Elendora Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 travel stone scripti yazabılen varsa gonderebılırmı bana email [email protected][hline]Kuzular Kurdun Yollar Fordun :P
_Sir_Lancelot_ Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Paticik scripting site ı bi ziyaret ediwer orada bulursun sanırım..[hline]İCQ::yapma: MAİL::hrr:
Elendora Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 olsa...[hline]Kuzular Kurdun Yollar Fordun :P
Bleeding Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 İyi bak , ondan çok şey yok orda[hline]Istiaron
_Sir_Lancelot_ Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 ya olmazsa aratıwer googledan filan Travel Stone +scp +uo cinsinden arat garnti ötesi bulursun..[hline]İCQ::yapma: MAİL::hrr:
Todesengel Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Seni $imdi Travel Stone scpsi manyağI yapacam [ITEMDEF i_travelstones] NAME=Travel Stone ID=i_grave_stone CATEGORY=ByTcHn ScripTs SUBSECTION=Stones DESCRIPTION=Travel Gump Stone ON=@CREATE COLOR=0bb7 ATTR=ATTR_STATIC ON=@DCLICK DIALOG d_town RETURN 1 [DIALOG d_town] 0, 0 PAGE 0 resizepic 0 0 3600 610 488 gumppic 0 0 5500 gumppic 57 49 5528 button 220 167 2117 2118 1 0 1 text 238 164 32 0 button 254 115 2117 2118 1 0 2 text 271 111 32 1 button 153 213 2117 2118 1 0 3 text 173 208 32 2 button 159 394 2117 2118 1 0 4 text 175 390 32 3 button 100 248 2117 2118 1 0 5 text 116 245 32 4 button 398 162 2117 2118 1 0 6 text 351 177 32 5 button 262 253 2117 2118 1 0 7 text 280 252 32 6 button 334 169 2117 2118 1 0 8 text 319 148 32 7 button 89 136 2117 2118 1 0 9 text 111 134 32 8 text 162 36 162 9 text 105 444 162 10 gumppic 429 103 12 gumppic 430 102 50987 gumppic 434 105 60985 gumppic 428 103 50611 text 448 328 95 11 text 447 347 95 12 text 447 368 95 13 text 456 393 95 14 [DIALOG d_town TEXT] Cove Minoc Britain jhelom Skara Brae Moonglow Buccaneer's Den Nujelm Yew GM Bob STONE TRAVEL SYSTEM Designed by GM Bob and GM CELLAT Lord of the Bloody Ottoman Empire UO Shard Owner GM Bob [DIALOG d_town BUTTON] on=1 src.go cove on=2 src.go minoc on=3 src.go Britain on=4 src.go jhelom on=5 src.go Skara Brae on=6 src.go Moonglow on=7 src.go Buccaneer's Den on=8 src.go Nujelm on=9 src.go yew[hline]icQ=135954330 CapuLet,17 June 2003 00:12 tarhinde demi$ ki: Merhaba komutla paperdoll u nasıl açtırırım ? Bende kar$IyIm
Todesengel Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 [ITEMDEF i_teleport_stone_dungeon] ID=01174 TYPE=0 NAME=dungeon teleport stone ON=@Create COLOR=007ab CATEGORY=orc_lord's Items SUBSECTION=Custom Items DESCRIPTION=Dungeon Travel Stone ON=@DClick DIALOG d_suntraveldung [ITEMDEF i_teleport_stone_town] ID=01174 TYPE=0 NAME=town teleport stone ON=@Create COLOR=007aa CATEGORY=orc_lord's Items SUBSECTION=Custom Items DESCRIPTION=Town Travel Stone ON=@DClick DIALOG d_suntraveltown [DIALOG d_suntraveldung] 0, 0 // this is always the size. resizepic 0 0 3600 215 200 page 0 text 40 17 1153 0 text 40 37 1152 1 text 40 57 1152 2 text 40 77 1152 3 text 40 97 1152 4 text 40 117 1152 5 text 40 137 1152 6 text 40 157 1152 7 button 20 40 1209 1210 1 0 1 button 20 60 1209 1210 1 0 2 button 20 80 1209 1210 1 0 3 button 20 100 1209 1210 1 0 4 button 20 120 1209 1210 1 0 5 button 20 140 1209 1210 1 0 7 button 20 160 1209 1210 1 0 6 [DIALOG d_suntraveldung TEXT] Hangi Dungeon? Newbie Covetous Deceit Despise Destard Hythloth Shame [DIALOG d_suntraveldung BUTTON] ONBUTTON=0 SYSMESSAGE=Menu kapatıldı! ONBUTTON=1 //Newbie SRC.GO 2044,238,10 ONBUTTON=2 //Covetous SRC.GO 2499,922,0 ONBUTTON=3 //Deceit SRC.GO 4111,434,5 ONBUTTON=4 //Despise SRC.GO 1301,1080.0 ONBUTTON=5 //Destard SRC.GO 1176,2639,0 ONBUTTON=6//Hythloth SRC.GO 4722,3825,0 ONBUTTON=7//Shame SRC.GO 514,1561,0 [DIALOG d_suntraveltown] 0, 0 // this is always the size. resizepic 0 0 3600 215 350 page 0 text 55 17 1157 0 text 40 37 1152 1 text 40 57 1152 2 text 40 77 1152 3 text 40 97 1152 4 text 40 117 1152 5 text 40 137 1152 6 text 40 157 1152 7 text 40 177 1152 8 text 40 197 1152 9 text 40 217 1152 10 text 40 237 1152 11 text 40 257 1152 12 text 40 277 1152 13 text 40 297 1152 14 button 20 40 1209 1210 1 0 1 button 20 60 1209 1210 1 0 2 button 20 80 1209 1210 1 0 3 button 20 100 1209 1210 1 0 4 button 20 120 1209 1210 1 0 5 button 20 140 1209 1210 1 0 6 button 20 160 1209 1210 1 0 7 button 20 180 1209 1210 1 0 8 button 20 200 1209 1210 1 0 9 button 20 220 1209 1210 1 0 10 button 20 240 1209 1210 1 0 11 button 20 260 1209 1210 1 0 12 button 20 280 1209 1210 1 0 13 button 20 300 1209 1210 1 0 14 [DIALOG d_suntraveltown TEXT] Hangi Sehir? Britain Bucaneers Den Cove Jhelom Minoc MoonGlow Njuhelm Occlo Serpents Hold Skara Brae Trinsic Vesper Wind Yew [DIALOG d_suntraveltown BUTTON] ONBUTTON=0 SYSMESSAGE=Menu kapatıldı! ONBUTTON=1 //Britain SRC.GO 1430,1688,0 ONBUTTON=2 //Bucs SRC.GO 2705,2162,0 ONBUTTON=3 //Cove SRC.GO 2272,1209,0 ONBUTTON=4 //Jhelom SRC.GO 1376,3817,0 ONBUTTON=5 //Minoc SRC.GO 2466,443,15 ONBUTTON=6 //Glow SRC.GO 4471,1178,0 ONBUTTON=7 //Njuhelm SRC.GO 3756,1244,0 ONBUTTON=8 //Occlo SRC.GO 3686,2519,0 ONBUTTON=9 //Serp hold SRC.GO 3021,3397,15 ONBUTTON=10 //Skara SRC.GO 591,2147,0 ONBUTTON=11 //Trinny SRC.GO 1956,2780,10 ONBUTTON=12 //Vesper SRC.GO 2895,688,0 ONBUTTON=13 //Wind SRC.GO 1361,895,0 ONBUTTON=14 //Yew SRC.GO 546,991,0[hline]icQ=135954330 CapuLet,17 June 2003 00:12 tarhinde demi$ ki: Merhaba komutla paperdoll u nasıl açtırırım ? Bende kar$IyIm
Todesengel Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 [ITEMDEF i_seyahat_tasi] id=i_grave_stone name=Seyahat Tasi type=t_script On=@Create Color=04c2 On=@DClick DIALOG=sey_menu [DIALOG sey_menu] 0, 0 PAGE 0 resizepic 109 7 3600 195 373 PAGE 0 PAGE 1 text 144 18 1153 0 button 126 55 2117 2118 1 1 1 text 155 50 1153 1 button 126 75 2117 2118 1 1 2 text 155 70 1153 2 button 126 95 2117 2118 1 1 3 text 155 90 1153 3 button 126 115 2117 2118 1 1 4 text 155 110 1153 4 button 126 135 2117 2118 1 1 5 text 155 130 1153 5 button 126 155 2117 2118 1 1 6 text 156 151 1153 6 button 126 175 2117 2118 1 1 7 text 155 170 1153 7 button 126 195 2117 2118 1 1 8 text 156 190 1153 8 button 126 215 2117 2118 1 1 9 text 156 212 1153 9 button 126 235 2117 2118 1 1 10 text 155 231 1153 10 button 126 255 2117 2118 1 1 11 text 155 251 1153 11 button 126 275 2117 2118 1 1 12 text 155 271 1153 12 button 126 295 2117 2118 1 1 13 text 155 291 1153 13 button 126 315 2117 2118 1 1 14 text 155 310 1153 14 text 191 335 152 15 button 171 339 2117 2118 0 2 0 PAGE 2 text 144 18 1153 16 button 126 55 2117 2118 1 2 15 text 155 50 1153 17 button 126 75 2117 2118 1 2 16 text 155 70 1153 18 button 126 95 2117 2118 1 2 17 text 155 90 1153 19 button 126 115 2117 2118 1 2 18 text 155 110 1153 20 button 126 135 2117 2118 1 2 19 text 155 130 1153 21 button 126 155 2117 2118 1 2 20 text 155 150 1153 22 button 126 175 2117 2118 1 2 21 text 155 171 1153 23 button 186 199 2117 2118 0 1 0 text 207 195 152 24 [DIALOG sey_menu TEXT] Seyahat Menusu Britain Moonglow Minoc Jhelom Vesper Cove Buc's Den Nujel'm Ocllo Serpent's Hold Skara Brae Trinsic Wind Yew Dungeons Seyahat Menusu Covetous Deceit Despise Destard Hythloth Shame Wrong Towns [DIALOG sey_menu BUTTON] on=1 Src.Go Britain on=2 Src.Go Moonglow on=3 Src.Go Minoc on=4 Src.Go Jhelom on=5 Src.Go Vesper on=6 Src.Go Cove on=7 Src.Go Buccaneer's Den on=8 Src.Go Nujel'm on=9 Src.Go Ocllo on=10 Src.Go Serpent's Hold on=11 Src.Go Skara Brae on=12 Src.Go Trinsic on=13 Src.Go Wind on=14 Src.Go Yew on=15 Src.Go Covetous on=16 Src.Go Deceit on=17 Src.Go Despise on=18 Src.Go Destard on=19 Src.Go Hythloth on=20 Src.Go Shame on=21 Src.Go Wrong[hline]icQ=135954330 CapuLet,17 June 2003 00:12 tarhinde demi$ ki: Merhaba komutla paperdoll u nasıl açtırırım ? Bende kar$IyIm
Todesengel Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2003 [itemdef i_travelstones] ID=i_gravestone_17 TYPE=t_travelstones ON=@CREATE ATTR=010 COLOR=0466 [typedef t_travelstones] ID=i_gravestone_17 ON=@CREATE ATTR=00500 COLOR=0455 ON=@dclick src.dialog d_travelstones [DIALOG d_travelstones] //SPECIAL PLACES 0, 0 // this is always the size. resizepic 300 6 3600 160 100 resizepic 310 16 3500 140 80 resizepic 0 7 3600 329 400 resizepic 10 18 3500 310 380 page 0 text 60 27 05 0 text 60 47 04 1 text 60 67 04 2 text 60 87 04 3 text 60 107 04 4 text 60 127 04 5 text 60 147 04 6 text 60 167 04 7 text 60 187 04 8 text 60 207 04 9 text 60 227 04 10 text 60 247 04 11 text 60 267 04 12 text 60 287 04 13 text 60 307 04 14 text 330 40 038 15 button 40 50 1209 1210 1 0 1 button 40 70 1209 1210 1 0 2 button 40 90 1209 1210 1 0 3 button 40 110 1209 1210 1 0 4 button 40 130 1209 1210 1 0 5 button 40 150 1209 1210 1 0 6 button 40 170 1209 1210 1 0 7 button 40 190 1209 1210 1 0 8 button 40 210 1209 1210 1 0 9 button 40 230 1209 1210 1 0 10 button 40 250 1209 1210 1 0 11 button 40 270 1209 1210 1 0 12 button 40 290 1209 1210 1 0 13 [DIALOG d_travelstones TEXT] Phoenix Gezi Sistemi Britain Moonglow Minoc Cove Yew Jhelom Vesper Nujel'm Occlo Buccanner's Den Delucia Serpent's Hold Dunya Erisim ve Eglence Merkezi Phoenix World... By Owner Lily [DIALOG d_travelstones BUTTON] onbutton=0 sysmessage=Menu Aborted onbutton=1 Britain src.go Britain onbutton=2 Moonglow src.go moonglow onbutton=3 Minoc src.go Minoc onbutton=4 cove src.go cove onbutton=5 Yew src.go Yew onbutton=6 Jhelom src.go Jhelom onbutton=7 Vesper src.go Vesper onbutton=8 Nujel'm src.go nujel'm onbutton=9 Ocllo src.go Ocllo onbutton=10 Buccanner's Den src.go Buccanner's Den onbutton=11 Delucia src.go Delucia onbutton=12 Serpent's Hold src.go Serpent's Hold onbutton=13 Dunya Erisim Merkezi src.go 5307,1080,1 [EOF] Bide Yok Demez mi AdamI DeLi Eder waLLahi Daha warda yoLLamIyom[hline]icQ=135954330 CapuLet,17 June 2003 00:12 tarhinde demi$ ki: Merhaba komutla paperdoll u nasıl açtırırım ? Bende kar$IyIm
taz Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 7, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 7, 2003 [ITEMDEF i_travel_stone] ID=01184 NAME=Travel Stone TYPE=t_script ON=@create ATTR=010 color=00489 timer=-1 ON=@dclick SRC.DIALOG d_travel1 return 1 CATEGORY=TaZmAnYaK SUBSECTION=Stonelar DESCRIPTION=Travel Stone [DIALOG d_travel1] 0,0 page 0 resizepic 0 0 2600 640 480 gumppic 55 48 5528 gumppic 75 360 2529 gumppic 0 0 5500 gumppic 455 420 2501 gumppic 455 400 2501 gumppic 455 340 2501 gumppic 455 360 2501 button 495 440 243 241 1 0 0 //Cancel Button button 165 200 1209 1210 1 0 1 //Britain button 245 110 1209 1210 1 0 2 //Minoc button 265 130 1209 1210 1 0 3 //Vesper button 235 160 1209 1210 1 0 4 //Cove button 195 300 1209 1210 1 0 5 //Trinsic button 95 250 1209 1210 1 0 6 //Skara Brae button 115 150 1209 1210 1 0 7 //Yew button 260 253 1209 1210 1 0 8 //Bucs Den button 390 150 1209 1210 1 0 9 //Moonglow button 438 425 2224 1210 1 0 24 //Weblink Button button 460 110 2224 1210 1 0 25 //Newbie Dungeon button 460 130 2224 1210 1 0 26 //pazar text 180 195 481 0 text 265 105 481 1 text 250 157 481 2 text 210 295 481 3 text 280 125 481 4 text 110 245 481 5 text 130 145 481 6 text 205 260 481 7 text 355 130 481 8 text 480 105 355 9 text 465 85 487 10 text 484 340 487 11 text 495 360 487 12 text 470 400 481 13 text 460 420 487 14 text 480 125 355 15 //pazar [DIALOG d_travel1 TEXT] Britain Minoc Cove Trinsic Vesper Skara Brae Yew Bucanneer's Den Moonglow Newbie Dungeon Diger TRAVEL STONE Shard Web Sitesi Pazar Alani [DIALOG d_travel1 BUTTON] ONBUTTON=0 SRC.SYSMESSAGE Bir yere gitmeyeceksiniz! ONBUTTON=1 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=britain SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde Britain'da olacaksiniz! ONBUTTON=2 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=2515,565 SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde Madenciler şehri Minoc'ta olacaksiniz! ONBUTTON=3 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=2902,680 SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde Vesper'da olacaksiniz! ONBUTTON=4 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=2289,1212 SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde Cove'da olacaksiniz! ONBUTTON=5 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=1827,2779 SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde Trinsic'te olacaksiniz! ONBUTTON=6 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=622,2232 SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde Skara Brae'da olacaksiniz! ONBUTTON=7 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=546,991 SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde Yew'de olacaksiniz! ONBUTTON=8 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=2708,2162 SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde katiller sehri Buc's Den'de olacaksiniz! ONBUTTON=9 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=4471,1174 SRC.MESSAGE SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde güzel sehrimiz Moonglow'da olacaksiniz! ONBUTTON=24 WEBLINK uo.kolayoyun.com RETURN 1 ONBUTTON=25 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_newb_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=5334,1381 SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde Newbie Dungeon'da olacaksiniz! ONBUTTON=26 src.flags=|04 src.newitem travel_stone_delay src.act.equip SRC.ACT.MOREP=1967,2083 SRC.MESSAGE 15 saniye icinde Pazar Alaninda olacaksiniz! [ITEMDEF travel_stone_newb_delay] NAME=Delay Teleport ID=i_handr_1 TYPE=T_EQ_SCRIPT WEIGHT=0 LAYER=layer_special ON=@Create ATTR=attr_invis|attr_decay MORE1=15 MOREP=a_helpdesk ON=@Equip TIMER=1 ON=@Timer if ( ) if ( ) cont.sysmessage )> more1=-1 TIMER=1 return 1 else cont.Message Newbie Dungeon'da Player Oldurmek Ve/Veya Player Lootlamak Jail sebebidir. cont.GOPLACE cont.flags=&~04 endif endif remove return 1 [ITEMDEF travel_stone_delay] NAME=Delay Teleport ID=i_handr_1 TYPE=T_EQ_SCRIPT WEIGHT=0 LAYER=layer_special ON=@Create ATTR=attr_invis|attr_decay MORE1=15 MOREP=a_helpdesk ON=@Equip TIMER=1 ON=@Timer if ( ) if ( ) cont.sysmessage )> more1=-1 TIMER=1 return 1 else cont.GOPLACE cont.flags=&~04 endif endif remove return 1 eskiden yazdığım scp işine yarar belki edit: smiley [Bu mesaj TaZmAnYaK tarafından 08 September 2003 01:53 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Elendora Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 8, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 8, 2003 taşı yaratmak için ne komut yazıcam yani ismi ne[hline]Kuzular Kurdun Yollar Fordun :P
Arthur_HellsFire Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 8, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 8, 2003 pFf ya Forumun sağlığı için şöle yapmayın arkadaşlar ya ben görsedim gönderiridim de bitmiş bi olay arttık :)[hline]Feel Power of Mind You can Feel Alright Try To Be Best in Your Mind Icq=176375932 MailMee
taz Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 8, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 8, 2003 said: Elendora, 08 September 2003 10:18 tarihinde demiş ki: taşı yaratmak için ne komut yazıcam yani ismi ne[hline]Kuzular Kurdun Yollar Fordun :P OHA
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