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Faşizm nedir ?

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Mesaj tarihi:
faşizm : baaskıcı ve ırkçı sosyalizmdir...adını nasyonel sosyalizmden alır...ama sosyalizm adı geçsede sozyalizmle alakasızdır. sosyalizmi kullanmalaarının tek amacı devlet malını kullanmaktır[signature][hline]savaş yada sıvış

[Bu mesaj Cafein tarafından 08 Ağustos 2005 12:22 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
valla şu an türkiyede nerde serseri it kopuk var alayı toplanmış ülkü ocaklarına.hepsi böyle demiyorum %90 ı böyle diyorum.aksini iddaa edeninde çıkıp dışarı biraz dolaşmasını, üniversiteleri falan görmesini tavsiye ediyorum.daha 3 yıl öncemiydi neydi selçuk üni. de ülkücü takımı silahlarla cafe bastı güvenlik kılını kıpırdatmadı.sonra rektör değişince attı ülkücülerin çoğunu okuldan.kurtlar vadisi özentisi biz mafyayız lan diye dolaşan tipler yani.hiç savunmayın bana hepsi böle diil falan diye.genelleme yapılabilecek kadar çoğu böyle.
Mesaj tarihi:
eagleeye öyle insanlar var tamam ama devlet bahçeli'nin açıklamalarını bile takip etsen bu tip insanların eğitilip gerçek Türk milliyetçileri, gerçek ülkücüler haline getirilmeye çalışıldığını görürsün.[signature][hline];;suitfly
Mesaj tarihi:
belki parti üyelerinin falan amacı o dur ama öğrenci kollarına bakarsak hiçte öyle bi uğraş olmadığını net bi şekilde görürüz.en fazla lafta kalıyor yani bunlar.her neyse tartışmanın alemi yok, başlığa dönelim.faşizmde toplumun benzerlikleri öne çıkartılır ve bi sürü aynı tip insan oluşturulur.sonrada o tiplerin destekleyeceği bir yönetim kurulur.muhalefet olanlar yok edilir, vatan haini ilan edilir.genellikle ırk ön plana çıkartılır çünkü bir ülkede yaşayan insanların en genel ortak özelliğidir.o yüzden faşist yönetimler genellikle ırkçıdır.ama ırkçılık şart değildir, din vs. de kullanılabilir.ayrıca genellikle diktatörlük vardır.
Mesaj tarihi:
Konuyu görünce dayanamadım bunun üzerine bir yazı var onu koymak istedim. sadece ingilizcesi var af buyurun okumak zorunda değilsiniz uzun gelirse :p

Inspiration or Coincidence?

Following the years after the first world war, Marxist ideologists, communists and socialists started to have a strong influence and power through out Europe, both economically and politically. It was through the fear of this upcoming tide and socialists looming over Europe, that fascism was born and used by leaders as a tool to control masses and gain power. Spawned from Italy, this new idea quickly spread over Europe in different forms and perspectives. How ever it was the two countries who had left their mark on the history with their application of fascism, Mussolini’s Italy and the Hitler’s Nazis, whose believes were considered to be a branch of fascism or at least inspired by it. In such comparison the two regimes although having some differences also had many similarities to each other as well very surprisingly similarities to socialism, their common enemy.

Analyzing the leaders of these regimes, how they came to power and how they used it would be a critical part of the comparison in terms of similarities. The growing influence of the socialists over Europe had done just more than to frighten the conservist church of Europe and the lower middle class in this continent. In fact the church had already started looking for ways to spread its totalitarian and conservist believes over Europe and cleanse socialism to the roots through force. This was the common ground for conservists and fascists. They saw the use of force and totalirism as a necessary tool to win victory over socialism and control their own people. Such similarities lead to confusion between the differences of fascism and conservism, especially since they both had the goals of cleansing out socialists. And thus seeing this, the ever opportunist church decided to use fascist influential leaders as a tool to gain the support of people. This was the part where Mussolini and Hitler came to the scene as powerful and popular fascist leaders. However Hitler and Mussolini made use of this confusion more cleverly than the church, and once in power both Hitler and Mussolini clearly showed their disinterest in conservism. Right after that, they started applying their revolutionary politics, and cast aside the church with its conservist leaders. Mussolini’s march on Rome and Hitler’s march on Berlin before they came to power were also similar portraits. And once on top of their countries, they again employed similar methods to lure thousands into their goals. They used the common fears of their population to gather them under same ideologies. Hitler with the weakening economy and agricultural standards, planted the fear of over-population and Jews, who were conspired to have the germen economy and people in their clutches. Thus he turned these fears into rage and hatred against Jews and a strong passion to expand their great nation fighting the socialists. Mussolini, too used the element of fear. It was the common fear of European people that socialist were gaining control of economy and the private property of people. Thus, Mussolini transformed this fear into fury and unleashed his harsh regime fascism against the socialists, the side once which he defended. In such similarities, both Hitler’s and Mussolini’s common tool for controlling the masses were fear cleverly lead into hatred and anger.

Probably the most commonly know similarity between Italian fascism and the German Nazism was how they pulled the strings of their country. Both regimes were anti-parliamentary and against democracy to the extreme, believing that it would only degenerate the society. The use of military force over their own country, fear and violence were seen as necessary tools to pull these strings and commonly accepted by both governments. Both Hitler and Mussolini were seen as charismatic leaders of Germany and Italy. They were the absolute rulers of their country and the seat of power only and only belonged to them or in Nietzsche’s words they were ‘’superman as a law unto himself’’. At this point also comes the first similarity between these two regimes and eastern socialist regimes. All though in socialist union they cloaked their totalitarian regimes under the shadow of supposed mention of democracy, the similarity between their government way of ruling and fascists’ forceful rule is clear.

Comparing the both country’s economical structure and approach to individualism also yield to some interesting results. It is widely know that both regimes were allied in a fight against communists and refused to socialize their industries. Although it is said that they saved capitalism from the clutches of communists, it would be a big mistake to consider them capitalists. In fact when all put together
Mesaj tarihi:
Lan yeter siyaset yapmayın ya tarih bölümü bu!![signature][hline]It's a lie. A kiss with opened eyes.
And she's not breathing back.
Anything but bother me.
It takes my pain away
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