raistlinthewiz Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 20, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 20, 2005 Are you aware of the PvPGN project? Did you ever played on a PvPGN powered server? PvPGN stands for Player Versus Player Gaming Network. Currently it supports many game clients1 PvPGN has been around for a long time and with and many volunteer based game servers has been running with PvPGN up to now.PvPGN needs love. A latest discussion in PvPGN forums is about a users requesting some help and when PvPGN mods did not; he asked why they do not. Reply came fast and it says; " Everything in this world has a price. PvPGN has no price to download it or pay for using it, but it has a price to understand and configure it. That price has to be payed by someone, that person has to be the user (as with any other open source software). Of course, if PvPGN were to be some very successful project, then it whould have a big community of users willing to pay that price and just answer other user's questions directly. But this is no case in here. We are too few to even develop on pvpgn, not to mention giving support to it."2 As the quote says; these days things are not going that well for PvPGN. There are too few mods / doc writers that even PvPGN can not be developed actively. It's easy to understand why PvPGN mods can't support users. Think of any other succesful3 open source projects; developers just code, documentors just prepare docs, fans and users support each other in forums and mailing lists. What's wrong with PvPGN? Why it lacks love of users? Actually i don't know the reasons but i know that PvPGN is one the most succesful open source projects out there. Why? A regular open source project only needs to deal with teaming & planning and coding etc. For the PvPGN, additionaly PvPGN had to deal with other issues as it is a bnetd based project4 (Actually this not the topic of this; for more information see the links below) From the beginning PvPGN and the team already made up quite good work.But as the time passed motivation decreased and PvPGN team lost blood everyday. These days only 3-4 developers hangs around. It's not enough for a big project like PvPGN. PvPGN really needs love of community & developers. PvPGN really needs the love and actually it deserves it more than any other project. PvPGN lately has been given the "Linux+ Magazine Recommended Project". label 5 Isn't that a enough reason for some love? Technical Discussion From the technical perspective, PvPGN is really quite succesful project. Latest development release 1.7.8 and CVS version 1.7.9 succesfuly runs on servers around the world6 allowing gamers to play their favorite games. It has minor bugs and some improvements but if we think about the initial projects aims, we can say that its feature complete. Code is quite good, readable and new developers can easly addept it7.The PvPGN powered servers arround the worlds shows the power of PvPGN and its code's8 Why a feature complete project needs love? I said that, if we think the initial aims we can say that its feature-complete. It still needs bugfixes & new features. But the motivating part is that its names is PvPGN, again Player Versus Player Gaming Network. This name is a so generic name; PvPGN is a not a just war3,diablo,starcraft or WOL only project. Its aim is to become the world-wide gaming network server. Tell me more! Actually i can't give very specific details of the plans, but i can give a general idea. These days PvPGN waits for its next release9,(currently in CVS as 1.7.9).After this release as far as i know, PvPGN will go for a new milestone. There are two milestone steps for it Introduce PvPGN, module system, where a core will be rewritten with basic networking & storage & module sub-systems. The game specific codes will all moved to modules where a developer could easly write its own game game module and attach it to PvPGN core in runtime. Personally i hope this will make the PvPGN far more better, easier to understand, administrate and for the best; develop.This will make it move one more step to its names aim; "Player versus Player Gaming Network". If these can be achivied may be game developers would choose PvPGN for their games server-side needs and just write a module for PvPGN.10 Move PvPGN to C++. I'll not comment this out, it self-explained So? So needs the PvPGN your love, your help. With 3-4 developers, who are just volunteers and do not gain any money, these are really hard. But if PvPGN gets more developers & supporters, these steps can be achieved and PvPGN can become the worlds leading open source gaming network software. How to help? If you're a gamer, developer, open-source lover etc, what ever you are, come help PvPGN Start with visiting these; Webpage Project Page Mailing lists Forums And also hang out on irc.freenode.net #pvpgn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Warcraft 3, Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne, Starcraft, Diablo, WOL Clients (Redalert 1, Red
LethE Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 20, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 20, 2005 valla iyi güzel hoş da nası yardım edebiliriz ki?.. ilkokul derceside c++ biliyorum valla işe yarayacaksam deniyim bende :)[signature][hline]KOC da destek olmak için tıkla.
raistlinthewiz Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 20, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 20, 2005 programcılık aslında deneyim isteyen bir istir ve deneyimi sadece ve sadece bir projede yer alarak kazanabilirsiniz. egerki birseyler yapmak isterseniz, forums.pvpgn.org http://developer.berlios.de/projects/pvpgn sitelerine bir göz atın. özellikle ilk etapta Buglist üzerinde basit görevler üzerinde calisarak baslayabilirsiniz. ayrıca irc.freenode.net #pvpgn ve #pvpgndev kanallarına bekleriz[signature][hline]yet another PvPGN site: warcraft3r.mine.nu Da Blog BoneSoul - LVL60 Undead Mage - Burning Legion
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