Mina Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Buyrun size Barrysworld forumlarindan Daoc yetkilisinden gelen fiat aciklamari!!: Once you have a lot, there are literally thousands of things you can buy. Here are the prices for the "big ticket features": Cottage deed, 1 platinum (1000 gold) House deed, 10 p (10,000 g) Villa deed, 50 p (50,000 g) Mansion deed, 100 p (100,000 g) The rent costs per week of the houses are two percent of their initial cost, which works out to 20 gp, 200 gp, 1pp, 2 pp in weekly rent based upon these prices. All other items that you purchase will be priced as marked and will not have any upkeep costs. Here are some of the things you can add to your home: Porch deed, 1 p (1000 g) Bindstone, 1 p (1000 g) Vault, 1 p (1000 g) Alchemy table, 4 p (4000 g) Forge, 4 p (4000 g) Lathe, 4 p (4000 g) Hastener, 100 gold Smith, 100 g Enchanter, 100 g Emblemeer, 100 g Recharger, 100 g Healer, 5 platinum (5000 g) Consignment Merchant, 1 p (1000 gold) Grandmaster Merchant, 500 gold Siege Merchant, 500 g Snowdonia, Druim Cain, or Vindsaul Faste Teleporter, 500 g All other merchant and teleporter types - 100 gold Darkness Falls icin savaslar cok kotu olucak :P[hline]50 skald 50 bard 50 hero 50 runemaster 50 sorcerer 50 paladin 50 minstrel 40 infiltrator.... yeter sanirim......................! :P
Mina Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Crafter karakteri olmayan arkadaslara .... basarilar... df de sabahlicaz gibi geliyor...[hline]50 skald 50 bard 50 hero 50 runemaster 50 sorcerer 50 paladin 50 minstrel 40 infiltrator.... yeter sanirim......................! :P
Mina Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Bu da camelot Herald'dan alinan fiatlar: Once you have a lot, there are literally thousands of things you can buy. Here are the prices for the "big ticket features": Cottage deed, 1 platinum House deed, 10 p Villa deed, 40 p (CHANGED) Mansion deed, 100 p The rent costs per week of the houses are two percent of their initial cost, which works out to 20 gp, 200 gp, 800 gp, 2 pp in weekly rent based upon these prices. All other items that you purchase will be priced as marked and will not have any upkeep costs. Here are some of the things you can add to your home: Porch deed, 500 gold (CHANGED) Bindstone, 1 platinum Vault, 1 p Alchemy table, 1 p (CHANGED) Forge, 1 p (CHANGED) Lathe, 1 p (CHANGED) Hastener, 100 gold Smith, 100 g Enchanter, 100 g Emblemeer, 100 g Recharger, 100 g Healer, 3 platinum (CHANGED) Consignment Merchant, 1 p Grandmaster Merchant, 500 gold Siege Merchant, 1 platinum (CHANGED) Snowdonia, Druim Cain, or Vindsaul Faste Teleporter, 500 g All other merchant and teleporter types - 100 gold[hline]50 skald 50 bard 50 hero 50 runemaster 50 sorcerer 50 paladin 50 minstrel 40 infiltrator.... yeter sanirim......................! :P
resata Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 bize daha patch gelmedi :-) 1.60 tayız =) 61 mi gelcek ?!
Baggio Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 61 ve 62 beraber gelecek son 2-3 patchdir oldugu gibi. Temmuz ortalarinda demislerdi ama gorecez bakalim.[hline]Gesp (a.k.a Baggio) | www.gesparts.org L50 Elven Eldritch Officer of Soul Reavers, LGM Tailor Email: [email protected] | Icq: 5100111
Mirluin Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 ahanda batcak güzelim oyun millet olmadık yerlere ev kurcak[hline]I'm one of the keepers of wilderness and here to help...
Leath Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 uo gibi birsey olacagini sanmiyorum,ev fiyatlarini gec,arazi fiyatlari cok fazla,guildler vs alabilir diye dusunuyorum[hline]Leathas Level 21 Ranger(Excalibur)
Dariel Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Alakasız yerlere ev kurulamıyor netekim, ev kurmak için ayrı bir zone mevcut. Dün kay de GM ların toplantısı varmış sanıyorum, fiyatların düşmesini beklemek için karar aldıkları söylenmişti. Önümüzdeki çarşamba günü 1 plat a mı ne düşecekmiş. Onların yalancısıyım valla...[hline]Any man is capable of driving a blade into another man's chest. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool and won't live long. Killing is not a bad thing in and of itself; it is the intent behind the action that counts.
Mirluin Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 o zaman çok ii (özel alan varsa)[hline]I'm one of the keepers of wilderness and here to help...
Leath Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2003 bence bu paralari devler vs biriktirip charlarina verecekler(editsiz temiz i$)[hline]Leathas Level 21 Ranger(Excalibur)
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