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Bunu bugün yazdım. Taze. Bana ilginç geldi. Gramer hatası varsa maruz görün.

The Face Of The Night

Night was falling upon the badlands. Bringing rain as company. The weather was getting cold. Even the badlands couldn’t resist the cold the night brought. For darkness was death, and death was cold.

As darkness fell on the badlands, wild goats ran into caves. Mice and snakes were already in their holes. Cows were running around looking for big boulders, or some small caves to hide. Horses were running to the mountain. They wanted to get past it. They did. And a small creature was in a cave, with goats. It was pink. It had 5 fingers in its hands and feet. Not much hair it had. Just a little on the had. It was standing straight, on its feet. Shivering coldly, it waited for the light to come. To kill the darkness and give the world warmth once again. It was, as all animals did, afraid of the night.

So darkness fell at last. Silencing the world, with its cold. None of the animals made a noise. Because if they did, night would take them. They knew it would. It has started to growl. And plants outside were making noises. Very strange noises. Their leaves were hitting each other wildly. As if someone was shoving them around. Dust was flying around, getting in the caves and making animals cough.

Fear was running through billions of veins in the cave. But the pink creature was unable to remain in the cave. It was curious. It was in its blood to be curious. It thought and thought for hours. Until it found out its true name. “Hu-Man” Shocking all the animals, it moved. Moved to the entrance of the cave. He stepped out, to the cold night. He remained for a second, and then he yelled: “I am Hu-Man! I don’t want to stay in the cave anymore. I am not afraid of you. So tell me. What is your name?” he got no answer. “Just as i thought” he said “you are nothing to be afraid of. Just darkness and cold. Air is fresher when it is called. You don’t kill us. And you can’t even talk. You are nothing. You do not exist. You are just a situation. And I name you “The Night”.”

Then he returned to the cave. Took the goats with him, and got out. For the first time, goats were happy and they smelled fresh air. Then mice and snakes got out of their holes and faced the night. Then the cows came out, and horses returned from behind the mountain. It was the first time, all animals were happy. It was the night, the world met night...[signature][hline]"Bir şeyler ters gitti..."
In Rock We Trust
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