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Mesaj tarihi:
Blizzard Entertainment today announced that World of Warcraft has become an overnight success in Europe, achieving record-breaking sales in its first 24 hours since the game launched on Friday, 11th February. World of Warcraft, the company's subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), has sold-through an estimated 280,000* copies at retail on day-one, selling more units in one day than what was previously thought to be the overall cumulative size of the European MMORPG market. This figure rose to more than 380,000 units being sold-through by the end of the first weekend.

As the fastest-growing online game in European history, World of Warcraft has shattered previous records for highest number of accounts created, concurrent user populations and number of servers. More than 290,000 players created World of Warcraft accounts during the first weekend, and 100,000 of those were playing the game concurrently on the first day. A first time ever peak concurrency of over 180,000 players in Europe was reached during the first weekend. To support the European launch, Blizzard deployed over 80 servers at the World of Warcraft data centres in Paris and Frankfurt; additional servers are on standby as new players subscribe to the game.

Blizzard Entertainment supplied 560,000 boxes of World of Warcraft to its retail partners for launch. As additional servers are brought online and proven stable, re-orders will be fulfilled for stores across Europe, and additional copies of World of Warcraft will then be available at retail.

Türkçesi : WoW EU çıktığı gün 280.000 adet satarak Avrupa için kırılması zor bir rekora imza attı. Bla bla bla...[signature][hline]Merlinin Kazani çalışanı
Mesaj tarihi:
İlk üç gün satış rakamı 380.000. Nerde bu kadar insan :)[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose
Mesaj tarihi:
Oha inanılmaz rakamlar :)
Ben de alacaktım ama bu durumda ilk ayın sona ermesin bekleyeyim diyorum. 30 günlük trialı beğenmeyenler elensin önce ;)[signature][hline]You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
Mesaj tarihi:
DeeplyDisturbed, 16 Şubat 2005 10:03 tarihinde demiş ki:
kesin olarak 1 serverda max kac player girebiliyor bilen varmı acaba.

3500 diye biliyorum ama. Sallamış olabilirim. :-P

Şu an Burning Legion'da 3000 kişi sanırım.


WoW General forumunda aynı soruyla ilgili topic:

[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose

[Bu mesaj DA2019 tarafından 16 Şubat 2005 10:12 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
rosemary, 16 Şubat 2005 10:03 tarihinde demiş ki:
dükkanlara yollanan oyun sayısı sanırım o. yani o kadar oyuncu almamıştır heralde. alsalar oyuna girerler turşusunu mu kuruyolar alıp.

Dükkanlara sağlanan rakam da yazıyor orda, 560.000.[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose
Mesaj tarihi:
ben şu anda istemeyerek turşunu kuruyorum garantide hesap açtırdım 3 haftaya kadar gelir dendi... şu an kutu bana bakıyor ben kutuya.... az kaldı sıyıracam...[signature][hline] Who are those little girl's in pain
Just trapped in a castle of dark side of moon
Twelve of them shining bright in vain
Like flowers that blossom just once in year
They're dancing in the shadow like whispers of love
Just dreaming of place where they are free as dove
They never been allowed to love in this cursed cage
It's only the fairy tale they believe...

Mesaj tarihi:
Üşendim valla sorma. Sen de buraya yazı yazacağına MSNden yazsana, ne laf kalabalığı yapıyosun. :-)[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose
Mesaj tarihi:
onu bunu bilmem de bi ara nerdeyse avrupa pazarını küçümsüyordu blizzard. en son eu açıldı doğru düzgün hazırlanılmadı vs vs

birdahaki oyunlarda artık avrupaya daha çok önem verilir herhalde :)
Mesaj tarihi:
bukadar kisi sira bekliyodur girmek icin :) Bu arada bu pek blizzard in kucumsemesi degil basindaki Vivendi denen firmanin olaylari bunlar. Zamaninda turkiyeye distrubutorluk vermiyolardi vs. Cins bir firma.
Mesaj tarihi:
uo çıktığında kaç kişinin mmorpg den haberi vardı şimdi kaç kişinin var
türkiyede bile orta okul müfredatına eklenecek hale geldi mmo tutkunluğu uo sayesinde ehue.
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