XxX Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 18, 2005 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 18, 2005 Merhaba Arkadaşlar arama yaptı ama pek bişey bulamadım ben aşağıdaki skill stoneyi koydum fakat skill seçtikten olduğu yerde kalıyo skilleri seçtikten sonra diğer şehirlere gitmesini istiyorum nasıl yapabilirim acaba bana bu konuda yardımcı olur musunuz? [ITEMDEF i_skill_stone] ID=i_gravestone_3 NAME=Skillstone TYPE=0 ON=@CREATE COLOR=0481 CATEGORY=Korax SUBSECTION=Stones DE script ION=Edit Stone ON=@DClick SRC.STR=100 SRC.DEX=100 SRC.INT=100 SRC.ALLSKILLS=0 SRC.DIALOG d_3_gm_skills RETURN 1 [DIALOG d_3_gm_skills] 0,0 nomove resizepic 10 10 2600 500 450 text 100 40 69 0 //Title //column 1 checkbox 40 80 210 211 0 0 text 65 80 349 1 //Anatomy checkbox 40 100 210 211 0 1 text 65 100 349 2 //Alchemy checkbox 40 120 210 211 0 2 text 65 120 349 3 //Archery checkbox 40 140 210 211 0 3 text 65 140 349 4 //ArmsLore checkbox 40 160 210 211 0 4 text 65 160 349 5 //Begging checkbox 40 180 210 211 0 5 text 65 180 349 6 //Blacksmithing checkbox 40 200 210 211 0 6 text 65 200 349 7 //Bowcraft checkbox 40 220 210 211 0 7 text 65 220 349 8 //Camping checkbox 40 240 210 211 0 8 text 65 240 349 9 //Carpentry checkbox 40 260 210 211 0 9 text 65 260 349 10 //Cartography checkbox 40 280 210 211 0 10 text 65 280 349 11 //Cooking checkbox 40 300 210 211 0 11 text 65 300 349 12 //DetectingHidden checkbox 40 320 210 211 0 12 text 65 320 349 13 //Enticement checkbox 40 340 210 211 0 13 text 65 340 349 14 //EvaluatingIntel checkbox 40 360 210 211 0 14 text 65 360 349 15 //Fencing checkbox 40 380 210 211 0 15 text 65 380 349 16 //Fishing //column 2 checkbox 190 80 210 211 0 16 text 215 80 349 17 //Forensics checkbox 190 100 210 211 0 17 text 215 100 349 18 //Healing checkbox 190 120 210 211 0 18 text 215 120 349 19 //Herding checkbox 190 140 210 211 0 19 text 215 140 349 20 //Hiding checkbox 190 160 210 211 0 20 text 215 160 349 21 //In script ion checkbox 190 180 210 211 0 21 text 215 180 349 22 //ItemID checkbox 190 200 210 211 0 22 text 215 200 349 23 //LockPicking checkbox 190 220 210 211 0 23 text 215 220 349 24 //Lumberjacking checkbox 190 240 210 211 0 24 text 215 240 349 25 //Macefighting checkbox 190 260 210 211 0 25 text 215 260 349 26 //Magery checkbox 190 280 210 211 0 26 text 215 280 349 27 //MagicResistance checkbox 190 300 210 211 0 27 text 215 300 349 28 //Meditation checkbox 190 320 210 211 0 28 text 215 320 349 29 //Mining checkbox 190 340 210 211 0 29 text 215 340 349 30 //Musicianship checkbox 190 360 210 211 0 30 text 215 360 349 31 //Peacemaking checkbox 190 380 210 211 0 31 text 215 380 349 32 //Parrying //column 3 checkbox 340 80 210 211 0 32 text 365 80 349 33 //Poisoning checkbox 340 100 210 211 0 33 text 365 100 349 34 //RemoveTrap checkbox 340 120 210 211 0 34 text 365 120 349 35 //Snooping checkbox 340 140 210 211 0 35 text 365 140 349 36 //SpiritSpeak checkbox 340 160 210 211 0 36 text 365 160 349 37 //Stealing checkbox 340 180 210 211 0 37 text 365 180 349 38 //Stealth checkbox 340 200 210 211 0 38 text 365 200 349 39 //Swordsmanship checkbox 340 220 210 211 0 39 text 365 220 349 40 //Tactics checkbox 340 240 210 211 0 40 text 365 240 349 41 //Tailoring checkbox 340 260 210 211 0 41 text 365 260 349 42 //Taming checkbox 340 280 210 211 0 42 text 365 280 349 43 //TasteID checkbox 340 300 210 211 0 43 text 365 300 349 44 //Tinkering checkbox 340 320 210 211 0 44 text 365 320 349 45 //Tracking checkbox 340 340 210 211 0 45 text 365 340 349 46 //Veterinary checkbox 340 360 210 211 0 46 text 365 360 349 47 //Wrestling //finish button text 340 390 69 48 button 400 395 1209 1210 1 0 0 [DIALOG d_3_gm_skills TEXT] 3 GM Skill Seciniz... Anatomy Alchemy Archery ArmsLore Begging Blacksmithing Bowcraft Camping Carpentry Cartography Cooking DetectingHidden Enticement EvaluatingIntel Fencing Fishing Forensics Healing Herding Hiding In script ion ItemID LockPicking Lumberjacking Macefighting Magery MagicResistance Meditation Mining Musicianship Peacemaking Parrying Poisoning RemoveTrap Snooping SpiritSpeak Stealing Stealth Swordsmanship Tactics Tailoring Taming TasteID Tinkering Tracking Veterinary Wrestling finish: [DIALOG d_3_gm_skills BUTTON] ON=0 IF (==3) IF (>==1) SRC.Anatomy 100.0 ENDIF IF (>==1) SRC.Alchemy 100.0 ENDIF IF (>==1) SRC.Archery 100.0 ENDIF IF (>==1) SRC.ArmsLore 100.0 ENDIF IF (>==1) SRC.Begging 100.0 ENDIF IF (>==1) SRC.Blacksmithing 100.0 ENDIF IF (>==1) SRC.Bowcraft 100.0 ENDIF IF (>==1) SRC.Camping 100.0 ENDIF IF (>==1) SRC.Carpentry 100.0 ENDIF IF (>==1) SRC.Cartography 10 Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
Kortez Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 18, 2005 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 18, 2005 ıyıde buraya bır tane daha Dıalog yaz ve son skıllınıde sectıkten sonra bu dıalog acılsın o dıalog a da sehırlerı lıstele bu sekılde zaten gıtmez burda ole bı secenek yokkı[signature][hline]Rekabet mi yoksa kıskanclıkmı bu ikisinden hangisinin gercek oldugunu insan oglu asla çözemez!!! Forever war, forever die, forever kill Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
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