diablom, tyraelim;
atatürkün bi eserini alıp, üzerine bunun bugün senin kendi yargılarınla, özel olarak belirlemiş olduğun tutumuna işaret eder bir şekilde kullanmış olman nedir peki söyleyebilir misin, nasıl tanımlamamızı, görmemizi isterdin?[signature][hline]not sleeping okay/drinking too much.trapped in hyperspace.?.the girl disappeared, smiling and blowing kisses. A white light flooded the room/this was the moment of awakening: the audience were relieved to find themselves in their own company...someo (text unclear) did not awaken, this was a white nightmare: faces aglow with laughing, limp complacency/apparently uninhibited...
e ben de diablo ahan bunu diyo dememiş miyim?[signature][hline]not sleeping okay/drinking too much.trapped in hyperspace.?.the girl disappeared, smiling and blowing kisses. A white light flooded the room/this was the moment of awakening: the audience were relieved to find themselves in their own company...someo (text unclear) did not awaken, this was a white nightmare: faces aglow with laughing, limp complacency/apparently uninhibited...
Öne çıkan mesajlar
atatürkün bi eserini alıp, üzerine bunun bugün senin kendi yargılarınla, özel olarak belirlemiş olduğun tutumuna işaret eder bir şekilde kullanmış olman nedir peki söyleyebilir misin, nasıl tanımlamamızı, görmemizi isterdin?[signature][hline]not sleeping okay/drinking too much.trapped in hyperspace.?.the girl disappeared, smiling and blowing kisses. A white light flooded the room/this was the moment of awakening: the audience were relieved to find themselves in their own company...someo (text unclear) did not awaken, this was a white nightmare: faces aglow with laughing, limp complacency/apparently uninhibited...
**no more dinosaurs @montezaus
*** montezaus.deviantart.com
**no more dinosaurs @montezaus
*** montezaus.deviantart.com