gidiolar, swg yi beraber yapicaklarmis ki ztn pub34e kdr planlarini anlatmislar daa once. yani bioware karismicak bu ise diolar. dev team fln da gezip playerlarla yuzyuze konuscakmis (canlarina susamis herifler) iste dusuncelri fln dymak icin..

yorum yapmak gerekirse

Mesaj tarihi:
soe herseyi yalanlar hiçbir zaman dedikodulara dogru demediki böyle gelmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiş böyle giderrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

hem dedikodular swgnin satılacagına dair deil pre-cu sistemin satılacagına dair suanki swg swg deil zaten very low quality multi player game bence :)
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