treadors Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2005 oyunda bi turlu upgrade edemedim 3-4 tane blessed scroll var ama oyunun resmi sitesinde o scrollari +6dan sonra kullanin dior..ben +2 yapamiyorum cursed scrollarla ayrica blessed scroll nerde bulurum:-)[signature][hline]Do you belive in fate İ belive And i belive that i will be a Master Jedi likeYoda İ belive i have force in me but i can't use it When you see the light in the future there will be a jedi and that jedi will be me And never turn your lights of that is the way that goes to the dark side.
treadors Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2005 NOLUR YARDİM EDİİİİNNNNNN[signature][hline]Do you belive in fate İ belive And i belive that i will be a Master Jedi likeYoda İ belive i have force in me but i can't use it When you see the light in the future there will be a jedi and that jedi will be me And never turn your lights of that is the way that goes to the dark side.
serdary76 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2005 Arama butonundan UPGRADE yazıp "Bölüm/Alan" kısmından "MMORPG Türleri -> Knight Online" ı seç ve "Ara" de... Bakalım işine yarıyacak mı ? :D :D :D[signature][hline]Name...: crazyakrep Job......: Mage/Ice Server..: Ares (ORC) Level....: 59
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