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Milking Lair ve Jedilerin kurtulusu

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Mesaj tarihi:
Ok. I've seen alot of people explain how to milk a lair over the past few months. While the way they do it works to a degree, They are shorting themselves 9240 xp each and every time. Some even short themselves about 20790 xp. (Per 2 missions). I need to also suggest that you have at least xx4x Lightsaber with some type of healing if you try this. Sometimes trackers can get the best of even Master Lightsaber Jedi due to the AOE attacks not being AOE due to a bug in the game where too many dead bodies neuter the attack. So some type of healing is very very helpful in those cases.

So here it goes.

Lairs "Pops":
For those that don't know, mission lairs have 3 spawns total. The group of creatures that are at the lair when you arrive are spawn 1. Hitting (Tapping) the lair once will cause the second spawn to start showing up, 1 at a time at around 15 - 20 second intervals. Getting the lair to half damage will cause the third spawn to show up with those same intervals.

Solo Group:
First and foremost. Solo Grouping is still a very viable thing. Without being in a group your XP cap lowers right there. Always be in a group. You can lose about 200 xp per creature going out without being in a group. The larger the group the better. We are going to be looking for those "HIGH" level missions. A group with about 15 people seems to work just fine for this.

Mission Level:
Alot of people settle with 2, 99 level mission for trackers (or anything really). They look for the standard target price of 17500 and away they go. If this is the case for you, you've just given up alot of XP with the trackers. Let me explain why. Level 99 Vor Trackers missions spawn a total of 12 per lair (non milked). Level 110+ spawn 15 per lair. That small difference add's up QUICK when you milk the lairs.

For Vor Trackers, you'll know when it's a higher level mission just by looking at the price. It will increase to around 17800 all the way up to 19000 (Those are like 299 level). If you find a mission that is priced from 17800 to 18600, you know there is a VERY good chance that is the mission you want since there are no 99 level mission that pay that. Be sure to glance at the missions and make sure it isn't a quenker lair or a piket protector lair. Those creatures DB and do all kinds of other nasty stuff you really don't need to deal with if things go sour.

Direction DOES matter. The closer you can get them together.. the better off you are. My tactic is to select the first one I find. If I find another one that if the complete opposite direction of that one, I take it too. Then I look for one more that is in either of those directions. Once I find one, I abort the oddball missions and accept the new one and off I go.

Milking part 1:
Once you've got the Solo group and got your 2 high level tracker missions in the same general direction, head out to the first lair and check for NPC's if needed. When you are ready roll right up near the lair, hop off your bike and DERVISH1 or FLURRY2 the lair.. Both of those attacks are AOE and will kill each and every Vor Tracker that comes near you as you attack the lair. The first creature from the second spawn will have shown up and been killed.

Just keep on spamming the lair with Dervish1 or Flurry2 until it's just to the halfway point. Once you've reached that, you need to start keeping a close eye on the creatures that pop from the lair. Untarget the lair now and just go for creatures. You want the lair to survive.

Kill everything that pops from the lair EXCEPT 1 of them. That means you'll have killed 14 of the 15 creatures that spawn. If you've done the attack quick enough and they didn't heal, you'll have creatures from the second spawn and creatures from the third spawn popping at nearly the same time. So just watch the lair for -2500's to fly off the top. When you see that, you know they spawned somewhere around you.

The trick is to leave one alive. While you were working the lair down to half damage, you would have killed at least one of the creature from the second spawn already. As the 2nd and third spawns start to arrive together at the halfway point, you'll be killing them in sets of 2. You'll do that 4 times. (The last 4 from spawn 2 and the first 4 from spawns 3). At the very end, A single Tracker will spawn by itself. Leave it alive and ride off to the next mission.

The above section may sound complicated but it isn't... and it's faster than you think. Once you do this for one buff session you'll get the hang of it and know exactly which one is the last creature. If all else fails... if you see more than 1 creature.. kill it.

Milking part 2:
This is identical to the above section. It's just the second mission you have. Just kill everything but 1 creature and the lair.

Milking part 3: Lair one revisted.
By the time you get back to the first lair, it should have "reset" and it should have another 5 trackers sitting at it. The lair will also
Mesaj tarihi:
bu aylardir bilinen bi olay :). biz hep böle kastik. ama ben sadece ordaki yaratiklari ve 1. spawni öldürüp gidiyodum 2. laira. öylede xp baya fazla geliyodu. az önce bunu denedim buda oluyomus. denemenizi tavsiye ederim muhtesem bi yöntem.
Mesaj tarihi:
o aptal, sacmasapanjedi grind gunlerım aklıma geldi ... bu olayları yapardık, git geri gel vs ... bosa gecen omur[signature][hline]_.- The GoD of Darkness and Evil -._
Mesaj tarihi:
eheh özlüyorum ama olum sizinle yaptigim jedi gringleri simdi bos bos kendim yapmaya çalisiyorum oda en fazla 2 saat sürüyo buffin bile sonunu getiremeden birakiyorum..
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