Ra_d Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 11, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 11, 2003 #include #include #include #include #include #define B_SIZE 1024 typedef struct nameNODE NNODE; typedef struct bnode BNODE; typedef struct FILES files; typedef struct directory dir; typedef struct system SYSTEM; struct nameNODE { char filename[32]; FILE *block; files *start; struct nameNODE *next; struct nameNODE *prev; }; struct bnode { FILE *block; int bitmap; struct bnode *next; struct bnode *prev; }; struct FILES { char file_name[32]; char extention[3]; long file_size; time_t create; time_t last_access; int total_block_number; BNODE *start; }; struct directory { char directory_name[32]; long number_of_files; time_t create; /*char sub_dir_filename[3][32];*/ NNODE *names; struct directory *up; struct directory *down; struct directory *next; struct directory *prev; }; dir* Add_NNODE(dir *ToAdd, char name[32],FILE *block,files *new) { NNODE *temp,*temp2=NULL; temp=(NNODE*)malloc(sizeof(NNODE)); strcpy(temp->filename,name); temp->block=block; temp->start=new; temp->next=NULL; if(ToAdd->names!=NULL) { for(temp2=ToAdd->names;temp2->next!=NULL;temp2=temp2->next); temp2->next=temp; temp->prev=temp2; } else { ToAdd->names=temp; temp->prev=NULL; } return ToAdd; } dir* Add_Sub_Dir(dir *new_sub, dir *upper_dir) { dir *temp; if(upper_dir->down==NULL) { upper_dir->down=new_sub; new_sub->up=upper_dir; return upper_dir; } else { for(temp=upper_dir->down;temp->next!=NULL;temp=temp->next); temp->next=new_sub; new_sub->prev=temp; new_sub->next=NULL; new_sub->up=upper_dir; return upper_dir; } } files* Add_to_file_BNODE(files *ToAdd,FILE *BlockAdress,int bitmap) { BNODE *temp,*temp2=NULL; temp=(BNODE*)malloc(sizeof(BNODE)); temp->block=BlockAdress; temp->bitmap=bitmap; temp->next=NULL; temp->prev=NULL; if(ToAdd->start!=NULL) { for(temp2=ToAdd->start;temp2->next!=NULL;temp2=temp2->next); temp2->next=temp; temp->prev=temp2; } else { ToAdd->start=temp; temp->prev=NULL; } return ToAdd; } struct system { time_t create_time; long folder; dir ROOT; //ilk ‡alŸma zamann alcak sistemden, a‡lan her klas”r };// rootun altnda, root'un dir.name GEO olacak void text(files *temp,int Bitmap[],FILE *hdd) //EL€iN DOLDURSUN BUNU { int x=1,y=1,i=0,j=0,p=0; char a; char string[1024],filename[32]; FILE *block; for(i=0;i<1024;i++) string[i]=''; i=0; clrscr(); //esc 27, backspace 8, enter 13 //file=fopen(filename,"w"); clrscr(); printf("============================= GEO File Editor =============================n"); flushall(); while((a=getch())!=27) { if(a==13) { x=1; y++; string[i]='n'; i++; } if(a==8) { if(x==1) { if(y!=1) { y--; x=1; for(j=i-2;string[j]!='';j--) x++; } if(y==1) { x=i-1; } } else if(x>1) x--; if(i!=0) i--; string[i]=''; } if(a!=8 && a!=13) { printf("%c",a); string[i]=a; i++; x++; if(x>81) { x=1; y++; } } clrscr(); printf("============================= GEO File Editor =============================n"); printf("%s",string); if(i>=1025 && temp->start->next==NULL) { fwrite(&string,B_SIZE*sizeof(char),1,temp->start->block); i=0; string[i]=''; } else if(i>=1025) { for(p=1;Bitmap[p]!=0;p++); //total block number fseek(hdd,p*B_SIZE*sizeof(char),SEEK_SET); block=hdd; temp=Add_to_file_BNODE(temp,block,p); fwrite(&string,sizeof(string),1,block); i=0; string[i]=''; } } if(i<=1025 && temp->start->next==NULL) { fwrite(&string,B_SIZE*sizeof(char),1,temp->start->block); i=0; string[i]=''; } else if(i<=1025) { for(p=1;Bitmap[p]!=0;p++); //total block number fseek(hdd,p*B_SIZE*sizeof(char),SEEK_SET); block=hdd; temp=Add_to_file_BNODE(temp,block,p); fwrite(&string,sizeof(string),1,block); i=0; string[i]=''; } clrscr(); gotoxy(26,10); printf("Thank You For Using EDITOR!!!"); gotoxy(30,12); printf("Press Any Key To Exit"); getch(); } void PrintNodesF(files FTemp) { BNODE *temp; for(temp=FTemp.start;temp!=NULL;temp=temp->next) printf("%p-->" ,temp->block); printf("n"); getch(); } void PrintNodesD(dir DTemp) { NNODE *temp; //BNODE *temp2; for(temp=DTemp.names;temp!=NULL;temp=temp->next) printf("%p(%s)-->" ,temp->block,temp->filename); printf("n"); //for(temp2=DTemp.starts;temp2!=NULL;temp2=temp2->next) //printf("%p-->" ,temp2->block); getch(); } /*Init(FILE *hdd) { }*/ /*--------------------------------------SYSTEM COMMANDS------------------------------------*/ dir* cd(char name[32],dir *current) { dir *temp=NULL; if(!strcmp("up",name)) { /*te
Wacky Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 12, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 12, 2003 It doesn't feel good at all...[hline]Trust in my self-righteous suicide I cry, when angels deserve to die! Benim la, Phann! Hatırlar mısın bir aralar OSI'de etrafa para saçan Wacky diye onurlu bi mage vardı... Verin lan paraları geri!
Ra_d Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 12, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 12, 2003 saat sabahın 4 ü son uğraştığın initial value problemini çözdükten sonra compile ediyosun ve işte... bu kadar şeyi yazdıktan sonra sorunsuz çalıştığını görmek hakikaten süper bi duygu.[hline]And Ra'd glorifies and praises Him, and so do the angels because of His Awe.
Ceday Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 12, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 12, 2003 ahah ben dün gece iki saat uyudum 15 saat aralıksız makine basındaydım.. CS Projesi icin bir kasmısım var ya :) Yalnız SQL canıma okudu walla, ne hatalar verdi akıllara zarar :) Ama sonunda halloldu :)
Ra_d Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 12, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 12, 2003 abi yukardaki code yeni bi file system'ın code'u.içinde ufak bi text editor ve yanında bi file manager var. ama daha çoook yapılacak işi var.[hline]And Ra'd glorifies and praises Him, and so do the angels because of His Awe.
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