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f9devil'den warrior guide


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so, someone someone pmed me for info about playing a warrior and how to combo etc.
while typing up my reply, i decided to turn it into a small guide for you all here and try to set an example like zero did for everyone.

1. skill bar

first page

1 - hp pot
2 - mana pot
3 - sword dancing
4 - scream
5 - legcut

second page

1 - binding
2-5 scrolls

this is my personal skillbar, i use attack skill on 3 because it is in between r and w/s so it is easy for me to reach. i use binding on the 2nd page just because it's my preference, you can use it on the first page 6-8 or w/e.

2. weapon types

raptor -
i personally prefer a raptor because of its range and it deals more
damage than any other weapon.

dual wielding -
if you are planning on using dual wields, you must have a totamic spear
as on of your weapons, simply because it is the best 1 handed warrior

totamic spear : a must have for dual wielders.
impact : probably the second best one handed weapon as far as ap
graham : decent 1 handed weapon, not as good as impact
gig axe : good hp/resist bonuses but not great ap.
hanguk sword : an impact may be better/worse or equal, not sure.
deepscar : only good at +8 for the most part
harpoon : get a tota spear instead

dual wielding is suppose to be "faster" but comboing pretty much
negates the effect. i believe dual wield does interupt more often
however. people have claimed that dual wield is better for bosses,
but i still prefer the raptor.

gigantic axe -
great for its bonuses, good for a switch off weapon if someone is using
spear defenses, a +8 is better than a +8 raptor because of it's bonuses.

mirage sword -
mostly used as a last resort weapon for people using extreme weapon
defense armors, if this is the case a mirage sword is invaluable.

3. accesories/armors

this section is to explain what you are looking for when creating a warrior
as far accessories and armor. it is organized from most expensive/expensive/mediocre/cheap
as you may have noticed, the most expensive is the best item for warrior.

accessories -

pendant : iron necklace/warrior pendant/amulet of strength/lupus pendant
belt : (all most expensive)skeleton, iron, glass belts, bronze belt, kekuri belt
earrings : warrior/platinum earrings, opal earrings
rings : ring of courage, diamond rings

armor -
for a warrior, shell makes a pretty large difference in comparison to chitin,
that is why unlike rogue and priest it is sought after much higher.
unless you are a duper or quite lucky you'll have to settle with 7/12 most
of the time. unless your shell is +7/12 i advise you to use chitins 7/12
or +8/15 ones instead, because the ap difference will make up for the
minimal defense loss.

special defense armors :
for a solo warrior, defense armors are often crucial if you want to
take on more than just 1 person. try to have a dagger and a spear
helm handy for these situations. these defense armors can also combat
debuffs and alot you to continue the fight.

4. combo aspect

tanking combo -
there are various versions of the tank combo from which you can
choose from based on what you prefer.

w/s r combo :
my personal favorite combo for its movement which allows you to
move freely during the combo. to use this combo press r to run at
your target, once you reach your target press r + 3 (skill) at the
same time. after your first skill use, tap w or s depending on your
range from the target, after this quickly pess r + 3 (skill) again.
rinse and repeat. you'll have to develop the correct timing to use
this combo effectively.

r+r combo :
i personally do not use this combo because it doesn't allow you much
movement in your attack. however, this combo is performed by
tapping r+r twice and then 3 (skill). this combo is pure timing and
can easily be messed up, in my opinion.

running combo -
comboing with r and skill on a moving target. i find it quite difficult to
pot with this combo, so i just make sure to kill my opponent before they
can run too far laugh.gif.

w+r combo :
holding w down, press r + 3 (skill) on your opponent as they run.

to practice the combos above, especially the tank combos, use apostles or stone golems. bosses are also a great way to test the endurance of your combo over time.

5. potting

well, in ares at least if you solo be prepared to carry a mountain of hp
pots for all the mages. it's a bit difficult for me to explain the potting
of a lvl 60+ warrior because 70+ is completely different. i'd like to
start with this, dont count on your priests to heal you every
2 seconds when you are in a party take it upon yourself
to stay alive if need be, ok with that out of the way lets move on.

learning to pot properly is more important than comboing can ever be,
all though they do coincide. it's all about timing and personal
judgement depending on your opponent. just remember that 0 mana
is death in a 1v1, make sure you time it correctly. often in an open
cz fight i instantly soul pot after 1 attack, no matter what my mana is
this allows me to hp pot more later on and will keep my mana at full.
the main point is to soulpot at the least crucial times and allow yourself
to have always have the hp pot choice at all times.

i do realize that this section is a bit weak, but potting isn't something
that can be taught, rather you just have to practice it until you are
comfortable enough.

zzz this forum doesn't allow spacing in posts, oh well. this guide is © of me 2005, blah blah. if you have any questions feel free to pm me.
this was a bit of a rushed guide, just typing what comes to

comment by yun of legend
i still use

1 - hp pot
2 - mp pot
3 - legcut
4- sd
5- scream

as my setup, with binding on 6 and scrolls on the second page. i find in most battles, i use legcut, sd, scream, followed by a soul pot unless i'm taking heavy damage. i never change a skillbar once i get used to it because that's how you lose 1v1 at the most embarassing times. smile.gif

i agree with you that the raptor is the best weapon for the warrior, period. i do use the 2h gigantic axe a lot too though because of the health bonus, resists, greater attack speed, and the fact that so many people use spear defense on ares that the axe actually hits harder most of the time. not to mention all of the mages on the human side.

i believe dual wield is useless, i've tested it thoroughly on bosses and in pk and it does not hit as fast as most people would have you believe. my raptor always did fine. it has also killed countless dual wielding warriors who believed their 'speed' would be able to 'overwhelm' me. laugh.gif

mirage sword is a very sneaky strategy, an alternative (for ares at least) is the hellbreaker. i borrowed one from a friend back in august or so and was hitting buffed people higher than either the gig ax or raptor, because no one wore club defense. (and it was only +7)

i used iron neck skele belt dual we dual roc, and the only thing i was disappointed with was the lack of ap. however, my resists, defense, and health sure made up for it. i still think i could've hit harder though. (i never did get a raptor +8 for myself, in tests when i borrwed one it only raised my overall ap by roughly 80 or so.)

now to the armor thing. for the longest time, i advocated chitin over shell, since most people who see a chitin warrior will think 'noob!' and run to try to 1v1 you. (i made about 15k of my total np because of that. biggrin.gif) however, shell does give enough of a defensive boost for it to really be essential to be competitive at the highest levels, *as long as it is at least 1 grade higher than your chitin.* recently, i made 2 +8 chitin pieces by throwing my old chitin set onto the anvil. (carsomyr, if you are still around, those pads are the ones you sold soulslayer to give to me back in dec '04.) the pads and the boots went to +8, and collectively they have 3 less defense but 6 more strength than my +7 shell pieces. however, i doubt that the difference is really worth going for unless you happen to have access to a full +8 chitin set (in which case the defensive loss might be too great).

i think we can agree that +8 shell is best, though. biggrin.gif

defense armors are so necessary it isn't funny. i used to think full shell warriors didn't need them. that's how i lost 1v1 to nychris, i didn't put on my dagger helm. ninja.gif (for round 2, i did, and we fought until he ran out of pots and got intimate with the business end of my raptor. tongue.gif) i carry spear, axe, sword, dagger, and club defense. how much of each depends on a number of factors. i tend to only really use it when i'm debuffed though, which is probably a weakness in my strategy that i should learn to address.

as to comboing: in the past, i've widely (and blatantly) regarded comboing to be cheating, especially considering that warriors already have a spammable attack, but the last three months' solace from this game have given me time to reconsider my viewpoint. comboing is almost universally accepted as a part of the game, and even the developers condone it, so therefore, it is legal according to the majority of the community. above all, it is the community that decides what is and isn't cheating, within reason.

i do know how to combo, as i played a rogue briefly on beramus, but i never got to the point where i could effectively use it while moving. i expect this to change in the months to come, however. smile.gif

[ Mesaj 15 Şubat 2006, Çarşamba - 22:46 tarihinde, Liquid_SnaKe tarafından güncellenmiştir]
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buda dewamı

potting: agreed again, it isn't really something that can be taught. i'll share how i usually handle it though, and hope it helps:

in pk:
pot red if you are under attack serious enough to risk death in the next few seconds. (unless you're cocky enough to think you can take your target down with you, in which case, pot blue and mail me the result tongue.gif)
pot blue if you are under half mana and not in danger of dying. keep your mana as full as possible, i can't count the number of times a target escaped because they had one hit left and i had no mana. if your priest is good and not shouting that hes lagging over vent/ts, keep potting blue to finish off your targets asap, but throw an hp pot in here and there if you must to make sure you do not enter redball range.

in boss hunting/xp:

only pot blue if you have one or two sd's left, depending on your max mana.
pot red if you are below half health (if in cz.) you may want to pot more often depending on how many of the opposing race is out and what boss you are fighting.

your priest should always be your primary source of heals, but he can't just heal you, or he will die.

comment by gondon of legend
"eric can't you do anything without combo"

comment by hypnos of diez
decent at 64 and 67+ is a must. with a rogue in your party, you can stay caught up with a light footing rogue. a clan rogue in my party light footed from back of ob to obos. i stayed caught up the entire time by spaming decent. you can even use players as steping stones. like tp to one party member ahead of you, then another that's ahead of him. i'm considering giving up my 5 points in passion to have it again, because i loved it so much.

everyone will always have different prefernces as far as which of the 3 weapon setups to use. imo, you should aim for having 2 out of the 3 setups, if not 3 out of 3. there's always situations where one setup is the clear better setup. nova wars = gig (resists and hp), killing noobs = dual wield (crazy fast attack speed if you have to slide), chasing a player = raptor (highest damage, and largest range).

i know a lot of people like the spears, but my personal preference is the gig for 95% of my pk time. i've burried a few +8 raptors in to the ground with my +7 gig, even when i was only 64. maybe that's just because they had no skill *shurg*.

if you want to be good at being a warrior in pk, i have 3 suggestions.

1. get your combo down. sliding combo isn't a must, but tank combo is. practice, practice, practice.
2. get your potting down. pot management is a huge thing with being a warrior. you can't just wait until you have no mana left, then pot. in a 1v1 (or in a party vs party battle), one of your pots should always be cooling down.
3. don't complain about your gear. if you blame your gear, you will never put the time in to practice pking. you will spend all of your ko life farming for better gear, because you will never be satisifed. then you will realise that in the end, your gear only made a small difference, and you die alot because you get too deep in the shit and don't know how to play your char.


since i never did reply to that pro kiddie "tosun_pasa" i believe i have in a sense become another part of f9devil, yes it is not my character nor will i believe it as "my" character. the fact is that i have xped it farther into 70, i have gained it np, i have equipped it with new items when alex's were dupe wiped, and i have kept his character active becoming king(bugged). i've leveled my own warrior, my own priest, my own mage and helped other people level their characters. now lets move on to gear, my gear is actually better than alex's was and i can provide for it even more. you quit the game simply because you came to the realization that you were complete shit and going nowhere at any rate. have fun in your deadbeat country kiddie.
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evet,birileri sürekli nasıl kombo yapıldığı ve warrior ile oynamak konusunda sürekli pmler atıyor.cevabımı yazarken,bunun hepiniz için basit bir rehber olmasına ve basitce anlışılmasını sağlamaya çalıştım.

1. skill bar


1 - hp pot
2 - mana pot
3 - sword dancing
4 - scream
5 - legcut


1 - binding
2-5 scrolls

bu benim kişisel skill barım,attack skillini 3te kullandım çünkü s ve w/r 'ye ulaşması daha kolay,2.ci sayfada binding kullanıyorum çünkü bu benim tercihim,1.sayfada6-8 de de kullanabilirsiniz

2.silah tipleri

diğer silahlardan daha iyi damage vermesi ve menzili nedeniyle kişisel olarak raptoru tercih ederim

çift elle kullanılanlar:
çift elli silah kullanmayı planlıyorsanız,esas silah olarak totamic spear kullanmalısınız çünkü bu en iyi tek elli warrior silahıdır

totamic spear:çift ellilerde mutlaka bulunmalı
impact:ap açısından belki ikinci en iyi tek el olabilir
graham:tatmin edici bi silah fakat impact kadar iyi değil
gig axe:güzel hp/resist bonuslar fakat büyük bir ap yok
hanguk:1 impact daha iyi ya da daha kötü olabilir tam emin değilim
deepscar:sadece +8 i yerterli olabilir
harpoon:bunun yerine totamic spear tercih edin

çift ellilerin attack hızının daha fazla olduğuna inanılıyor fakat kombo etkisini oldukça düşürürçift ellilerin bosslar için daha uygun olduğu söyleniyor fakat ben hala raptoru tercih ederim

giantic axe:bonusları hesaba katıldığında harika ,spear defans kullanan biri için etkilidir,+8 giga +8 raptordan bonusları nedeniyle daha iyidir

mirage sword:zorlu silahlara karşı defansı bulunan zırhlara karşı son çare olarak başvurulan bir silahtır,duruma göre ms paha biçilemez bir silahtır


bölümdeki kombinasyonlar sırasıyla en pahallı/pahallı/orta/ucuz olarak belirlenmiştir
farkedebileceğiniz gibi en pahallı en iyisidir

pendant:iron neck/warr pendant/ amy of str/ lupus pendant
belt(çoğu oldukça pahallı):skeleton,iron,glass belt,bronze belt,kekuri belt
earrings:warrior/platinum earrings/opal earrings
rings ring of courage,diamond rings

zırh:warr için shell,chitinle kıyaslamada oldukça büyük farklar doğurabilir,bu yüzden priest ya da rogue gibi değildir
dupeci ya da çok şanslı değilseniz uzun zaman +7/12 kullanırsınız shelleriniz +7/12değilse +7/12 chitin ya da +8/15 chitin kullanmanızı tavsiye ederim çünkü ap küçük defans kayıplarını kapatacaktır

özel defanslı zırhlar: tek warrior için,özel defanslı zırhlar 1 den fazla kişiyle yapılan savaşlarda önemlidir. bu tip durumlar için dd ve spear defans zırhlar edinmeye çalışın.bu zırhlar sizin daha uzun süre haytta kalmanızı sağlıyacaktır...

[ Mesaj 16 Şubat 2006, Perşembe - 21:00 tarihinde, demise666 tarafından güncellenmiştir]
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