Khalin Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 9, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 9, 2005 yaa ben simdi half ogre icin bi template yaptim bi bakin yorum bekliyorum iyi olmus diyosaniz buna kasacam bu sirada bazi parcalar bende oldugu icin bazilarini ucuz oldugu icin bazilarinida fiyatlarini bilmedigim icin koydum cok pahalli dediginiz itemları yazarmisiniz duruma gore bidaha degisiklik yapmam gerekecek Stats Str: 85nt: 0 Hits: 164 Con: 80 Pie: 0 Power: 0 Dex: 40 Cha: 0 Qui: 75 Emp: 0 Resists Body: 34 Energy: 26Crush: 27 Cold: 26 Matter: 34 Thrust: 28 Heat: 25 Spirit: 28 Slash: 30 Skills 4 Parry 11 Duelwield 11 Crush Cap Increases 5 dex 80 Hits 10Str 5 Con Other Bonuses 30 AF Bonus 8 Melee Damage Bonus 15 Fatigue 9 Style Damage Bonus 8 Melee Speed Bonus Chest Name: Eirene's Hauberk Level: 51 Quality: 99 AF: Bonus: Effect 1: 15 Strength Effect 2: 5 Strength Cap Increase Effect 3: 6 Slash Resist Effect 4: 6 Thrust Resist Effect 5: 4 Style Damage Bonus Effect 6: 4 Melee Damage Bonus Head Name: Winged Helm (Artifact) Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF: Bonus: Effect 1: 40 Hits Effect 2: 10 AF Bonus Effect 3: 15 Dexterity Effect 4: 5 Spirit Resist Effect 5: 15 Strength Effect 6: 5 Matter Resist Effect 7: 5 Fatigue Right Hand Name: Battler Level: 51 Quality: 99 DPS: Bonus: Effect 1: 15 Strength Effect 2: 15 Constitution Effect 3: 10 AF Bonus Effect 4: 6 Crush Resist Effect 5: 6 Slash Resist Effect 6: 6 Thrust Resist Effect 7: 3 Melee Speed Bonus Effect 8: 4 Melee Damage Bonus Left Hand Name: Malice's Axe Level: 51 Quality: 99 DPS: Bonus: Effect 1: 15 Strength Effect 2: 15 Constitution Effect 3: 40 Hits Effect 4: 5 Strength Cap Increase Effect 5: 5 Constitution Cap Increase Effect 6: 40 Hits Cap Increase Effect 7: 5 Style Damage Bonus Effect 8: 5 Fatigue Neck Name: Ancient Copper Necklace Level: 51 Quality: 99 Bonus: Effect 1: 10 Body Resist Effect 2: 10 Spirit Resist Effect 3: 10 Thrust Resist Effect 4: 10 Crush Resist Cloak Name: Harpy Feather Cloak Level: 51 Quality: 99 Bonus: Effect 1: 6 Crush Resist Effect 2: 6 Thrust Resist Effect 3: 6 Slash Resist Effect 4: 4 Parry Effect 5: 5 Melee Speed Bonus Name: Harpy Feather Charm Level: 51 Quality: 99 Bonus: Effect 1: 44 Hits Effect 2: 6 Body Resist Effect 3: 6 Cold Resist Effect 4: 6 Heat Resist Effect 5: 6 Matter Resist Name: Belt Of The Sun Level: 51 Quality: 99 Bonus: 35 Effect 1: 5 Fatigue Effect 2: 40 Hits Cap Increase Effect 3: 10 Strength Effect 4: 10 Quickness Effect 5: 5 Energy Resist Effect 6: 5 Spirit Resist Effect 7: 5 Crush Resist Left Ring Name: Cenalon's Ring of Speed Level: 51 Quality: 99 Bonus: Effect 1: 25 Dexterity Effect 2: 12 Constitution Effect 3: 12 Quickness Effect 4: 4 Spirit Resist Effect 5: 4 Matter Resist Right Ring Name: Zahur's Ring Level: 51 Quality: 99 Bonus: Effect 1: 60 Hits Effect 2: 6 Body Resist Effect 3: 6 Cold Resist Effect 4: 6 Energy Resist Effect 5: 6 Matter Resist Effect 6: 6 Spirit Resist Name: Ebon Hide Bracer Level: 51 Quality: 100 Bonus: Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist Effect 2: 6 Body Resist Effect 3: 6 Heat Resist Effect 4: 6 Slash Resist Effect 5: 6 Matter Resist Name: Ebon Hide Bracer Level: 51 Quality: 100 Bonus: Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist Effect 2: 6 Body Resist Effect 3: 6 Heat Resist Effect 4: 6 Slash Resist Effect 5: 6 Matter Resist Arms Imbue Points: 33 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: 30% Gem 1:3 crush Gem 2: 4 duel wield Gem 3:13 str Gem 4:9 energy Hands Imbue Points: 32.5 of 28 (99 Qual) Overcharge: 50% Gem 1: 7 energy Gem 2: 2 cold Gem 3: 25 cons Gem 4: 25 qui Legs Imbue Points: 33.5 of 32 (99 Qual) Overcharge: 30% Gem 1: 13 cons Gem 2: 28 qui Gem 3: 3 crush Gem 4: 3 duel wield Feet Imbue Points: 33.5 of 32 (99 Qual) Overcharge: 22% Gem 1: 5 crush Gem 2: 4 duel wield Gem 3: 7 heat Gem 4: bu sirada bu işten anlamam etmem yanlisimiz varsa affola duzeltmeye calisiriz [Bu mesaj Khalin tarafından 09 Şubat 2005 21:41 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
SavagE Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 10, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 10, 2005 zahur's ring i çıkarmak acaip zor we pahalı, bence dexi caple zaten defans yok mercde bari biraz olsun...[signature][hline]Nurse - Cleric 50 - Vorgitern (R.I.P) Little - Friar 50 - Vorgitern (R.I.P) Sarisin - Skald 50 - Merlin (deleted) Sarisin - Merc 50 - Merlin (deleted) Bonussimo - Savage 50 - Merlin (deleted) Akondc - Thane 50 - Merlin (main) :) Sarisin - 48 Cleric - Merlin (new acc)
Moss Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 10, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 10, 2005 En azından oligarsi belti al derim almasıda kolay[signature][hline]Istanbul seni hapsetmis
Khalin Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 10, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 10, 2005 valla str cap e veren esya bi bildigim krojen str ring oda dandik bisey hem zaten ben half ogre ım str su an buff siz 233 buff aldiktan sonra 390 falan oluyo ama quickness merc te levella artmadigi ve bufflar quickness ı fazla arttirmadigi icin genelde ona onem verdim[signature][hline]I know where the stars glow And the sky's unclouded Sweet the water runs my friend But Noldor Blood is on your hands Tears unnumbered You will shet and dwell in pain
malsahibi Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 10, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 10, 2005 önce str ne olursa olsun. sonra diğerleri.[signature][hline]Belgarionn Riva the Cabby of the HUN Atillabey the Armsman of the HUN Dantess the Infiltrator of the HUN Polga the Sorceress of the HUN Allegria the Skald of Tough Luck Beathrix the Spiritmaster of Tough Luck
Resh Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 12, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 12, 2005 öncelikle arkadaslarin dediyi gibi Cok az statlarin hem Str hem Con... ve hp... ayrica o resistler ne öle biri 34 biri gene 30 un üstünde biliyosun vap 26 gerisi bosa gitmis... bence tekrar yapmayi dene bende kendim icin yeni bi tane yaptim istersen verebilirim sanada...[signature][hline]Hexa Hallowen-Mercenary[Exc]-5L1 Quantum İceCream-Wizzy[Exc]-rve
Khalin Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 12, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 12, 2005 valla bidaha bakinca gercekten kötü bi template olmus ilk kez denemiştim zaten öle sağdan soldan gördügüm itemlari koymustum zaten zahur's ring in fiyati 120p! bi item icin asla verilmeyecek bi para baştan bu işten anlayan birisiyle yapiyoruz dün ugrastik bugün bitiricez nasipse tek bi problem cıktı aldiğim tüm artifactler str ye veriyodu cap e de veren var ama str sole bi 15 üstünde kaldi. ama hiç olmazsa manyak gibi bütün itemlar resistlere vermiyo ve hiç bi resistim 34 olmuyo :)[signature][hline]I know where the stars glow And the sky's unclouded Sweet the water runs my friend But Noldor Blood is on your hands Tears unnumbered You will shet and dwell in pain
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