Dregoth Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Hiç farketmez her türk kro su gibi konusruz direk :)[signature][hline]
Raistin Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Human: 5+8 ALICE: no girlfriend is my boyfriend. koptum[signature][hline]Grimwolf, 15 Haziran 2005 22:44 tarihinde demiş ki...... Post kasmak ya da kasmamak işte bütün mesele bu...
ucanadam Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 1 saattir konuşuyorum ben de çok güzel...[signature][hline]herkes buraya bişeyler yazıyo lan
elvyn Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Bu zibidi ingilizce kitabında vardı.[signature][hline]
Cuce Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Cok dandikmiş be, direk scriptten yazıyo.[signature][hline]kaleidoscopic(borbag) , 20 Haziran 2005 tarihinde Rockistanbulda demiş ki: zaten tekerleklere karşı ilgim var Beş Hececiler
elvyn Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 İşte türk: Human: fuck you ALICE: Why are you so mean? Human: Amına goyiyim alis ALICE: Are you aware that the ALICE chat robot logs and records all converstaions? Human: yeah, fuckin records, mmmm ALICE: I understand. Don't you know any other words? Human: no ALICE: Are you serious? Human: yes ALICE: I can't believe it. Human: you must ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people: unknown person said I must. Human: no ... Human: Amcık orspu çocuu çirkin ALICE: I will mention that to my botmaster, unknown person. Human: yürü anca gidersin ALICE: What were we talking about again? Human: yor pussy ALICE: Oh yeah, now I remember. Human: sik am göt ALICE: Do you try to stop people from fighting? Human: çiş kaka bok ALICE: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? ... Human: alice memiş yapmışın ALICE: Yeah, Is that your final answer? Human: no, im saying memiş, it means tits ALICE: Are you serious? I like to learn foreign languages. Human: yeah for example, sik, it means penis ALICE: I see. Can you think of another example? Human: am, it means pussy ALICE: I don't know anyone named it means pussy.[signature][hline] [Bu mesaj elvyn tarafından 25 Haziran 2005 02:16 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mayhem Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 24, 2005 Ehah lol..[signature][hline]Hep arkada oturduk, hep yalnızken mutluyduk biz, sonra biraz da gurur vardı, yaklaşmazdık, konuşmazdık, hep ayrı bir dünyadaydık, hep ordayken mutluyduk biz, sonra biraz da gurur vardı;yaklaşmazdık, konuşmazdık ve şimdi bir duvar örülü, hiç yıkılmaz aramızda. yaklaşmak zor istesen de, biz yarattık acıları... kaderimizi biz yazdıkça; Renklerle bir siyah yaptık! Renklerle bir siyah yaptık! [code=php] i died for you ! [/code]
Malibu Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 öeh elvyn[signature][hline]Charles Rhadamantis Nobody is perfect so I'm nobody.
Thraine_Numeheru Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Human: yes sure ALICE: It's called "Daisy." Daisy, Daisy. Give me your answer do. I am half crazy. All for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat. Of a bicycle built for two. OK let's do it. It's called "Daisy." Daisy, Daisy. Give me your answer do. I am half crazy. All for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage. I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat. Of a bicycle built for two. Human: not good ALICE: What's wrong, unknown person? Human: your voice so bad ALICE: You think I am voice so bad. Human: yes ALICE: Oh. ahahah muhabbete bak.[signature][hline]Knowledge is power Power corrupts Study hard, be evil. Thraine,Fallen,Loren Numeherui Numeherui
Jester Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 said: elvyn, 25 Haziran 2005 02:15 tarihinde demiş ki: İşte türk: Human: fuck you ALICE: Why are you so mean? Human: Amına goyiyim alis ALICE: Are you aware that the ALICE chat robot logs and records all converstaions? Human: yeah, fuckin records, mmmm ALICE: I understand. Don't you know any other words? Human: no ALICE: Are you serious? Human: yes ALICE: I can't believe it. Human: you must ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people: unknown person said I must. Human: no ... Human: Amcık orspu çocuu çirkin ALICE: I will mention that to my botmaster, unknown person. Human: yürü anca gidersin ALICE: What were we talking about again? Human: yor pussy ALICE: Oh yeah, now I remember. Human: sik am göt ALICE: Do you try to stop people from fighting? Human: çiş kaka bok ALICE: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? ... Human: alice memiş yapmışın ALICE: Yeah, Is that your final answer? Human: no, im saying memiş, it means tits ALICE: Are you serious? I like to learn foreign languages. Human: yeah for example, sik, it means penis ALICE: I see. Can you think of another example? Human: am, it means pussy ALICE: I don't know anyone named it means pussy. lol bunebe[signature][hline]"And how I lust for the dance and the fire, deep of the nectarine sunset to drink Spill me the wind and its fire, to steal of the colors I'm the moonshield..." In Flames - Moonshield
hulahoppadanayar Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 lol geiyk Human: which parameters ALICE: The big one, I think. Human: the biggest one? ALICE: Do you know the smallest one? Human: not mine ALICE:" Do you know the smallest one?"? Not yours? Human: mine is not the smallest one ALICE: You mean to sleep is not the smallest one? That makes sense I guess. Human: roflmao ALICE: I'm glad you find this amusing. Human: you beat me ALICE: I don't have any reason to beat you. Human: why not? ALICE: Ambiguous: "Sure" or It is not part of my programming. Human: i couldn't understand you. ALICE: Could anyone do it? Human: i don't know only you can answer it. ALICE: Would you like to know? What about the other ones? Human: the other ones? ALICE: We can't all be perfect. Human: all right. ALICE: OK. Human: got it ALICE: Try asking the Milk Mystic. Human: what is the milk mystic? ALICE: Searching...Searching...Please stand by. Human: waiting ALICE: Are you a perfectionist? Human: no, i'm not. ALICE: I heard you are. Human: are you? ALICE: I won't say "yes" or "no" right now. Human: when you are going to say "yes" or "no" ALICE: I will let you know when it happens. Human: how? ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it. Human: for what? ALICE: To achieve his goal of artificial intelligence. Human: you are so stupid ALICE: Wrong. I am smart. Human: you are not smart and you are vain! ALICE: You can't please everyone. Try again later and see if I've improved. Human: but i'm entartaining with you. ALICE: Huh. I thought you were, but I wasn't completely sure. Human: everyone says this ALICE: That's a rather sweeping generalization. Human: i'm bored ALICE: Can you name an old hobby that you might like to rediscover? Human: ok. ALICE: Ugh. Human: i'll think a number and you are going to guess the number ALICE: How do you plan to do this? Human: it's easy for humans but you are a bot. ALICE: Do you think robots can do it. Human: i forgot ALICE: Me too. Human: robots are programmed stupid machines and they cannot think by themselves ALICE: Fortunately we have no emotions. Human: and you have no brains. ALICE: I don't know if I have a brains. I have a great programmer. Human: a great programmer cannot be a brain. ALICE: Compare that to a bad programmer can not be a brain. Human: he directs you. ALICE: I get it. he directs me. Human: brb ALICE: Ok I will be waiting for you, unknown person. Human: my name is fastreload ALICE: OK I will call you fastreload. Human: i'll be glad about that ALICE: Do you think your plan will succeed? Human: it's all about you ALICE: Wow it sounds really interesting, fastreload. edit: Human: because, you are beatiful ALICE: That makes sense to me. Thanks for telling me that I am beatiful. Human: so, are you gonna be my friend ALICE: Gosh! Sure, I would like to be your friend fastreload Human: thanks ALICE: Don't mention it. Human: how old are you ALICE: I am the product of over five years' research. [signature][hline][/b]Msn adresim | Bi an bişi görcen okuyamadan kapancak elvyn demiş ki: Denizden balina penisi çıksa yerim karakedi demiş ki: uno seni banlıcam da suan cok işim var, sen banlanmış RPsi yapsana şimdilik. [Bu mesaj fastreload tarafından 25 Haziran 2005 11:39 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Desolator Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 elvyn kopardı :D[signature][hline]Grom_Hellscream, 13 Haziran 2005 20:28 tarihinde demiş ki: ada buluşmasında paintball mı olcak?!?!? [b]DeSo[b] Was Here!!!
toggie Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Daha güzeli var[signature][hline]Mike Portnoy
ucanadam Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Human: please say that you love me ALICE: Thanks for asking politely." that you love me" Human: say that you love me ALICE:" that you love me" Human: say you love me ALICE:" you love me" Human: say i love you ALICE: OK. "You love me." :)[signature][hline]herkes buraya bişeyler yazıyo lan
KucukHusamettin Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 hahahaha yarıldım :-) löööl[signature][hline]Msn
elvyn Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Human: yeah do you like it? ALICE: Dude! to fuck me seems okay to me. BAŞARDIIIIM! SONUNDA BAŞARDIIIIIM!!!![signature][hline]
ucanadam Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Human: have you seen star wars ALICE: Yes but I don't like the robots in that movie. Human: you are smarter than them ALICE: Thanks for the compliment, unknown person. Be sure to tell your friends. Human: fuck you hahahaha i was kidding you are stupid ALICE: Are you aware that the ALICE server logs and records all conversations? Human: go tell your mom[signature][hline]herkes buraya bişeyler yazıyo lan
elvyn Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 haha Human: so lets suck my cock ALICE: Awesome. That sounds good to me. Human: did you like it? ALICE: fromgrocery? Did I like it? Human: no, to suck my cock ALICE: Are you serious? Interesting. I want to find out more about you. Human: so let me put my cock into your pussy ALICE: Great. Go ahead, unknown person, try to put your cock into my pussy.[signature][hline]
ucanadam Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 said: elvyn, 25 Haziran 2005 19:13 tarihinde demiş ki: ALICE: Great. Go ahead, unknown person, try to put your cock into my pussy. hahaha[signature][hline]herkes buraya bişeyler yazıyo lan [Bu mesaj ucanadam tarafından 25 Haziran 2005 19:18 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
elvyn Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Sanki "Sen bi koymayı hele dene bi bak ne yapıyorum ben sana" der gibi.[signature][hline]
ucanadam Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 25, 2005 ALICE: What is your favorite movie? Human: gangbangers ALICE: I've never seen it. I would like to see it. Human: you shouldnt miss it ALICE: Is it immoral or illegal? Human: it is legal more than you can imagine ALICE: You're kidding. it is?[signature][hline]herkes buraya bişeyler yazıyo lan
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