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What is Roleplay, and how does one roleplay?

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Mesaj tarihi:
Official forumlardan alıntdır. Yaklaşan RP-PvP realm'lar düşünülürse, buyraya koymayı uygun gördüm. Pek bir fikri olmayanlar için fena bir rehber değil..

Belki sizde fark etmişsinizdir: Bu forumlardan RPvP realm'larına girmeyi düşünen ama RP hakkında bazı yanlış fikirlere sahip olan yada hiçbir fikre sahip olmayan kişiler var. Kimseyi hor görmüyorum elbette ama RP realm'larında oynamanın ve hakkını vermenin ciddi bir çaba gerektirdiğini, ancak bu şekilde keyif alınabileceğini (hatta diğerlerinden çok daha fazla) hatırlatmak istiyorum.

What is Roleplay, and how does one roleplay?

Or better: Where and how might I learn my ways?
It is something that concerns all of us seeking to immerse themselves in the World of Warcraft: "killerjohn" or "shootyouintheface" joining our servers, then asking what RP actually is, after which he proceeds to laugh in our faces because we’re such geeks.

I’m not writing this article to judge anyone. I’m sure killerjohn is the exact target audience for other servers, but not for ours. So hence why I’m writing: I wish to inform the community of what RP (roleplay) is, and how to properly engage in it.

Ok so you guys think you’re Orcs or something?
No we don’t! We act out the role of an Orc online, it’s something totally different. Thinking we’re Orcs would result in us coloring our skin green and talking in a somewhat distorted Yoda voice. However, none of us do that.

Uhm that explanation doesn’t work for me, sorry.

Very well, then let me explain further: Is Tom Hanks now under the impression that he can survive on his own on a deserted island (Cast away), or does Brad Pitt think he’s someone super gipsy boxer who can knock everyone out with one blow (Snatch)? No, they don’t they’re actors. They’re given a role (or pick one themselves), and act it out. We do the same thing.

Hmm, ok, but then how does this all work?
Easy. We think up a background story for the character we intend to play out, and then act after that, just as an actor would. When I roleplay, I’m not talking to the person controlling Groktosh the Orc warrior, I’m infact talking to Groktosh himself.

But Groktosh is not real?

Well, neither is Batman, however back in the days everyone seemed to love him, and Gotham City with it. Of course it’s not real, that’s why Warcraft is titled fantasy/fiction.

What is this OoC thing I keep hearing about?
OoC is short for Out of Character. It means saying or doing something that your character would not do. For example talking about levels, experience points, honor points, DPS etc. All out of character talk should be kept out of the say and yell channels. If it is absolutely necessary to say it in say or yell channel mark what you say with OOC first

And what about IC? Does it mean to stay in corpse, not to release my spirit or something?
No, IC has nothing to do with dying. IC is short for In Character and is the opposite of out of character. On roleplaying servers all talk in the say and yell channels should be in character talk. That means only what your character would say.

Someone called me a metagamer, what is that supposed to mean?
Metagaming is simply using knowledge your character does not have. For example if you know your way around in Gnomeregan, but your character has never been there before you are metagaming. There are various levels of metagaming. Most people don't like to play dumb and not find their way around. A less acceptable way of metagaming would be to wait for a respawn so that your enemy will run into monsters so that you can kill him more easily. All kinds of taking advantage of game mechanics are considered to be metagaming. Metagaming and out of character are closely related.

Someone keeps yelling at me, but they seem to be in character. Still, I don't feel good about it. Why don't they like me?
Don't take this personally. Someone might yell at you in character, but they are really friendly and helpful out of character. Many good roleplaying situations come from conflicts and you should just keep on playing and act as your character would do. After all, in a fantasy world, as well as in the real world, not everyone likes eachother.

It all sounds rather geeky to me.
Well, call it whatever you want. There’s a reason why there’s only so few RP servers: it’s most certainly not for everyone. The majority will enjoy a PvP server, or perhaps a more laidback gaming session at a PvE server. Few of the players on there take Wow as serious as we do, or at least not in the same manner.

How about the server ruleset?
We use a PvE ruleset. You can PvP at your own leisure.

So how do I know if I’ve joined an RP or a Normal server if both use the same ruleset?
Well, you can see what type of server it is in the server li
Mesaj tarihi:
’t -vari kirlilik için özürlerimi sunuyorum. Bunu temizlemek çok zor olucak şimdi. İdare ediniz :)

Bir ekleme daha: Burası RP yapamayacağını düşündüğünüz insanları yerebileceğiniz bir yer olarak değil, insanlara rehber olabileceğiniz bir yer olarak düşünüldü. Mesajlara dikkat edelim.

[Bu mesaj Qui tarafından 30 Ağustos 2005 17:51 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
rp-pvp realmlerin normal rp realmlerden farkı ne olucak, bişiler takıldı kafama. yazıda,

How about the server ruleset?
We use a PvE ruleset. You can PvP at your own leisure.

demiş.yani sizin isteğinize göre pvp yapacaksınız.her zaman saldırılma korkusu yoksa bu nasıl pvp realm oluyor.arada fark nedir.aydınlatıverin beni.
Mesaj tarihi:
evet güzel bilgiler var .bende 1 sene nwn pw rp serverlarında oynmıştım.
sanırım burda atmosferi bozan şey çok fazla out of character konuşma isteği ve metagaming.[signature][hline]"Kaybetmek ölmektir.Binlerce savaştan galip çıkabilirsin ama sadece bir savaşta mağlup olursun"
Zaknafein Do'Urden
Fflar strikes back
Mesaj tarihi:
Mosquito, yeni açılacak olan rp-pvp realmi pve olmayacak pvp standartı alacak. şuanda rp serverlarında pve gibi oynanıyor.[signature][hline]TABU Kelime: Kırbaç
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