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skiller bitirdi beni yaff


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cildirmamak elde degil en son burayi buldum... attack warrior olacam oyunculardan yardim istiyom ne derlerse yapiom sonucta kazma gibi warrior cikiyor karsima. 4 kere skilleri sifirlattim parada kalmadi. attack warrior icin skilleri nasil dagitmam lazim ? bir el atsanizda su canavar ortaligi yaksa. levelim 44 nasil olacak yardim edin:((( plsss
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bak şimdi lvl 44 isen ve hızlı lvl up yapmak istiyorsan skilleri öncelikle defans daha sonra attack ' a vermelisin 45 lvl a kadar deru/apos dön. 45 olduğunda defans da provoke skillin açılcak böylece aoe(toplu) harpy yada dts partylerine girebilceksin aynı zamanda deru/apos her türlü party lere girebilceksin. en iyisi bu lvl 60 olmaya yakın iken skillerini tekrar değiştir ve attack 60 a kadar geri kalan defans 40 a kadar sonra bersekere ver en iyisi bu lvl 63 olduğun zmn kendi str ini vereblirsin..[signature][hline]HAYAT OFFLINE , KNIGHTONLINE
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kirve hersey hosta dedigim gibi provoke yapamiyorum yani bitane adamim var lvl 47 de onun voker warriorunu kullanmayi denedim ama oluyorum adam toplayamadan. benim amacim direk kesmek bu oyunda partiye falan girmedim hep tek kestim bundan sonra da oyle yapacam herhalde o yuzden simdiden attackci olmak istiyorum. skillerde attack 44 defense 5 gerisini passiona verdim. bu dogrumu sizce ? degilse soyleyin nasil yapmam gerektigini bende sifirlatip ona gore yapim. tesekkurler.
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ingilizce varsa sunu okuyarak cozum bulabilirsin;
Level 1-45
- Two ways to do this:
1.) Defense/Attack: put all in defense when you can't put anymore put into attack. I recommend this for most people unless you don't mind wasting like 2 mill or whatever reskill is at lvl 44. Since it only takes a few days to hit 45 I'd just do it this way method 2 won't help you level that much faster.
2.) Attack/Berserk: Allows you to get pain killer which is nice I guess because then you don't have to use pots. But you have to waste money to reskill so its cheaper to just go def/attack

Level 45-60
1.) Defense/Attack - 45 in defense rest in attack. Some people put 50 into defense for the teleport. UP to you I prefer 45 in def.

Level 60+
at lvl 59 and 99% 17 mill gold will buy you re-skill to Attack/Defense you can get Sword dance now and do your master quest.

Some people will just keep provoke and get SD at level 62 its up to you. I'm telling you the way I like to do it. I have a level 61 Warrior on beramus.

Put 90 into HP and rest into strength. At level 59 Put 1 point into HP and 2 into STR at level 60 put 3 into HP so you have 94 HP and can wear shell armour. After 60 its up to you. I go for strength.

I'd go for HP +6/10 CHitin set for tanking bosses and towers, STR +6/10 Set for pking, get chitin goblin pauldron if you can 10 str, HP bonus and Resistance. If you get shell i'd make it 6/10 STR.

2 handed: 2 handed is best for PK Totemic Spear +6/60 or 7/70 and a +6 or 7 1 handed Gig axe rocks for pk. and the gig axe gives HP bonus which is nice and Dex bonus for accuracy.

Single wield: Go with Glave or Raptor (Raptor best) Go for +6/60 or +7/70 good luck upgrading be careful lol. Raptor is dropped from Abyss gems (you know what i mean) and Dark Mares.

At lower levels HP absorb Halberd is OK i guess for xping on apos/derus it has like 122 attack. SOme people like it I don't i just use pots.

These will make the difference in your warrior: Getting these is gonna be hard you either have to be rich, be in a top clan which can getr them for you or solo bosses or have a few friends who can do bosses with you.

STR and HP +9 accessories gotten from Abyss burning skeletons and ghost warriors (I think Ghost warriosr have best drop of +9)

Iron Belt: Dropped from Talos: (you need full party to kill him some people have done it with 5 or so people in party but on average a skilled full party or even two parties is needed. Use your +10 HP aromour to tank have priest spam heal u I'll leave it at that this isn't a boss guide.) IB gives 10 resistance to all melee weapons (dagger, spear, sword) so it rocks and other bonuses

Iron Necklace: Same as iron belt I beleieve never had one only like 2 on beramus server. YOU can just look up their stats on the webpage if you want.

Amulet of Strength: Talos, + 15 STR and I think 20 defense or something.

Lupus Pendant: Dropped from lupus in CZ bowl, + 10 STR, 30 LR, and 20 Def (what i have right now)

Rings: Use ring of Courage

Earrings: use Warrior earring or Platinum earring I think its called The one that gives HP, STR and Def

A few things for beginners:
TANKING: tanking means you are like a tank you take the damagea nd a priest spam heals you. THis is done with bosses such as Talos and Harpy queen ( and if your really really good Troll King and have lots of HPs) and its done in CZ when you raid the enemies base. You run up and tank 4 towers and a priest spam heals you so others in your party can nova or waht not and not be hit by towers.

Apos/Derus: NOTE they hit with lightnign so use goblin armour well the 3 pieces that give STR (helmet, pauldron, gloves) AC doesn't matter.

Its easier to kill w/ sworddance tanking then sliding and spamming it but if the persons moving you don't have a choice. Learn how to combo, pracitce on hellhounds they are near kalluga down the hill where Grells are.

Master Quest: at level 60 you can do your master quest. DO it ASAP becuase it significantly increases your Attack pwoer like 300 or so. I heard its 30% increase and you get a def bonus when your HP drops below 30% or whatever it is.

UNDYING TRICK: when you get enough hps for undying always put on your HP armour when they cast undying on you. it will add 60% hp based on what your max HP is when it is casted then remove your HP armour and put on your STR armour for some PK.[signature][hline]Fresh Orange Juice Pls
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Yapıcagın şey,o lvlde,+6/10 str chitin set bulup
bir bardish+6 reduce edip.(Glave reduce etme yazık,para bolsa oda olur) deru-apos olmadı tek basına solo (pota dayanıp) lvl kasmak olur.Czde beast-darkeyes-lamia bunlar soloda fena xp vermiyor.10k-9k-6k seklinde.Ama maddi durumum izin vermez diyorsan deru-apos a abanıcan.
Eline bill mp absorb(glave e benziyor iyi oluyor) yaklasık 180 str oluncada halberd mp absorb bul(oda raptor gibi zaten :D )
Bu şekilde devam et,yapcagın baska birsey yok zaten.[signature][hline]Buzkirpisi
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