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Yeni AoS kuralları

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Mesaj tarihi:

Sadece önemli olanları yazıyorum :

- Valorite hammer almak zorlaşıyor
- Highend LBOD lar random olarak verite veya valorite hammer vermiyor artık. Valorite ve verite hammer ları ayrı LBOD lar veriyor.
- Tailoring rewardlarına runic sewing kits ekleniyor ve iyi rewardları ( CBD , flower vs ) almak kolaylaşıyor
- Mindblast artık stat farkına göre damage vermiyor. Caster ın magery ve intelligence ına göre damage vericek ve damage type Cold olucak. Ayrıca explosion gibi damage vermeden önce 2 sn delay var .
- Malas ta recall / gate olucak .
- Trammel - Felluca arasında recall / gate yapılabilecek

Bu kadar :)

Mind blast olayı güzel olmuş , tramdan fele recall da güzel olmuş . Ayrıca birde soulstone var. Charlarınız arasında "skill transferi" yapmanızı sağlıyor. Yeni patch ile eklenen dosyalarda adı var ama OSI kesin bi açıklama yapmadı .[hline]uo-ao-tfc

[Bu mesaj odium tarafından 08 Şubat 2003 09:33 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
LBOD olayını tam bilmiyorum , eğer yanlışım varsa düzeltsin biri .

Örneğin 20/EX/Verite LBOD'u bitirip vendora verdiğinde %40 Valorite %60 Verite alma şansın vardı ( rakamları salladım ) . Artık öyle bişey yok . Valorite almak zorlaşıyor dediklerine göre , verite LBOD lar verite hammer , valorite LBOD lar valorite hammer vericek bundan sonra .[hline]uo-ao-tfc
Mesaj tarihi:
bide şimdi eksi kurallarla devam etmek bakımından rakibe mb atınca adamın statlerinden dmg i kendimiz hesaplayıp bi şekilde o dmg i almasınımı sağlayacaz?
yoksa bozarmı?[hline]
Mesaj tarihi:
Adventuring Skills & Activities

Virtually all combat formulae have changed—some slightly and others quite a bit—to accommodate the new changes and systems.
The Skill Scrolls of Power will now include scrolls for Chivalry, Focus, Necromancy, Stealing, and Stealth.
As of AoS, there will no longer be a “stun paralyze” effect. The “Paralyze” special move (both weapon and Wrestling versions) has been converted to impose a “normal” paralyze effect which has a duration of 4 seconds.
Arms Lore will continue to be used for the Wrestling “Disarm” move, but will no longer give substantial information about items. Players will now be able to see all of an item’s properties in a new menu.
Gaining in the Parry skill will no longer be limited to using a shield, since you can now parry using weapons (unless your Parry skill is locked, of course).
Discordance no longer affects a creature’s primary and derived stats. Instead, it applies negative modifiers to some of the new Stat types and Resistances, for the duration of the effect.
Item Identification is no longer required to reveal item properties, and the future of this skill is being discussed.
Magic-related Abilities & Activities

First circle spells are now interruptible. However, spellcasters who have items with the new “faster casting” item property may time their spells to cast even before another spellslinger has the opportunity to interrupt it.
All spell damage values have changed.
The Inscription skill will give a slight spell damage bonus. It also still gives benefits to the Reactive Armor, Magic Reflection, and Protection spells.
It is especially important to note that the Evaluate Intelligence skill now affects spell damage independently of the target’s Resisting Spells skill.
Resisting Spells skill gain should now be more reliable.
The Resisting Spells skill may only defend against non-damaging offensive spells (Blood Oath, Clumsy, Corpse Skin, Curse, Feeblemind, Mana Drain, Mana Vampire, Mind Rot, Pain Spike, Paralyze, Poison, Poison Field, and Weaken).
Protection now has a casting speed penalty, in addition to Physical Resistance and Resisting Spells penalties. However, the “faster casting” item property may be used to offset this penalty.
Poison Field now deals a poison level based on the poison skill of caster.
The Mindblast damage calculation formula has changed. Note: Mindblast damage is based on Intelligence and Magery skill, but Evaluate Intelligence skill is not a factor.
Trapped pouch damage has changed. Note: Users of UO Assist should be cautious, as counting items with UOA may trigger trapped pouches.
Changes have been made to the Earthquake spell’s line-of-sight check; Earthquake can no longer be cast through walls.
Blade Spirit and Energy Vortex creatures now have fewer hit points.
Meditation’s Mana regeneration is no longer less gradually ineffective as you wear “better” armor. It either works fully (while wearing up to leather and “mage armor” items) or doesn’t work at all.
Armor & Weapon Conversions

Virtually all weapon & armor stats have changed. This includes their strength requirements (which have increased), damage values, and swing speeds.
“Exceptional” weapons gain a 20% bonus to their damage rating (except for Runic weapons, which will only get a 10% bonus).
Weapon Damage Enchantments:
“Ruin” becomes 15% damage bonus
“Might” becomes 20% damage bonus
“Force” becomes 25% damage bonus
“Power” becomes 30% damage bonus
“Vanquishing” becomes 35% damage bonus
Weapon Accuracy Enchantments:
“Accurate” becomes 2% hit chance increase
“Surpassingly” becomes 4% hit chance increase
“Eminently” becomes 6% hit chance increase
“Exceedingly” becomes 8% hit chance increase
“Supremely” becomes 10% hit chance increase
Weapon Durability Enchantments:
“Durable” becomes 20% durability bonus
“Substantial” becomes 50% durability bonus
“Massive” becomes 70% durability bonus
“Fortified” becomes 100% durability bonus
“Indestructible” becomes 120% durability bonus
Armor Rating (AR) will no longer exist. Instead, there will be five possible intrinsic resistances: Physical, Fire, Cold, Energy, and Poison.
Armor Durability Enchantments:
“Durable” becomes 20% durability bonus
“Substantial” becomes 50% durability bonus
“Massive” becomes 70% durability bonus
“Fortified” becomes 100% durability bonus
“Indestructible” becomes 120% durability bonus
Armor Defense Enchantments:
“Defense” becomes self repair 1
“Guarding” becomes self repair 1 and +1 to all five resistances
“Hardening” becomes self repair 1 and +2 to all five resistances
“Fortification” becomes self repair 1 and +3 to all five resistances
“Invulnerability” becomes self repair 1 and +4 to all five resistances
Items & Crafting

Some magic items (ex. glacial staff, vet reward robe & cloak) will have their special properties converted into proper AoS-equivalent properties. S
Mesaj tarihi:
su oyunu alip tower koyup sonra uoya perma gule gule dicem. Ama tower fiyatlari kaca kadar duser hicbir fikrim yok. 200$ a gitsin yeter.[hline]
ICQ : 5675505
Mesaj tarihi:
ufff yandik ya
malas yetmiomus gibibide ilshennara recall gate e acicaklar

isin yoksa simdi git zilyon tane runebook yap hepsine ooooooooff delircem ya hühü[hline]...mono
Mesaj tarihi:
yapma sende eskisi gibi idare et memnun olmadıysan :)
bu arada sigorta olayını çantamızdaki tüm itemleremi yapmak zorundayız illa
mesela sadece bag of sendingi sigortalasak olmuyormu[hline]
Mesaj tarihi:
"The Resisting Spells skill may only defend against non-damaging offensive spells (Blood Oath, Clumsy, Corpse Skin, Curse, Feeblemind, Mana Drain, Mana Vampire, Mind Rot, Pain Spike, Paralyze, Poison, Poison Field, and Weaken). "
haha gm resist kasanlar fena patladı sanırım
tc de 120 resist,magery,eval yaptım
kendime fs attım
77dmg verdi haha[hline]
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