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Öne çıkan mesajlar

Harry Belafonte - Get An Ugly Woman to Marry You

Say, man?
Hey baby!
I saw your wife the other day.
Yeah, and she's ugly.
Yeah, she's ugly, but she sure can cook, baby!
Yeah, alright.
Unfortunately, she has herpes.
That's a shame, baby.
Yeah, baby.

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Yavuz Çetin - Oyuncak Dünya

Oyuncak dünya oyuncak dünya
Bu oyun çok kolay sen de oyna
Kır ve dök, yap ve boz
Yeniden başla
Hepimiz çocuklarız aslında

Kimisi askercilik oynar
Kimisi hırsız ve polis oynar
Kimisi evcilik oyunu oynar
Ben de müzisyeni oynarım şimdi

Bazı çocuklar hiç uslanmazlar
Onlar hep oyunbozan olurlar
Durmadan üzdüler diğer çocukları
Hep bozuldu oyunun kuralları

Kimisi saklambaç oynar
Kimisi kovalamaca oynar
Kimisi doktorculuk oynar
Ben de müzisyeni oynarım şimdi
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Steel Dragon - Stand Up

Stand up and shout
Stand up stand up stand up and let it out
Stand up and shout
Stand up stand up stand up

I know what you want and what your thinking
I can free your sexuality.
No ones ever tortured you with pleasure
Pleasures all you'll ever feel from me

Stand up stand up stand up and let it out
Stand up and shout
Stand up stand up stand up

I just want to see you in the garden
Dressed up as you came into this world
Shining through the candle of deception
Lighting up the underlying
Stand up and shout
Stand up stand up stand up and let it out
Stand up and shout
Stand up stand up stand up (slur)

(Musical Break)

Stand up and shout
Stand up stand up stand up and let it out
Stand up and shout
Stand up stand up stand up
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