qwerty Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 julio torres dün g4 te bi programa katılıp WoW oynadığını ve gerçekten ii bi oyun olduğunu söylemiş... ayrıca nge yüzünden giden oyuncuların geri geleceğini falanda belirtmiş (NAHH ÇOK BEKLER) pre-nge yada pre-cu hakkında konuşma olmamış... konuşurken new programmers falan diye bahsetmiş nge yi yapanlardan (bu aslında cu/pre-cu yapan adamların değiştiğini belli edio) ben şu andan itibaren hep içimde umut beslediğim belki bi gün pre-cu geri gelir hayalini bitirdim şahsen............
nuwanda Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 ayip[signature][hline]Othmobast Orz'wase (Twi'lek) FrF Elder Brawler, Teras kasi elder, elder fencer, elder pikeman.. ya da kısaca melee lover.. NGE respec jedi Kötü SWG yoktur az votka vardır. ------------------------------- Ztar, 05 Aralık 2005 19:46 tarihinde demiş ki: ne demek ceza versin bu ülkede cinsel özgürlük yokmu arabistan mı burası.Adam top diye siteden mi atalım ?
Sylian Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 Ahaha wow u oynuyorum ve iyi bir oyun demesi ne bicim bir mantiktir (Rakip sirket)iyice maymun oldu soe. Programcilarin degistigi belliydi zaten,hayir takimi degistirirsin single player oyundur tamam ama mmorpg de coder takimini degistirmek ne demek yahu.
Netcafe Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 ne demek olucak tamamen abuluk...oyunu yapan coder ekibini degistirmek kadar sacma birsey yok...adamlar oyunu yaptilar oyunu oturtrular bu seviyeye cikardilar sonradan bi kac wow'cu lvl sistemci bebe oyunu MUCK etti...[signature][hline]SWG - Anron - Gene Buralardayim... - High Elder & Milita Member Of ShadowKnights SWG - Eclipse -Zanakdorufen Northstar - Demir Alma Zamani Gelmisse Bu Limandan.Mechule Giden Bir Gemi Kalkar Bu Limandan.. Wow - Dashe - Baydim... MxO - Dashe - E Bundanda Baydim.. Guild Wars - Zanakdorufen - Beklemede Kalin.. Silkroad - Anron - 20+
ugurson Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 cafer bir bez getir cafer bir bez getir cafer ........ gerek kalmadı :)[signature][hline]SWG - Ugur Mistwalker <-SK-> - Eclipse "Pre Pub 9 Jedi" SWG - Reiken Mistwalker <-SK-> -Eclipse EQ2 - Reiken (LVL 37 Ranger)
GwindonSurion Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 yanlız adam harbi malmış boş mu bulundu naaptı lol[signature][hline]Shewky Goldbreaker-----Elder Bounty Hunter-----FRF Why do "Dark" jedi's using "Light"sabers???
qwerty Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 Interviewer: Julio, thank you for joining us JT: Hello Interviewer: Hehe…I understand you’re a nice guy, but I think I am supposed to chiv you? Uh in the ribs and or lynch you according to what the forums are say… JT: Interview: The players are upset…Now, you’ve made some changes to the game, what, were the changes? JT: The biggest changes we’ve made to the game, is the combat system. We made it a lot more interactive and faster to play, which obviously the goal. To make much more stwar wars. Another big change we made, is we grabbed all the profession that wer there, we had like 36 professions… Interviewer (interrupts): you had like 416 professions…I think was the final count JT: we had so many…we condensed them to the 9 most iconic star wars iconic professions that we felt were represented in the game Interviewer: and you did this only to completely screw the consumers, that was the one goal right? JT: Oh absolutely NOT, no Interviewer: Interviewer: and and and, understandabley, any changes that you make to a game that’s as establish and as loved as SWG, people are going to be upset. JT: Right.. Interviewer: That there characters changed…I think the question I saw most when this happened was why did you have to change the game they currently know, that they play, instead of making like a sequel or an add on, is it just too much for you guys to work on, to have two different versions running around? JT: No, not at all…actually its just we feel that SWG isn’t done yet, SWG has a lot of potential, theres a lot more Star Wars centric things we can do to it…and even thou making a another game is a total option, we not gonna leave it alone uintl we are satisfied with the fantasy and right now we feel like some of these enhancements will take us closer to that goal Interviewer: These mmos are always works in progess, JT: That’s correct Interviewer: this is the next step in progress JT: That’s correct Interviewr: Alright there was a rumor in one of the cantinas there was this big bowl of punch everybody is drinking from it, all the characters are dropping JT: Laughs Interviewer: theres a mass exodus..what is it like ive read reports, the cities are barren, that the user base is revolting JT: right.. Interviewer: is this true? Is it really happening? JT: Well there is a segment of players that obviously are going to be resistant to change and we experienced that in the past when we make enhancements like these and in general whats really interesting about that a lot of them come back after they feel like ok they’ve vented their, their concerns Interviewer: They’ve proven they are the uber nerd they want their friends to belive they are JT: That’s correct Interviewer: and they want to play a fun game again… JT: once they try the actual enhancements a lot of them decide that yes it actually is an improvement and they stick with us Interviewer: its like I understand you worked x amount of hours to become a profession, but that doesn’t mean yuou wont have just as much fun playing it JT: that’s right I mean the profession that are in there right now are kind of a condensation of everything that was there in the past, its just much more iconic, much more star wars Interviewer: the final thing which I have to get to because this was another big one, even on our boards which is just normally giant jpegs of animals making out.. JT: laughs Interviewer: they actually asked the perfect question, which involves becoming a jedi JT: right Interviewer: which is one of those, that I am not even into the mmo scene as much as I should be, but even I knew, if someone is jedi in swg, man, they are IT…they have not seen daylight in years, they are that committed, but now anybody can be a jedi…which, now, to some sounds great I wanna be a jedi, I like sw, why shouldn’t be a jedi, to others , which to others feels like a sleight, because they spent years… how do I justify, how do you explain something like that… JT: ok, first theres two things, one its always been possible to be jedi no matter what kind of player you were, in the past its was just a lot more hardcore and more difficult Interviewer: sure JT: we have made it a little more accessible, but that’s not to say you can just start the game and be a jedi…you still must go thru this content path and go thru a lot of quests and become a high level game player before you can get there, so I think the misconception is one of the options is to go to the path of jedi, its not just click the button and become a jedi Interviewer: the minute I get it off the shelf at walmart, I got my lightsaber.. JT: no..you must still earn the right
maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2005 isterse başka oyun kalmasın... inada bindi.. wow oynamıyacağım.. mmoprg oyun u olarak wowo olssa dahi. ... alacaktım nerdeyse swg yi bıraktıktan sonra. ama .. dedim ya inada bindi 2 senelik swg parası veririm yinede wowo oynamamam. .. ulubatli hakan
maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 16, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 16, 2005 SWG öldü de. can çekişirken yanında bekliyorum.. . Belki biri "vodo" büyüsü yaparda dirilir hanii. ;) . . .[signature][hline]eclipse ulubatli hakan vodo jedi padawan noob
nuwanda Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 21, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 21, 2005 su buyu isini oorenelim yaa :) ya da para toplayalim pre-cu kodlarini satin alip kendi sirketimizi kuralm :D[signature][hline]Othmobast Orz'wase (Twi'lek) FrF Elder Brawler, Teras kasi elder, elder fencer, elder pikeman.. ya da kısaca melee lover.. NGE respec jedi Kötü SWG yoktur az votka vardır. ------------------------------- Ztar, 05 Aralık 2005 19:46 tarihinde demiş ki: ne demek ceza versin bu ülkede cinsel özgürlük yokmu arabistan mı burası.Adam top diye siteden mi atalım ?
ugurson Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 21, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 21, 2005 Sirket kolay kodu almaya bakalım veya birini sızdıralım yürütsün bari ;) said: nuwanda, 21 Aralık 2005 14:36 tarihinde demiş ki: su buyu isini oorenelim yaa :) ya da para toplayalim pre-cu kodlarini satin alip kendi sirketimizi kuralm :D [signature][hline]SWG - Ugur Mistwalker <-SK-> - Eclipse "Pre Pub 9 Jedi" SWG - Reiken Mistwalker <-SK-> -Eclipse EQ2 - Reiken (LVL 37 Ranger)
Natanyal Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 21, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 21, 2005 Evet arkadaşlar ince hesaplarıma göre herkes 5 milyon sökülse kodları satın alırız :)[signature][hline]Eamer, 14 Kasım 2005 01:56 tarihinde demiş ki: Superman'ın neden donunu dışarı giyeceğini ilerki bölümlerde öğrenebilecek miyiz? Tık
maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 21, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 21, 2005 Eski dost ne haber. Bu gün Harun Reşit le yüz yüze görüştük.. senden reave den tiuvenden. iorfa .. bilimum arkadaşlardan bahsettik... .. beklemedeyiz vesselam... bir ihtimal başka şirket alır swg -pre cu yapar(imakansız) veya açarlar pre cu ları sonunda pes edip. test center deki gibi seçenekler olur.. .. yoksa dark&light i bekliyoruz.. .. seni de ve eski arkadaşları da orada görmek istiyoruz... alternatif yok gibi !..[signature][hline]eclipse ulubatli hakan vodo jedi padawan noob
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